I hope the Democrats sit on their hands the entire speech. Don't stand when he walks in. Don't stand for anything. Don't react. Then leave the room as soon as it's over, find the nearest microphone and highlight the completely outrageous positions he takes on nearly every topic. Yes, talk about eggs, but to be honest, there are so many more important issues than the price of eggs. And I'm not talking about cultural issues. I'm talking about national security, insider trading of crypto, illegal firings of federal employees, usurping the power of Congress, the tanking of the stock market, the undermining of an ally in the middle of a war with Russia, the takeover of the federal government by an unelected Elon Musk. The tariffs and the gutting of the federal budget are going to hit his constituent's states first and the hardest. Let's see how they're feeling when their prices continue to rise, and their basic needs from the government aren't met. Maybe then their representatives in Congress come to their senses. And when they probably don't, the messaging for 2026 practically writes itself.

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This is excellent, thank you.

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This is very well stated!

I hope the Dems do remember to sit in their hands. To do more would be playing right into his hands and shouldn’t be done.

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My hope is that the Democrats sit quietly and give no verbal reaction. A “look” can say a lot. I read the ladies are wearing pink. Subtle. Maybe the men could dress like Zelensky. Subtle. Teachers across Ohio are wearing red today in “protest” of Trump’s cuts to the Dept. of Education. Subtle.

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I would love it if all the Dems came dressed as Zelenskyy.

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They SHOULD do that! And say they will wear a costume when sanity is restored.

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That sounds like something a 5th grader would do?!?

The more I think about it, it’s very likely 😂

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For once I agree with Dutch. Let Trump act like the 5th grader.

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Instead, the Dems could all dress like Elon Musk!

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I think that it would be a calm, excellent way of protesting a particularly stupid foreign policy decision, even by Trumpian standards.

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And the previous administration d so solution was????

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Biden's solution, along with our European allies, was to provide Ukraine sufficient weapons and logistical support to enable Ukraine to defend their nation against the Russian invasion. He was able to do this while avoiding direct confrontation between NATO and Russian forces that could have escalated dangerously. I think he did a great job.

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I’ve always said ignoring him is the best way to go. He’s a petulant child who wants attention.

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I won’t be watching this spectacle / clown show today or ever. This lame dick - I mean duck - time can’t be over and done with soon enough.

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I too will not be watching, but if I am awake I will tune into the Dem response.

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Only 3 1/2 plus years to vote again, be here b4 u know it!

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Two years. If we flip Congress we can impeach TrumpMusk. I think that it is VERY possible.

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I think you may be living in a dream world

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You are both living in a dream world

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Not only possible, it is PROBABLE. Reps have what, a 2 vote majority now?

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And yet the media is not reporting which Democrats plan to run in 2028.

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Don't worry, in 2027 there will be about 30 of them to start with.

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Agree with the notion that the Dems should just sit quietly, stone faced, and IMMEDIATELY leave the chamber enmasse as soon as it over, and say very little/nothing to the media other than something like "nothing new here, the lying and chaos is continuing as usual" ...

What I would do tomorrow ... is hold a "big" and long presser, where the Dems present a laundry list (with charts) of all of the promises made and not kept, examples of the price increases we will get now from the Trade WAR, all of the fake "savings" from doge, specific examples of how the USA government is being sold to the highest bidder, and HAMMER home the reality with specific examples of how the GoP is executing the largest transfer of wealth from working people to a select few Bro-ligarch billionaires. This should be a review line by line of a huge list.

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Agree 💯%!

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I was thinking that too. I assume Dems can have their own joint address, in the Capitol if possible or some big hall in DC.

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No one is listening or paying any attention to them. Sad state of affairs for the Dems….

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Almost half the country is

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Target lost $15 billion of value because they removed DEI policies. You wouldn’t know that if you just listened to Republican propaganda. Chris included. Trump is already the most unpopular President ever since Trump 1.0 lol. He was elected by only 32% of voting Americans. That’s a catastrophic number of voters.

Despite that the Trump Administration is firing federal workers 30% of whom are veterans. Red districts are complaining in town halls as a result. And on Republican talk radio. It’s hard to argue that these folks are all democrats.

DOGE disruption of health services and social security checks will likely cause panic though that we haven’t seen yet

The bribed mainstream media are continuing to praise him and produce bias polling.

But the truth is out there. And Americans are already unhappy. That’s going to be increasingly harder to hide. Expect to see more violent protests as Americans lives get increasingly disrupted.

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Never underestimate the American people. We're not as stupid as the politicians think we are. We should use the power of the dollar, i.e. Target, as much as we can.

I personally think it's a shitty store🤷🏼‍♀️

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Ive already told target I won't shop with them anymore.

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Good point!

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Only 32% of voting Americans voted for Trump. A data point that’s real. Polls are not. They are designed to manipulate you.

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I can’t overestimate the importance of bring ahead when the clock reaches zero…..

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Winning an election, then firing veterans and gloating about it, may make you happy, but it’s un American. Are you really a Russian troll Dutch? I’d be embarrassed if I were you.

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Not sure where you got the 32% figure. The way I look at it is “voting Americans” are those who voted in the last election. By that definition, 49.8% pf voting Americans voted for Trump.

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Of Americans eligible to vote, only 32% votes for Trump. That data point triggers Republicans because it completely undermines that Trump has a mandate to do anything. Republicans banning their own town halls and Americans burning down Tesla charging stations is the clue that Trump’s actions are unpopular lol

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Thanks for clarifying where you came up with your number but I wouldn’t equate Americans eligible to vote as “voting Americans” because clearly not all Americans eligible to vote do indeed vote.

