This relates to my mailbag question, but I think you're ignoring the third reason:

Running for president is an easy way to get your name out there, raise some money, sell some books and maybe cash out with a FOX News contributor gig that allows you to stay relevant. Look at Vivek Ramaswamy.

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Trump is like a cockroach--seemingly, he survives everything. Bad diet, getting indicted, being found liable for sexual assault, make fun of the disabled, mock a war hero, none of it matters. And, as far as he's concerned, the more, the merrier. 2016 is happening all over again.

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They are all running because any money they raise can be used for just about anything. If they drop out, they just transfer the money to whatever they want too. This is the era of the unlimited slush fund for politicians. So is a any wonder it is also the era of most politicians being simple grifters? Sinema has even turned campaign donations into a "Pay for me to run in a marathon" slush fund and that is somehow now legal. Citizens United has to go and the FEC has to gain some enforcement power.

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Chris, you didn't include the possibility that he will flee the country.

Eric Gowins


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In other words, a death watch. I like it.

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That is the hope of many on both sides of the aisle. He needs to crash and burn with whatever means it can be, either health or legal. Christie and Pence know this is their last shot at it, although, don’t see either of them getting too much traction even if Trump crumbles. I would like to see Asa Hutchinson in the drivers seat but not sure that will happen either. Agree with Sam that others it’s name recognition to either stay relevant/make money or to make some noise for 2028.

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running for office provides more income for the grifters and grafters...sometimes the answer is too obvious to see...

None of the group running against Trump have any real political chops...they are reaching way beyond their capabilities and potential...

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All these speculations may be true.My own speculation is that they are getting in the race to lead the Republicans against Biden for the Presidency in 2024. Remember again in 2008 when everyone thought Hillary Clinton was the anointed Democratic candidate until she was not when Obama came along. I will not put any significant stock in these present presidential polls .People, the election is still some 16 months away!. Biden is going to win be it with DeSantis or Trump

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Per running to raise $$$

Why the fuque would anyone give money to these losers?

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With respect to the Monty Burns theory on the impact of Trump’s lawsuits on his electability. What I don’t seem to see addressed much is the effect on the electability of Congressional Republicans. I know he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and it’s no problem. But can the average M of C in a swing district defend Trump if he’s in court and the gory details, espionage, inciting a riot, whatever they are look kinda bad?

It looks to me like that red tsunami isn’t going to show in 2024 either no matter what happens in the presidential race. Every Republican running is going to have to answer for him.

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Also: many of these candidates are actually running for the role of Trump's running mate. These guys know they can't beat Trump, so I expect a lot of them to avoid attacking him so that they can land a spot on the ticket. Then they'll become a frontrunner for '28 or '32.

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