What is Aleppo?

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Man I forgot about that one. Gary Johnson. BRUTAL.

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Exactly what I was thinking, too, Sam.

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RE: What is worse age or ignorance,

It's obvious that Uncle Joe's age-issue will not go away, nor will it be linked to Trump's age 77.

But why is Trump's ignorance and fact denialism not more of an issue, constantly referred to equally as much as Uncle Joe's age.

It has to be his pithy racist, misogynistic, anti-immigration blatherings that capture his supporters.

Trying to divine some meaningful content from the Defendant-In-Chief's answers to direct questions would make an English teacher's hair curl.

Yet his ignorant and mind-numbing social media blurts and interviews are not an issue.

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I will take age any day. Biden is a statesman, carries himself well, knows the constitution as well as government and has accomplished things in his 2.5 years. Yes, he has gaffes; is elderly; slips & trips, etc., but he’s not a racist, misogynistic, ignorant, man who only has the attitude of what’s in it for me? He puts the country first. Do we need to agree with all of his policies, of course not. However, he’s a good man who will do what is best for the country before what’s in it for him and how much money he can make from it.

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Also, Joe Biden does not and will not have Michael Flynn or Sidney Powell or any other MAGA mutants workings for him.

No offense to any X-Men.

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Also , Biden would work comfortably and happily with patriots like James Mattis ,Esper. James Comey, Kelly etc to continue to move this Country forward regardless of their political party affiliations.

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Barack Obama was a very intelligent and informed president. The white (Christian) nationalists hated him for it, hence their undying love of trump. Obama "made" them feel butt hurt and they're taking it out on whoever they can.

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Barack was in the vernacular of White, paranoid, racists as being "Uppity".

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"... in the vernacular of White, paranoid, racists ..."

In other words, Republicans.

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Good post as always.

"And, for his part, Suarez is being put through the ringer"

Shouldn't it be "wringer"?

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Good catch. I didn't notice this.

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I think it is disturbing that Suarez doesn't know a topic that has been in the public conversations now for years. Trump is a different case in that he never educated himself on world events and current topics in his life. He let others tell him about it and then either used it to make some photo op or dropped it because it bored him. So we do need some kind of 'report card' of presidential candidates on topics that effect our place in the world.

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Not too many Uyghers in his Miami constituency since China keeps them under political or actual lock and key.

Since "hizzoner" is using his run to increase his visibility and access to multi-millionaire donors, why should we consider he and some others seriously.

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To me, the candidate MUST have fundamental knowledge of the constitution, first and foremost. Trump either had no clue or plain didn’t care about it, which is frightening in itself. The candidate must possess some knowledge on how the levers of government work, be familiar with the branches of government and at least basic knowledge of domestic and foreign affairs. The candidate, as well as the eventual president have advisors to help guide them. They must be able to admit to themselves that they don’t know things and have the proper people in place AND it is okay to admit they don’t know something as a candidate but then go to the advisors and read up. The country is putting their faith into the person to guide this great nation of ours and yet, some don’t feel any of this is necessary. Sad!

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Elaine, you are placing too much emphasis on Suarez being a serious candidate.

He's auditioning for his next job and access to donors.

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You are so right, I don’t know what happened to my head! Imagine, expecting candidates to run that truly want the job? Isn’t this how we wound up with Trump? He didn’t truly want the job, he wanted the power and title, not any of the work and responsibilities. I actually had to think hard who Suarez is, he’s not a name that will propel him anywhere.

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It's okay that he doesn't know about the Uighurs because, as polls clearly demonstrate, even the vast majority of Republicans don't know about him.

(Yes, I'm being facetious)

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I DO think this whole thing won't get all that much attention because he is SO low in the polls. But, I wanted to just think about -- more broadly -- why we should expect more from our candidates.

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A very fair point, and one with which I agree.

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Point well taken, and agree, however, what is the implication? What is the solution? is knowledge of foreign country issues equally important as a working knowledge of domestic challenges and issues? More or less important? Seriously, how many candidates, and/or current legislators, could properly answer all of the questions on the U.S. Citizenship Test? Should this be a minimum?

To me, just like in managing a business, things will come up you do not know about. The question at some point should be, how would each candidate go about educating themselves on an issue which comes up with which they are unfamiliar?

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I think you HAVE to have a working knowledge of foreign policy to be president. Or you need to understand what you don't know and dedicate some hours in these early days of the race to figuring it out. That's what advisers are for!

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Apparently not. We live in embarrassing/frightening times in the USA, and I don’t see what it will take to move the needle. You’d expect to see basic competency at the highest level (Obama), but Trump changed our world and the ‘bar’ no longer exist to lower.

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You're right. Trump really lowerEd the bar. And our foreign friends in NATO and WHO etc knew it. But thank God President Biden restored the dignity ,respect and strength the office is always associated with. Trump was an aberration. He will never occupy that office again. Excuse my repeating this Bob Marley's saying again. "You can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time"

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Remember that Trump's "understanding" of foreign policy was based on countries where he had hotels.

Ignorance is not just bliss to Trump supporters, but it is a badge of honor.

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I thought the only important criterion was being younger than 80.

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maybe running POTUS should have a qualification exam, sort of like getting a US citizenship.

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Which is why Joe Biden is uniquely qualified for this job, regardless of the opinions of 70% of the electorate who could scarcely find Russia on an outline map of Europe, much less Ukraine. Uyghurs? Nuclear Triads?

Joe Biden has forgotten more about governing than the best of this GOP lot ever knew in the first place. And not because he’s old...

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It didn’t hurt Trump as badly as Perry’s “oops” gaffe because Trump BS’ed his way past it in a way that the casual viewer didn’t understand this meant he had no idea what was being asked about. The nuclear triad -- the concept of being able to apply bombers, ICBMs, and SLBMs in tandem so that a first strike can’t take out your ability to respond -- is not a particularly well known idea, and a lot of even relatively savvy listeners heard Trump’s BS and failed to realize he was talking around his ignorance.

Conversely, Perry’s “oops,” Gary Johnson’s “what is Aleppo?” and other such screwups are much more obvious. The average user or reader sees that and immediately knows there’s a knowledge gap here.

Yes, we should expect presidents to know more. But when debate viewers don’t know, either, it’s harder to get it across when they don’t.

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running for

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Seems an appropriate time to recall that Trump knew enough about the Uyghurs to tell Xi that he thought building concentration camps was “exactly the right thing to do.” https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/06/17/politics/trump-uyghur-human-rights-bolton-china/index.html

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Americans are notoriously uneducated about the world outside our borders. It is a serious flaw. Suarez is reflective of this. Even if he were a serious candidate, he would not suffer for his ignorance, and it's possible there are more people who celebrate that ignorance than see it as a big problem.

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