Chris - hope you will share your reactions to the interview, and what Trippi had to say. Sounds like the overall advice was for everyone to take a ‘chill pill’ and wait to see some real results? Also, do you agree with his theory of “poll addiction”, and are you similarly afflicted?

Really enjoyed the interview and his perspective - hope you will do more of these - thank you.

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Also, very much agree Trump will not go away if he is not the nominee. This would include if he were disqualified by the SCOTUS under the 14th Amendment...Trump will heed the words of Dylan Thomas, “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

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Probably so -- the "rage, rage" -- but the mere thought of Donald Trump as Dylan Thomas's father (to whom the poem was addressed), or having anything to do with Thomas in any way, even literary allusion, makes my English major's stomach turn.

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I do find it difficult to compare anyone to Trump without similar feelings...

Trump is not going away, and will not be leaving quietly - hence, this morning I could not find better words to describe my current fear. Even though I used Thomas' words to highlight Trump is not going to go away easily, I also feel the poem could be used to describe what is happening to Democracy itself - we cannot allow Democracy to "...go gentle into that good night..." - we need to fight hard because the forces to defeat Democracy are strong.

Also makes me wonder how historians will be able to compare/describe Trump and this period more accurately? Because it feels the effort to whitewash or gaslight the events of January 6 are as strong or stronger than the efforts to whitewash the Civil War (the "Lost Cause", States Rights, etc.), I am not confident how all of what we are living through and witnessing now will be described 100 years from now...

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If Trump loses in November, I don’t know why he wouldn’t immediately announce he’s running for 2028 to continue his “immunity” due to being a candidate. Because the GOP is a cult top to bottom, he would be the presumptive nominee for the party in that election.

They can’t get rid of him until they can say he lost. It’s so simple and they still can’t do it.

It’s going to be interesting to see what happens between now and November for sure, tho.

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With any luck, by 2028, the "fatal hamberder" will have done its job and Trump will have Made America Truly Great Again.

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Daddy made it to 93, but he likely had better dietary habits. He did have dementia as well. Not sure if we’d notice with his son.

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Joe Trippi's position has always been my stand. The talking heads put too much stock on these polls and some of them use it to drive their parochial narratives. When real people vote like in all the previous midterms and by elections, Democrats win and same is going to happen in November ,Biden is going to continue the winning streak regardless of what the phony polls show now

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Paying attention to the polls now is proof of political illiteracy. Not surprising among the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployables of the DC Press Corpse. A good idea is to cut your MSNBC or whatever viewing 50% until June. Getting rid of 24/7 news would be the best thing to happen to American politics, but nothing that's ever "best" for American politics has ever actually happened, so just cut it back.

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Going by Joe Trippi's honest analysis of polls this far out, Trump does not have any edge, slight or not , over Biden in the November election. Let's keep it real

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Joe Trippi makes so much sense. Your conversation with Trippi has significantly lowered my blood pressure. BTW, today is my birthday and I'm going to thank you for this column which I consider an extra birthday gift!

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Happy birthday, Joy! 🥳

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Thanks Cristy...much appreciated!

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Happy Birthday, Joy. And may you enjoy many more in a DEMOCRACY 🤞🏼♥️

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Happy Birthday! It’s also my birthday lol. 🎊🥳

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“Trump's predictable attacks on Haley after he suffers a loss to her could cost him in the general election among some GOP and independent women who already have concerns about him, as just one example.”

Yeah, the ‘birdbrain’ thing just isn’t enough. It’d be hilarious if Haley beats Trump in NH. Hide the ketchup at Mar a Lago or you’ll be wiping it off the walls.

It seems like, if they weren’t so feckless, party leaders would make a deal with Trump to get his support if Haley beat him. Support her for a pardon. It’s a language he understands: quid pro quo.

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Omg! That is something that I hadn't thought of. A pardon for support. I had assumed nothing would get Trump out of the race. But that has a tiny possibility to it. He'd still have to be made to feel like a kingmaker with power, though.

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Promise to make him Secretary of Chaos in the Haley Administration?

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If Trump could never accept his loss to Biden, there's no way he would accept a loss to "Birdbrain." But I'd love to see it.

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This was great... super informative and a bit of a change from everything else being printed out there right now. Thanks for this!

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Very refreshing view. It gives reality and hope with wisdom. Great piece, Chris Thank you!!!

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Enjoyed this, Chris. I believe that whichever way this goes, win or lose, our country is in for violence, mayhem, chaos, and possibly burning it all down. Trump and his cult will not take a loss well and a win, watch out as we all know what will be next. Buckle up, this will be a wild ride.

