The basic principle of Statistics (Statistics 101) is that for you to be able to generalize a study (poll) to a population , your sample demogrsphics must be representative of the population you're trying to apply your study(poll) to. This NYT poll and many other polls do not represent the general electorate. These pundits just like using the polls to drive their parochial narratives.
The basic principle of Statistics (Statistics 101) is that for you to be able to generalize a study (poll) to a population , your sample demogrsphics must be representative of the population you're trying to apply your study(poll) to. This NYT poll and many other polls do not represent the general electorate. These pundits just like using the polls to drive their parochial narratives.
The basic principle of Statistics (Statistics 101) is that for you to be able to generalize a study (poll) to a population , your sample demogrsphics must be representative of the population you're trying to apply your study(poll) to. This NYT poll and many other polls do not represent the general electorate. These pundits just like using the polls to drive their parochial narratives.