Oh, this is ABSOLUTELY true. If/when he wins in November of 2024, his next Presidency will be a four-year carnage of vengeance against everyone and everything he thinks has "wronged him".

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Why do you think it will only last four years?

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An even more horrifying prospect.

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If you think about rule breaking, that's the biggest rule we have. There won't have to be any pretense about whether the election was fair or rigged, whether he's limited to two terms or not. Who will stop him?

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Also horrifyingly true.

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referred to a woman he has just been found liable of sexually assaulting as a “whack job.”

Don't forget he was also found liable of defamation on top of the sexual assault. You said it right, There really is no bottom. No low that he won't sink to.

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Spot. On. We have no idea how far he will go. The more he is challenged, the harder he will push. Democracy is truly at stake.

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I also put forth, the reason the power of the President has grown so much is that we have a Congress that does NOTHING! They could pass legislation rather than be critical of executive decrees.

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I am terrified of this. The country is in deep trouble as Trump will take us down, doubt any guardrails will keep us on track. We will break. Not only will he go further and further, he will know that he can’t run again, so this will be it. He may try to stay in power but he won’t be able to run again. We aren’t even at the tip of the iceberg yet. His GOP toadies will also be barreling towards that iceberg.

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The next election will be worse than you can imagine. Donald Trump has no intention of winning the next election. He is focusing on firing up his base and not looking for a real victory. He is not focusing on winning a general election popular vote or an electoral collage victory. Why? He loaded the courts with far right Republican judges at both the state level and in the Supreme Court. Through gerrymandering the Republicans have won most state legislatures. His plan is to "Flood the Zone" (to use a favorite phrase from Steve Bannon) with challenges. He will litigate and challenge everything, not with the intention of winning the challenges, just the intention of delaying the results. His judges will help him with that. If a long enough delay happens then the election will be "Contested" and state legislatures will decide the collage votes, if that is challenged, it will eventually go to the Supreme Court. and the court will decide the winner. Donald Trump will not let voters actually decide that he is a loser again and has carefully set things up so that voters will have no say about who wins. Trump knows that the courts can overrule the House and Senate and the will of the majority of American voters and he will use that.

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JFK and RFK and MLK get assassinated; Trump still walks around. He's the living embodiment of an old "Texanism" about what someone "needed."

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"[Trump] referred to a woman he has just been found liable of sexually assaulting as a 'whack job.' "

As for "Stormy Daniels", Trump would've been wise to limit himself to a "whack job"


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