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I don't disagree and have had the same feelings. However, just in the last few weeks, I am sensing a slight shift. There is definitely a tiny bit of Trump fatigue in the universe. How far it extends, or if it lasts, I don't know. But there has been a super subtle shift and I'm feeling the tiniest bit hopeful.

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Yes, Elaine, THAT is what has been keeping me up at night for the past three years. Here's my own take from August: https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/hardening-our-houses-for-typhoon-trump/

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Very good read and wholeheartedly agree. Wish it wasn’t so, Trump is evil, despicable, a psychopath, etc..

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Fascinating. And “polls are the crack cocaine of politics” 👍🏼

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Thanks so much, DeeDee D! I must say, having a birthday on the anniversary of the Trump Insurrection is a real downer (that year, I sat glued to CNN and eventually threw my cake in the trash--whole. Didn't feel like celebrating.) Let's hear it for many more years of DEMOCRACY!

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🇺🇸 Yes! And please have some cake today and celebrate yourself 🥳

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Same! That year on my birthday I had my husband in the hospital and spent the morning in the doctors office with my six month old who had RSV. Then came home and spent the rest of the day glued to CNN and even flipped it to Faux News a few times to see how they were spinning it. It was the worst birthday of my life.

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Oh my. Yes indeed, you unfortunately won the prize for the worst birthday ever. Hope this birthday was a definite improvement for you!

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It certainly was, my family is healthy and happy and I can't really ask for more. Hope you're having a great birthday too!

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It is important to see the danger of the minority parties dividing the anti Trump vote over Israel, Ukraine, progressiveness, immigration, it is important to make clear that the choice is binary Blue vs MAGA fascism. To make clear that the money behind the minor parties is from pro Trump sources including Russia and other foreign governments.

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Bingo. At WhoWhatWhy we visited this nightmare scenario in July and will be tracking it all year: https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/centrist-unity-party-or-right-wing-dark-money-tool-time-to-label-no-labels/. It is imperative to bring around the "purists" who stubbornly insist they won't vote for "the lesser of two evils." Nonsense, on stilts. Here's a more recent warning: https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/us-politics/donald-trumps-merry-christmas-message-may-fill-in-the-blank-rot-in-hell/. Excerpt:

"...The consensus is that the presidential election is likely to come down to no more than 400,000 swing voters in a handful of battleground states (MI, WI, NC, NV, AZ, PA, and GA); control of the House and Senate to even fewer voters in a sprinkling of states and congressional districts.

"We don’t, I submit, have the luxury of feel-good participation, donations, or votes. We don’t have the luxury of clinging tight to utopian wishlists, abstract ideals, or purity tests.

"We’ve got to be tireless, ruthless, and smart. We must learn, soon — and WhoWhatWhy will offer all the ongoing guidance we can — where work and support are most needed, where it will and won’t bring bang for the proverbial buck.

"And those of us who don’t want a snarling, smirking dictator-elect telling us next Christmas what we can do with ourselves and our democracy must focus all our effort, like the flame from a welder’s torch, where it will make the difference."

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One would have expected that you comment and analyze President Biden's great speech on the grave and real threat Trump poses to American Democracy especially if you're going to post something today Saturday which happens to be the 3rd year anniversary of the January 6 insurrection. If this was Trump who gave his usual ranting, you will chase down the transcript ,bend over backwards to analyze his rantings. In the spirit of fairNess Biden should be given the same treatment. Analyze his (Biden) major speech critically and fairly. We already are getting nought dose of Trump, Trump and Trump.

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As a starter, Mr. Trippi is unquestionably far more "in the know" than I am. That said, I wish that I could be as optimistic as he is. Trump's level of support in the general population always seems to be understated, and that is incredibly worrisome to me.

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Well his support was not underestimated in 2020 when he lost. Don't worry yourself you are going to be pleased in November

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Hi Chris, thanks for replying to my question and for the kind words concerning my brother's return from service. You disagreed with me concerning the meaningfulness of polls and cited results at the end of the campaign for president. I was thinking of polls at this juncture of the campaign. It looks like your friend Joe Trippi agrees with me. He sure seemed to lambast the usefulness of polls until 4-6 weeks before the election. But agree or disagree, I sure like to read your column.

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Joe Trippi is amazing. I listen to his podcast That Trippi Show every week. I hope to God he’s right.

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Aaahhh (little sigh of relief). Thanks, Chris!

I agree, sprinkling more of these kinds of posts would be awesome (and it could bring more exposure to you & So What if your "guests" invite their readership to check out the interview posted in your Substack).

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A lot of this just sounds like wishcasting, though here's hoping.

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I listen to the Trippi podcast every week to lower the blood pressure. Thanks Joe. I would hope that some at MSNBC would start to tune in.

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