According to another golf writer, Trump cheats on every game he plays.

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Many of the people Trump has played with over the years have said, both off the record and sometimes for attribution, that Trump doesn’t even pretend to keep an accurate score of his game.

He routinely gives himself Mulligans (a second ball) when his first shot is not well struck. He “finds” his ball in the rough when it’s lost while not even disguising dropping another ball, he gives himself putts that are often three to five feet long.

In short, his handicap is a joke.

No one wants to bet serious money with him on a golf game (though he is known to be favorable towards golfing opponents who need something from him and agree to a large bet at the outset of a round of golf-- of course with no hint of bribery).

Net, net, any discussion of Trump’s golf skills compared to others is wasted effort since he cheats routinely, which should be no surprise to any sentient adult, and pouts if his opponents call him on it.

Just another unsurprising facet of the man’s twisted personality.

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I’m sure Biden faces beaucoup criticism from Trump supporters for not golfing enough. Or cheating enough while doing so.

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Like everything else Trump does and says, he’s the best out there for every single thing. He lies and cheats over every single thing is more like it

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280 yards would put him in top 30 for distance on PGA Champions Tour. Most of those guys are in their 50's. The lies keep on coming.

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Interesting golf comparison...how about a Peloton comparison between the Victim-In-Chief and Uncle Joe???

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Love how you assume Trump is being truthful about his scores and his 2.8 handicap

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Thanks for explaining "handicap"!!!

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