RE: "Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has a podcast. You may or may not know that."

I didn't , Chris, but I can imagine the firehose of disturbing, sanctimonious, self-serving lies that come streaming out of it.

Thanks for your heroic efforts to listen, so that we "civilians" don't have to.

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A couple of thoughts come to mind as I read this post regarding Cruz:

First, I get the feeling that Cruz is much like Graham....simply focused on being relevant, without any grounding ideology in particular.

Second, when I hear about these crazy theories, I really wish I could figure out an effective virtual equivalent of looking a guy like that right in the eyes, say he's crazy, shake my head in disbelief, then walk away and actively ignore them. And, if I can figure that out, maybe I could start a movement.

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Andy, I do think there is a relevance angle here. He likes to be and stay in the news. So he says and does stuff to make that happen.

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Cruz is the assholic "I'm the smartest guy in the room," we all contended with in our school classes and perhaps in our work life.

He obviously was smart enough to have two Ivy League degrees, but he is totally academic. He may have political smarts (meh), but he has no street smarts because his life has been about furthering himself and lying to uninformed people why he is (supposedly) making their life better.

I was lucky because in my professional life I had only one of his type to contend with. I eventually quit because he wanted me to be his hatchet man to get rid of those in our group who bucked him.

I made sure that before I left, I went to all colleagues across work groups in an institutional investment firm that I was leaving without a job because of his arrogant, self-importance.

My point is that his Senate office underlings are in it for the long-haul. They will not call out this useless "emotionally needy" douche for what he is and how he treats them. I am never amazed at how much merde an underling will eat in order to be "in the game."

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Ted Cruz supported the insurrection !! He also likes Cancun when his constituents are freezing

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I would love for Michelle Obama to run and she would win, no doubt about it. However, it is a pipe dream and can’t stay focused on that. Never thought much of Cruz but it is sickening that after his wife got pummeled by Trump, he kneels down and kisses the ring. If anyone would attack me in that way, my husband would be out for blood. He would never ever let that go. What kind of man is he? What kind of husband? Plus, he’s an elected official in the United States Senate. WTH???? He sinks lower and lower, should have stayed in Cancun. Getting to the point that congress needs to clean house and get rid of these clowns, sadly they keep getting voted in. What a world we live in.

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It’s fair to chat about Obama, but I have genuinely become freaked out about another Trump presidency.

Here’s your tag line:

MAGA=make America go away.

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Chris, I DO think that, right now, Trump is roughly a coin flip to be president again. So, your worry is justified.

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I like your point, but sadly, too much of America seems to have become Cruzists offering,, "If everything remains the same, I'm cool with my politicians, but if my lifestyle is impacted, it's the Communist, Deep State, Marxist, Tree-Hugging, Socialist bureaucrats ruining our fair country."

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Chris Webster, relax there is no need to freak out here. Donald Trump will never become the President again. Just look at off season election results since January in all the states that matter like Pennsylvania,Michigan and Wisconsin. Don't listen to the talking heads etc as they have their own selfish hidden wishes that Trump wins in 2024. Don't buy what they are trying to sell you. RELAX, Biden is going to win in 2024

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What Ted Cruz needs is for someone to put a dirty sock in his mouth!

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First, they would have to take out his foot...

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Or at least send his Cancun bound luggage to Guadalajara!

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No, his face needs to make the acquaintance of a Louisville Slugger. Several times.

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Frankly, do not think it is worth platforming or referencing anything Cruz does or says - should be treated like you were discussing how to treat Trump. Sorry you spent the time to listen to the podcast - time you will never get back...

I did not have much respect for Cruz originally, however, his actions around Jan. 6th cemented it for me, and his abandoning his constituents and leaving them in the cold without power buried it. Cruz, after being embarrassed by Trump in the 2016 campaign, ended up being not just a sycophant for Trump, however, was actively a part of the "republicans" who were going to help Trump once the Justice Department declared there had been fraud in the 2020 election. He was part of the group of legislators in contact with the Willard Hotel War Room, planned to object to the counting of certain State's Electoral Votes, and continued to object even after the "violent terrorist attack" (err, correction, violent terrorists who attacked police during an otherwise peaceful protest by "patriots" who were at the Capitol that day to protest the results of the presidential election...) on January 6th.