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As it turns out, all Americans eligible to vote don’t. In 2024 37% chose not to vote for Trump or Harris. This is a crisis of democracy as much as anything else: But for Trump, considering the carnage he’s causing, it’s a warning that Americans are already turning on him 30 days in and this is the reason why. A majority of Americans eligible to vote, 67%, don’t like what Trump is doing. That’s the point to be made here. Trumps legitimacy for his actions.

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It’s not such much as a crisis for democracy as a STRONG message to both parties that a sizable percentage of Americans eligible to vote don’t like what either party is selling.

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I look at WAPO and CNN every day. I do not see a Trump bias nor a refusal to talk negative about him

Chris and others have always said Trump’s floor is 45-46% and that has held true for many years

By the way Trump actually is the second most unpopular president. Nixon is number one. This is interesting because Nixon was a saint compare to Trump

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So if you are reading CNNLOL you see the headline Zelensky ready to talk peace?!? The Art of the Deal is what you are watching my friend….

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Europe and Zelenskyy have frozen the US out of negotiations, have their own peace deal and agreement for Ukraines mineral rights. Last week neither of them were at the table. This week both are setting the terms both Trump and Putin now have to agree. Or they will lose face and an opportunity to influence the end of the war.

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Dutch, I really am sorry for your memory loss

Trump doesnt do deals He takes hostages

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Don, the people who didn't like Trump last October still don't like him. The people who voted for him are still happy. That may change in time but it hasn't changed yet.

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Well, I am related to someone who voted Trump and is outraged. I can’t believe that he’s the only one….

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YAY, and may there be many more like your relative!

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For those saying the Democrats have no good options, the correct response is not to just throw up your hands, it's to decide on the least bad option. To me that would be acting like responsible adults and not play the fool like MTG or Lauren Boebert.

I will probably skip watching the address and just read about it later. It's almost certainly going to be unpleasant.

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Agree, maybe a lot of booing. When he says he is cutting aid to Ukraine, or the tariffs on Canada and Mexico, or mentions his "resort" in Gaza and the gop all stand to applaud, drown it out with boos. Long and loud.

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Hey, Biden got booed at his last SOTU. Of course he handled it well. Let's see how the new guy handles it.

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Oh I so hope they do give him some heartfelt boos. He handles rejection poorly. Would be funny to see him lose his temper in front of the world, like last week in the Oval Office. Maybe some people might finally see how he is just an act with zero substance...

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But did he realize it?????😎

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I 1,000 percent agree with you. The worst thing Dems can do is make a scene and make that the story coming out of tonight. I really fear that’s going to happen though. Congressional leaders need to be better than that. They need to be better than MTG. There is so much that they can pin on Trump in a calm, matter of fact way. Make that the sound bite that gets played again and again. Not screaming like a crazy person in the chamber.

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If anything that is happening now was normal, there would be no need for a protest or even a discussion about push back or protesting.

None of this is normal.

None of this is good for the country.

We need a functioning government, not a crazed person wielding a chainsaw tearing it to pieces.

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If Dems don't go, they'll be criticized for being chickens. If they do go and not applaud, they'll be criticized for being sore losers. If they go and boo, they'll be criticized for not being willing to listen. If they go and walk out in the middle, they'll be criticized for being all of the above. If they go and moon Trump, they'll be criticized for being unsanitary.

Let's face it: no matter what the Dems do tonight, they can't win. This is Trump's night to bask in the glow of fellow MAGA-ites. (BTW, my vote is for Dems to not go at all)

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I vote for silence. I'm a sore loser.

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I think silence, as well, is the only option.

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I realize this is the message of choice from the mainstream Beltway political types: don't take the bait, don't give Trump the viral moments in tonight's State of the Union.

But if Dems believe what he and his Administration are doing is fundamentally wrong, failing to stand up because it might play badly on social media feels as if everyone is trying to play 4-D chess when the world's events are a lot less complicated.

Having some Reps get up and walk out when Trump does his inevitable "the Ukraine is ungrateful" rant is messaging that provides it's own viral moment. And it's a message that cuts across party lines.

These upcoming elections are not going to be about triangulating to the safest part of the middle. The GOP's oligarch supporters are going to throw billions at Dem candidates. So they need to have every voter who will listen behind them

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Democrats generally seem to be moving toward the political center, particularly with respect to the cultural issues. Of course the lefties disagree but, fairly or otherwise, they're seen as part of the problem.

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They have to, 100% or they will nominate another KH

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Yea I agr5ee with one post so far

Dutch you must be bored You are very active today

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Response is a connundrum for sure, in that the facts don't seem to matter to the public, just the show. What does it say about us as consumers of information? Scary times.

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Chris, I am curious: why do you spend far more time criticizing the Democrats’ responses to Trump rather than Trump’s outrageous conduct itself?

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I don't think that's true at all. Cizzilla criticizes Trump all of the time. But some of my fellow Dems come across as awfully thin skinned.

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It’s TDS, unfortunately…

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I'm sure tomorrow we'll see a "47 craziest lines of the speech" by Chris. Not to mention his patented "Sir" alerts. I put the over under at 3 "Sir" alerts.

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They should bring newspapers or a magazine and pretend to read them while Trump speaks. Do it quietly.

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Would prefer him giving a speech to half of the house. No walkout, just not walking in.

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If history is any indication, they will take the bait, or enough will. They simply cannot help themselves. If only this damn rat I've had in my house for weeks was a Democrat. 😓

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