Really commend you for starting out with an observation that didn't have Trump at the center but E. Jean Caroll instead. To put it in Trump's terms (there I go doing it), you focused on the winner first. Not the loser. Good for you.

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I fully agree with that Esther.

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You look great, Chris. It’s Saturday, you don’t have to dress for us. What do you think we look like on Saturday?

When you say Trump has debt coming due let’s not forget the hundreds of millions AG James wants. That’ll be up the end of the month. I realize he appeals all these verdicts, but it seems like that’s gotta be some substantial costs, too.

This is from my rep, Elise Stefanik, on the result.

“Today's outrageous verdict against President Trump simply continues to prove his point: Democrats have destructively politicized and weaponized our justice system against their political enemies.”

I’m assuredly not a lawyer, but this was a civil case, right? So, it seems like a really long stretch to make it about Democrats “weaponizing” the justice system.

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Elise is one again proving she's not the brightest light in the harbor. She did it when she went full MAGA and now every time she opens her mouth in full support of him. How any woman could defend him is beyond me.

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Correct, Kevin...a civil case.

And this case has been pending for years (2019)...back during the Caudillo de Trumpistan's Reign of Terror.

Check out "E. Jean Carroll’s legal fight against Trump: 10 key moments" by Zach Schoenfeld of The Hill. Fascinating read.

FYI - The link was too long and I might have broken it upon transfer. ;--)

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I’ll look that up, thanks!

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De nada!

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Even though he will appeal, doesn't he have to put the money in escrow so it is available once the appeals are complete? If he has to come up with the money now, that means appeals don't delay his financial consequences; just the final adjudication.

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At a minimum, Trump will need to provide a bond in the amount of the judgement plus fees, which bond company will most likely require it be collateralized to ensure the bond company will not lose any money if the appeal is unsuccessful , and the bond then be paid to E. Jean Carroll. I believe Trump put up a cash bond of $5.3MM to appeal the first verdict. So, yes, if Trump wants to appeal, he will be required to commit substantial assets or cash (if he has it) to appeal. The amount of the bond will be determined by the court. Of course, an additional question is whether the substantial sums his campaign is raising can be used for the payment of a judgement. Clearly, some of the funds can be, and are, being used to pay the substantial legal fees Trump has accumulated, however, whether those funds can be used to essentially pay a judgement, in the event he loses the appeal, is another question.

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The actual cost of a bond is a fraction of the face value. It’s true the surety will ask for collateral given the size of the judgment. FWIW, there will be significant questions on appeal

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Sure hope you're right, Brian.

I had similar thoughts that to be fair to any plaintiff, the money owed by the defendant should reside with the court/justice system

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That's not the way it works. Defendants file an appeal bond in an amount subject to the court's discretion. A surety provides the bond normally, and the cost is a fraction of the total judgment. Trump likely would need to provide collateral , but not a ton of cash

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A. Love the sweatshirt!

B. I totally agree with you about this verdict making an impression on undecided female voters.

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No amount of money will ever replace her lost reputation or need for security. I hope she is able to get enough now that she can have bodyguards and security where she lives.

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So honest about your caffeine addiction! ;--)

Important insights into the Wannabe's fiscal issues.

Totally agree that it will be the Independents as the key to taking down the Secessionist-in-Chief.

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Time to begin a steady stream of political obituaries for Trump. He is bleeding and will bleed more. The GOP sharks are finding a backbone. They don’t want to go down with this guy who is linking them to failures on immigration and Ukraine and mental breakdown.

There will be very few who now get on the MAGA bandwagon.

It’s only January. He will go down soon and sooner if we let the congresspeople see where the negative ads will come from if they stick with him.

Don’t go down with this losing, lying, mental case. Save yourselves.

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Your key point is that the Wannabe Caudillo has maximized his attraction by Chumpland.

The nervousness I feel is low enthusiasm for Uncle Joe that will dampen turnout and those fools wanting to run a third party...redux of 2000 and that fuquer Ralph Nader, who gave us Dubya.

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I agree. We need to start to inoculate against these minor parties siphoning votes because of Gaza, not progressive enough, age, etc. it is a binary election and we need to make that super clear. It’s Blue or else.

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"... else..." THE NEW Reign of Terror.

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I think that you are too optimistic. Nothing will deter his supporters, including this verdict.

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We will never strip his base from him. But they are not nearly enough. I don’t believe his base is expanding and I don’t see the undecided and independents voting for him. Nikki is sounding more and more as a reasonable alternative to Republican voters.

