DeSantis is doing what the news media should have done the 4 years Trump was President--ignore Trump when he is being silly/unserious/distracting. Why respond to Trump when you realize that ignoring him is just going to push him more and more over the edge?

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“By the time he leaves, everyone in the place has told him the same thing: ‘You need to run for president.’”

I believe there’s some journalistic malpractice in leaving out that they also have tears in their eyes. I’d like to point out that I actually like Ron Desanctimonius despite it’s having been panned. But then, I consider myself to be an elite so I may not be its intended audience.

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Flip-flop is a dis that sticks. We have the old Vax stuff and now the Disney stuff. Anti-Woke is important, until it costs taxpayers money. Sure... Trump and any other candidates will disembowel DeSantis. As I said before, in a year it will be " Please Clap"As in " Jeb!". DeSantis won big in Florida. He is now the Repulican model of what a winner is. Not really, he ran against a lamer Republican turned Democrat who was certainly chosen by Republican money during the primary to be DeSantises foe. That tactic ( picking your opponent) is hard to pull off in a presidential primary.

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Unlimited campaign donations have made picking your opponent the new normal.

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Trump has always been his own worst enemy...probably would still be president if he would have just shut up on Twitter, etc...but, why stop now?

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Either of these two would be a disaster as President.*

*Unless you are a Caucasian Christian, preferably male.

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