Sorry for multiple comments. Turned speed to 1.5 made it slightly more tolerable. At least to me, these 2 talking about themselves and how good they are is not interesting.

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Ha! I never said anything like that my friend.

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Geez. Mainstream media is good and trying to provide truth. Come on.

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Agree! We need it! But it also needs to adjust to a rapidly changing world

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The one thing I always disliked about mainstream media was the focus on a “gotcha question” versus really asking something of substance.

Because the gotcha question and the response was more likely to get you airtime on the news programs.

PS i’m not saying that every main stream media person did this, but it sure seemed like a lot of the major media outlet folks did.

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I am very interested to see how this sorts out!

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Enjoyed the conversation, Chris. I think Tara will succeed and looking forward to hearing more from her. Thank you having her as a guest

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@Chris, sorry to be the production guy, but please pass this on to Tara. Whoever keeps their phone (on vibrate) on the desk, it’s super distracting especially as the phone starts blowing up.

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The Red Letter Bible puts the words of Jesus in red letters. I suspect your words won't be as significant, but I wish you well in your new endeavor :)

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Way too much about them, not content.

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Tara, was a great guest and this is a wonderful for her

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