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For the sake of the country, I hope that you are right.

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Chris, again Trump claimed this was a “prejudiced” jury, and is being directed by Biden. However, we now have two separate, unaffiliated juries, in the E. Jean Carroll case find against him, and multiple other separate grand juries finding against him. At some point, doesn’t the avalanche of different “juries” finding against Trump eventually begin to bury the MAGA delusional beliefs? For all of these now hundreds of people to all somehow be part of the same conspiracy of “election interference”, it gets harder and harder to sustain the conspiracy as more and more separate and unrelated people find against Trump, does it not?

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Not in MAGAland. I've been following YouTube videos of interviews of MAGAts, and they are truly convinced, for instance, that Trump is president right now. This world they're living in bears no resemblance to reality. In another video, they were asked the cause of the Civil War. Some looked surprized that there'd even been a civil war in the US. Reasons for it were "North vs. South," "sin," "Just like now, sometimes people just can't get along," "Republican vs. Democrat." People who believe these things won't care about the preponderance of evidence; in fact, if all they watch is Faux or OAN, they're not going to know about it, because these outlets won't tell them.

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Jan 27Edited

Great sweatshirt!

I am curious as to your thoughts on Nikki Haley's initial response. It still feels like she's playing it too cautiously and not pointing out the fact that you know: her opponent was found liable for rape. Curious what she says on the Sunday shows tomorrow.

Edit: Very interesting this happened the same day Vince McMahon resigned from WWE over his own sexual assault allegations

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Interesting note: in order to appeal this Trum will have to post an $83.3 million bond.

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I am not a lawyer but I read that he needs to put up 111% of the judgement in escrow if he is going to appeal.

His appeal will not be successful, according to some lawyers that I had read an article about. Because it is a civil trial the only thing that can be appealed successfully is the wrongful submission of evidence. Habba the Hutt did not object to any evidence that Carrol's attorney's submitted. Hence, appeal will be unsuccessful.

All of the money in escrow, (if Trump appeals) will start accruing interest the day he files appeal.

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I am a lawyer , and your understanding is not correct. You don't put the amount in escrow. You post a surety bond, which costs a fraction of the amount at issue. Given the size of the judgment, Trump might need to pledge collateral, but not put forth a huge amount of cash. Fwiw, although I hate Trump with the heat of a thousand suns, there are significant issues for appeal . For example, it is one thing to say that the judgment from the first trial was dispositive as to the basic facts, but limiting Trump's ability to present evidence relevant to punitive damages presents a legit issue. I'm not saying Trump will prevail on appeal , but the result is not clear cut

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I stand corrected. Thank you.

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Daniel, is that speculation, or did you read that somewhere. I sure hope it's true.

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Yes. That's correct. To appeal, he has to post a bond. Not speculation.

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Correct, however, the amount required will be set by the court, so might not be the full $83.3MM

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This is why Trump is attempting the quick-capture of the nomination. He can NOT have Haley out there shit-talking him in the primaries. I can sense his facade starting to fall, and he is starting to publicly appear incompetent.

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Her career in politics is over for the foreseeable future. She should pick up where Liz Chaney left off.

She has the money...she might as well go down in flames on "Top of the World."


(Jimmy Cagney - White Heat...Edmund O'Brien as the shooter.

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Nice sweatshirt. I totally agree!

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Once again, a well-spoken, intelligent video! Wish you would do more of them!

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Good video, thanks Chris! The irritant factor and the implication on Trump's campaign may be important. When he feels aggrieved, he is pathologically unable to let it go. His move is that whenever he's in front of a crowd, he'll look for affirmation of his beliefs (aka I was wronged). Unfortunately for him, this whole case just isn't a great look. It's really hard for anyone to see E. Jean Carroll as the perpetrator in this case who has wronged Trump--he looks weak and sad whenever he brings it up.

None of this will change the view of his loyalists but it may incrementally sway moderates a smidge, which may be all that's needed in a few states.

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Great shirt! Awesome video! Love the scruffy look! 😂 It’s Saturday! Most people take the weekend off. We’re just happy to hear from you! 😊

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You are 100% correct that Trump’s commercial real estate situation will have an impact. Commercial real estate mortgage payments are typically interest only. As notes come due on Trump Tower, etc., the new interest rate could be double compared to previous rates. At a low interest rate, a building can sustain a lower occpancy rate too. A high rate of interest combined with a low occupancy rate brings the building's owner to bankruptcy court, as the building would have to be sold at a deep discount, too deep to pay off the principal.

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