Back during slavery, the other slaves had a term for the slaves like Scott. Two words. The first was "House."

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In the house of a Chick-Fil-A owner?

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Surprise surprise.

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Scott's digs on Biden and the Democrats in that video were so much projection it was sickening.

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All that to announce an exploratory committee?

I love that he blathers on about grievance and who does he mention? Biden. Has he ever heard of Donald Trump? This is just another GOP candidate who thinks he’s going to be somehow able to win without even mentioning the orange elephant in the room.

Good luck exploring, Senator.

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As conservative as he clearly is, he is nowhere near radical/obnoxious enough to appeal to many in the Republican base. They want bomb-throwers, not conciliators.

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He did throw bombs, at me the radical left. I'm sick of hearing "normy" republicans trash me.

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I cannot see the MAGAts voting in any numbers for a Black man. The agency of POC is what drives their ferocity. He does not acknowledge their grievance.

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I am curious how much being a bachelor will hurt Scott, if at all

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It feels like every cycle, Republicans make sure to have one Black candidate, as if to say: Some of my best friends....

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I appreciate your analysis, Chris, but I think you and most other presidential handicappers are missing the quiet, steady rise of TX Governor Greg Abbott, who intends to ride the pro-business, anti-immigrant, transgender-bashing, book-banning id of the GOP all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I'm kidding. Abbott's inauthenticity makes Ron DeSantis look positively charismatic. Absent a plane crash taking out the first ten candidates in GOP polling …

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<b>There’s also the possibility that Scott’s play is for the vice presidency. That he views Trump as the close-to-certain nominee and is getting into the presidential waters as a way to position himself to be Trump’s #2.

Which would be intriguing — especially when you consider that, even if he wins in 2024, Trump will only be able to serve a single term.</b>

I thought that, too. The conventional wisdom, which I believe, is that Trump is going to pick a woman. Kind of an aside, my rep, Elise Stefanik, thinks she has a chance of being that woman. 😂

I still remember Trump saying during the Mueller investigation that he was owed extra time, for some reason, because of it. I would bet my house that he would not go willingly at the end of a second term. That’s true whether that term started in 2020 or 2024.

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I have no idea how they would stack up, but I would stack my house with yours on that bet. Trump will be a nonstop crime wave if he becomes president again. And there's no way. He leaves office seeing as he (understandably) thinks that that's some kind of immunity for him.

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