IMHO, Cruz is not worth your time or considerable talent...

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“Facts aside, Cruz isn’t the only one pushing the Michelle Obama for president conspiracy. It appears that the root of the Michelle speculation can be traced back to popular podcaster Joe Rogan. (All roads lead to Rogan!).” ---Chris Cillizza

All roads lead to Joe Rogan, you say? Is this the same Joe Rogan who once said about himself, “I’m a F**king moron, don’t listen to me!” So let’s not!

As for Cruz? Can’t you tell when an irrelevant politician is just trying to stay relevant? He used to be one of two republican intellectual imbeciles in the senate; along with Rand Paul. Now, between the house and several other senators including Cotton, Vance and Hawley, he has a lot of competition to gain media attention.

So Chris, why even give oxygen to these clowns, they’re not worth the aggravation, nor is anything out of Cruz’s mouth even relevant...:)

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Joe Rogan - proof that "A Confederacy of Dunces" wasn't fiction.

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Well said...:)

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“But, Cruz — especially since his run for president in 2016 — has come across more and more as a talking head and provocateur within the MAGA movement as opposed to an elected official.”

You mean come across more and more as a talking gasbag.

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Still can’t believe that Texas wants this guy as a senator 🤦‍♀️

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Further proof to this native Texan who is happily as far from that place as you can get and still be in the same country that we need to "build the wall" around Texas (hell, throw in Oklahoma and Arkansas too).

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Ginning up the base: nothing scares them more than a smart, competent Black woman.

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The ONE thing about this is that Michelle Obama, *IF* she were interested in running (which, again, she isn’t), would be pretty much the one viable answer to "If not Biden, then who?" You know, short of Oprah or the Rock or whatever other marginally plausible potential candidate we find ourselves intrigued by at the moment.

If she were to run, she would have the skill and the polish to stand in against Trump, AND the gravitas and appeal to hold her own against a non-Trump candidate if one should become necessary to the Republicans.

Thing is, you can't really say that about Biden, which may be part of the reason there’s so little enthusiasm about him running for re-election.

DeSantis may have self-destructed, and Vivek may yet do the same, but if you wind up with Haley vs. Biden or Tim Scott vs. Biden, that could be a significant problem for Democrats.

And yes, she doesn't want to run. But maybe that's a feature, not a bug.

A certain very wealthy, very TERFy fantasy author once wrote something - in the voice of her wise old wizard - about those who seek power being ill-equipped to wield it responsibly, and that the best leaders are those who don't seek to lead, but are thrust into leadership roles and find themselves to be well-suited to those positions.

That, presumably, would be Michelle Obama.

Back in 2015, when Hillary and Bernie were running for the nomination, there was a clear hunger for Biden, but he wasn’t ready to do it. We saw how THAT worked out.

In that context, if Michelle Obama truly believed she was the only one who could stand between America and a Desantis/Ramiswamy/Haley/Scott presidency...

...do you think she says, "No?"

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DeSantis may have self-destructed, and Vivek may yet do the same, but if you wind up with Haley vs. Biden or Tim Scott vs. Biden, that could be a significant problem for Democrats.

If you actually think any of those might happen, I want some of what you're smoking. Vivek should have been thrown out the third floor window of his freshman dorm. Tim Scott is the perfect example of the guy the field slaves came up with a two-word term for, the first being "house."

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So he’s gonna scare them about Michelle Obama, so they are relieved when it’s just Joe Biden??

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According to his freshman year college roommate, several people thought Teddie should be thrown out the dorm window for being such a pest and general asshole. Too bad they didn't act on it.

He's another proof that the Ivy League isn't sending us their best.

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It seems to me that Cruz lacks integrity and a sense of right and wrong. To spread rank unsupported assertions by a person of his position is frightening. What else will he exaggerate for attention and power? Honestly, if Mrs Obama ran, I’d vote for her over either Trump or Cruz.

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If your assertion is right , and I think it is, just wait. If trump is elected, everyone will see their lifestyle affected.

MAGA= make America go away

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