It is beyond belief that Biden is turning out to be a selfish jerk. Who knew. His saying that Trump winning is ok " as long as I gave it my best shot". Good Gawd. Talk about out of touch. Someone needs to get to him. Soon!

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Amen!! He came across as arrogant and very cocky.

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Turning out? People thought he was a jerk when he was a Senator. You don't get to be president or Supreme Court Justice by not being ambitious. Telling someone like that that they're not special, that someone else can do the job better than they can and replace them must not be easy.

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The guy who won’t acknowledge his granddaughter may be a jerk

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I don't think he was fine. Sorry Chris. He showed decline, refused to answer questions, stupid answer that he'd be ok if he lost -- b/c this is actually not an election about him -- it is about saving democracy. More reason he has to go.

Maybe he wasn't as horrible as at the debate, but it was still a FAILURE.

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I agree! I thought the interview was really bad, he still shows he doesn’t get what is the big deal. In addition, his answers were not strong, and he still had some, minor but still noticeable, mistakes. He has to be flawless here on out, a bar he cannot reach.

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I thought he was Fine and did better than the debate — if you watched the ABC interview with the sound off and no closed captions. looking at a transcript, the ABC raises more questions than it answers.

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My take was very similar to what Chris shared. Biden actually did better than I expected. The one fact /poll result I wish had been brought up is 80% of voters think Biden is too old. How do you win with that?

I am currently angry with Biden's close advisors and also his family. If dem leaders don't start publically calling for him to step down soon they will join my list.

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At this point all I can hope for is either that the Dems have an OUTSTANDING “October surprise” or that trump has a stroke/heart attack that leaves incapacitated (or worse) NO LATER THAN October 1st.

Not holding my breath on either…..

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We have a July surprise and the media can’t be bothered to report on the Epstein files.

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Trump stroking out simply means President Rubio. Not that I'd be unhappy at all about that.

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I'd be VERY unhappy with spineless "Little Marco."

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What I saw wasn't that fine. It was painful. I had to turn it off. It shouldn't be painful listening to a president! (It certainly is listening to his opponent.)

I have no idea if he or Harris will be a stronger candidate; I think you can make a case for each. We're essentially dealing with a toss-up. Which means you have to consider what the right thing is for the country. Maybe a vigorous all-there 81-year-old could serve as a president, but that's not what we're dealing with here.

The other day, I rewatched the 1984 debate between Reagan and Mondale, which was the previous high-water mark for a President acting confused in a debate. Reagan wasn't that coherent, but he was far better than Biden was, and he may have been in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's.

I like Biden a lot, and think he's been a great President, but this can't go on. It's really sad, but as the saying goes, as a man's got to know his limitations.

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I'm more than a decade younger that Biden but I've said for many years that one of the most important lessons of adulthood is learning how to let go.

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The past eight days has been some of your best work yet, Chris. You really shine when the stakes are at their highest.

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Biden’s comment that’s he’s ok with Trump winning as long as he, Biden, gave it his best shot is horrendous. His lack of self awareness of his decline (since 2020) and his campaign’s stubbornness to acknowledge the obvious, is mind boggling but so understandable for the way “old” folks and a politician’s inner circle behave.

I’ve been a huge supporter of Joe since the last campaign, but had concerns about his mental state even before he announced.

His debate performance was certainly his low point, but his on-going “normal” state is just not good enough any more and will certainly decline, probably significantly, over the next 4 years.

If he wants to be a true statesman, he needs to acknowledge the obvious, support a new nominee, and campaign as much as possible to support her/him.

That would be a true sign of his political greatness and a worthy legacy.

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I wish Joe would humble himself like a real man and do the right thing for the damn Country. He came across as detached, arrogant and very defiant. Some of which I can understand given the circumstances, but I thought he was the "Country first" President.

Today, I was reprimanded on Facebook. I was trying to post in my group of #NastyWomen in Madison County, Indiana and trying to educate the women about Project 2025. My Posts kept getting deleted. I couldn't understand what was happening. Finally, Facebook sent me a notification saying these posts go against our community standards. Someone must have gotten to Mark Zuckerberg. Rather ironic that happened the day that Trump came out and said he knew nothing about Project2025. Right. What b*******. As usual.

I'd had substack posts flagged before but never outright deleted like today. We were in shock. If that isn't Fascism I don't know what is!!

We're losing and losing badly. Wake up people!! Joe needs to do the right thing and he needs to do it fast if we want to have any chance at WINNING in November. 💔🇺🇸💙

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Summary of the Biden responses: I just had a bad night, don't know why. Bad polls?: Those aren't the polls. Low approval rating: I don't believe that's my rating. What if he's asked to step aside?: That's not going to happen. Have you gotten more frail in the last 4 years?: No. If I lose, it's ok, as long as I've done the best I could. Well, we've all seen him "doing his best." It's not a winning strategy. The denial reflex was staggering.

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Joe Biden was not my first choice in 2020. He was not my second choice. I ended up voting for him in the primary, and enthusiastically voted for him that November. He has far exceeded my expectations in office. I think he is one of the most significant presidents -- if not THE most -- of my lifetime.

Having watched his interview, I think he has one more thing to do to cement his reputation of one of the greatest presidents: he needs to step aside.

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One thing no one is talking about -- and I have been asking everywhere. Biden said he didn't think he had watched any of the debate. How could he answer any of the questions about how he did if he doesn't know what we saw? And that got him into a loop with Stephanopoulos who kept trying to get some understanding while Biden did a repeat of his major campaign talking points. He did a better job of that in Wisconsin. That wasn't what he had to do tonight.

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In the interview,he said that he wasn’t sure if he watched the debate,(!) If he hasn’t seen it, he needs to watch it immediately. This chaos around the nomination may hand the election to Donald J Trump. The interview did not help. Democratic leaders can change the calculus, and they’d better get busy.

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That was beyond insane. If I was on his staff, I would have made him sit down the next day and watch it. It’s like an NFL quarterback having a bad game. The great QB’s would have been watching film immediately. The fact he didn’t is concerning.

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Indeed. I mean, most of us sat through that painful and disappointing broadcast,the least that Biden and the campaign can do is to see what we all saw, and understand why we are panicking.

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I think the Stephanopoulos interview clearly shows that Biden cannot handle another four years. He was barely able to handle that interview, though he was not terrible. Maybe he could limp through 4 months, but what does that prove? I have reached my conclusion, and I think he needs to get out right now.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Hello Joe, this is the Lord Almighty. Get out of the race!

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When the ABC interview was announced, somehow, I had the impression that it was going to be much broader in scope. I thought it was going to be, at least, an hour and that George would be asking questions about policies and world events. I think that would have been much more helpful than 22 minutes of "tell us why you shouldn't be replaced".

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If Biden had shown some understanding of what happened last week, I think Stephanopoulos would have moved on. But Biden kept deflecting and that got in the way of moving on.

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He needs to do comprehensive interviews and press conferences.

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Chris - thanks for this quick take on the aftermath of Biden's interview tonight. Losing to Donald Trump would be an unmitigated disaster. I agree that this interview, might have moved the needle, or least moved it more, if had happened the night after the debate. That debate and more specifically the first 10 minutes of it are hard to "unsee".

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