Hillary was right. They are deplorable.

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This is as good a time as any, I guess, to criticize CNN for even putting Trump on air last night. Your comments essentially suggest that Trump’s cruelty and meanness was reinforced by the audience. I’d wager there were viewers whose own cruelty and meanness was reinforced by Trump’s act. There is no good that can come from that, and, as you say, is a vicious cycle. CNN has contributed to ramping up that cycle.

You may argue, in defense of your former colleagues (but why?) that covering Trump and giving him his chance to say his piece is the duty of the network. That’s fine for a normal politician or human. But Trump is neither, as he has proven over and over. He is different (as certain members of Congress tried to argue early in his administration – “he’s a different kind of president.”)

Yes he is – different all around. And he must be treated in that way, especially by the press. Sure, Ms. Collins was heroic in her attempt – but Trump just blew her away, as evidenced by the sick laughter.

I saw a quote this morning attributed to Chris Licht, the head honcho of CNN, who, referring to the Trump performance, reputedly (and jubilantly) said “we made news last night; that’s our job.”

I learned as a journalist that my job was to report the news – not to make it. Licht clearly did not learn that. Instead, he and his network are pandering to a sick part of the population in an effort, I guess, to boost their ratings and, ultimately, pad their wallets. Why not just sell heroin?

Trump is not a normal candidate nor person. He cannot be treated that way. CNN ignored the reality of Trump. For other networks, this cannot be repeated.

I know you root for your former employer and colleagues. But, Chris, I think the time has come for you to rethink that position – you don’t deserve to be associated with them.

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"Why not just sell heroin?"

Well, J.D. Vance did call Trump "cultural heroin" back before he sold his soul (and his dignity, per Tim Ryan) to said heroin for power.

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We in Britain have seen the bar rise a little when it comes to unfortunate conduct by our politicians e.g. Boris. However the lies and perceived lack of trust in Boris nevertheless led to his dismissal. When it comes to America and Trump though, that man is still there. Teflon coated, nothing and no one is seemingly able to send him packing. Why is he still pitching at high office and why do Americans dismiss all the evidence that says he is a superficial, ignorant and self serving fool? Answers please on a postcard.

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He was punished for his nastiness in 2020 by the American people...they voted him out of office tqhen and they will do it again in 2024 if the Republicans nominate him as their flag bearer

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Yup agreed and so..... IF he, Trump, is unlikely to succeed, why does the GOP not summon the intestinal fortitude to direct him not to stand or better still, why not disown him outright ? Meantime, why can the GOP not find someone within the population of America (330,000,000 +/- ) who is an altogether more credible candidate? To a Brit it is extraordinary that Trump is still trotting out the same old nonsense and apparently, his followers love it.

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Can't argue with a single thing that you wrote. And, it bodes very poorly for the future of this country, not to mention the upcoming election.

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I will never forgive people who voted for Trump. Especially those who voted for him in 2020, after his cruelty, corruption, and incompetence had been on full display for five years. Never, ever, ever.

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We are unwilling hostages of "The Trump Show".

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This is all true, and it saddens me. No laughter here.

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One day, when Trump points to the cameras at the back and says "They are the enemy! The fake news!!" I want to see the media pack up their gear and leave and never cover a Trump event again.

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Everything you are saying, I agree with. The whole sick situation is a pretty frightening place to be in, as a country. It’s a sick cult. People love him for his cruelty, the more insane things he says, the mocking, the misogyny, the racist, the bigot, etc.. It’s a very bad state of affairs. Where I am still stuck on is that MSM gives him the oxygen to exploit all of his lies, conspiracy theories, misogyny, etc. etc.. IF he is to be covered it can’t be live. IF CNN was adamant about going through with this, especially right after he is being held liable for a sexual assault, as soon as his lies started and the host/moderator is being bulldozed over, cut the feed and end the town hall, interview or what have you. The Trump s*it show will continue and the only people to benefit are him and is cult of deplorables.

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Kaitlan Collins did as well as could be expected for someone playing by the rules. The lesson here is that we need different rules.

She might not want to directly call Trump a liar, but using the word "lie" when he repeats his long-debunked BS would be appropriate. "That's a lie" is stronger than "That's not correct" or whatever politer term she used. And she should have been more in his face. When he claimed there were Democrats who thought he was right on some issue she shouldn't have let him steamroller her after challenging him once. Better to stop the discussion dead and say, "Democrats? Plural? Name one. Go ahead, because if you can't name one you're making it up." Alas, neither reporters nor rival pols are willing to get in his face and call him on his lies.

P.S. That "small hands" moment was not the death knell for the Rubio campaign. It was during one of the debates where he kept repeating the same boilerplate answer and Chris Christie called him on it even as he did it again.

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So well said...and so sad.

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Spot on - thanks for this!

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The answer to this is a video with people laughing at him as they do Archie Bunker. He is entertaining like watching mud wrestling or babies eating melting ice cream.

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