I wonder if Trump's plans for a 2nd term include how he will run the country from his prison cell, because odds are he will be convicted on at least some of those 91 charges. If he's convicted in Georgia, he won't be able to pardon himself either.

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A Trump second term terrifies me

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I so agree...

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From your mouth to everyone’s ears...these plans should be repeated over, and over, and over for the next 357 days...

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I like your video chats too.

One thing. When I watch on my Mac in a browser with headphones (yes, us old guys are hard of hearing) the audio is only on the left side. Can you correct this please so it's easier to hear what you are saying?


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Spot on, Chris. Also, love the video. A 2nd Trump term is something I am very fearful of and think that this country is not prepared for what this means. If we thought the first time was bad, buckle up as the next 4 year could be catastrophic.

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Whatever it takes to keep him out of office

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I have begun making plans for me and my family to emigrate.

I would not be here today if my grandfather had stayed in Germany, and not left in 1928.

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These videos are the best.

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The fact that he is slowly but surely opening up a lead on President Biden says a great deal about voters in this country (and that’s not a good thing).

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How quaint, the NYT paper addition in the blue bag. I love it. Something very visceral about reading from newsprint. I even remember how to fold it from my days commuting from Chappaqua to Grand Central for my first job after college in 1977. Is that can of unused Barbasol Soothing Aloe? Lou

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No need to worry folks, there would be NO Trump"s second term. It is all wishful thinking for those who are wanting or hoping to see one. Biden WILL WIN his relection and finish the job he has started. Jobs like the Infrastructure rebuilding, The Chip act, 35 dollar insulin for the elders who are Diabetic etc etc.

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Doctor - I recall the same statements before he became #45...

Even if the plans are ultimately not needed, a planning effort must be initiated in the unlikely event Trump is re-elected, or if he is appointed because there is enough objections to the certification of the State's votes that the election is sent to the House of Representatives - in this case, each State Delegation votes for the President, one vote per State (which right now, if the States vote along party lines, would favor the Republican nominee).

Whie I appreciate your optimism, not planning or preparing for the alternative result would appear foolish.

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Altho the good doctor obviously disagrees, I view his relentless optimism as both foolish and dangerous and have stated such.

And on more than one instance, I've asked him what his take was prior to Trump's shocking win in '16 - was he surprised on that Wednesday morning in November 2016 when the cold sunrise awakened America to the fact that the unthinkable had occurred and Donald Trump would be president.

He has yet to respond.

So I'll asked this: Dr. Abubakar Ibrahim, I'm beginning to doubt your motivation in ignoring the dangers that Trump's campaign presents to the American way of life. Are you actually working to re-elect Donald Trump?

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Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

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