Very well said. I think you put it perfectly when you said whether he is racist or not is besides the point. He does know exactly what he is doing and the message he delivers over and over and over again could not be any more clear.

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Of course Trump is a racist. He grew up at the feet ( and under the thumb) of Fred, who was arrested at a Klan rally in Queens. They had to settle EEOC complaints of discrimination in housing . He brazenly displays his racism in comments of the type you mention. It’s not an open question. He also panders shamelessly to the super-wealthy- by promising to cut taxes and regulations . But somehow he convinces millions of working class people that he’s on their side.

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When someone repeatedly shows you who he is, it's ok to believe that's who and what he is.

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I mean, he is the one who brought it up.

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Kirstjen Nielsen is another in a long line of people who destroyed their entire reputation for Trump.

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Here's what I haven't caught anyone observing: Are the people in "nice" countries knocking down our door to immigrate? No doubt that there are some. But, are they bumping up against the quota? Are we blocking those immigrants? We can be open all we want to to immigrants from the "nice" countries, but I suspect a much larger percentage of their citizens are perfectly happy right where they are and in fact may not have any interest in immigrating to the US. It's another perspective on DJTs warped sense of what the US, our melting pot, and our immigration policies are (or ought to be) about.

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The William Russell happiness report assesses various factors such as residents' perceptions of their environment, friendliness, safety, and inclusion. According to their findings, the top five countries were Denmark, Sweden,

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...Sweden, Canada and New Zealand 2024

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And Australia! ( phew!)

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Exactly! "Letting in" the immigrants from "nice" countries would likely require actual recruiting, not merely "letting" them.

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And it fits right in with what we've been hearing about how a new Trump administration would shift the civil rights laws to protect white people from "discrimination". It's just sickening!

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There has been quite a bit of discussion of late about how the media should cover Trump. I think you are hitting the nail squarely on the head; just report what he says. Only a person who was deliberately trying to not "get it" would not be able to understand very clearly what this man is saying. I hope that more organizations will follow your lead, people just need to hear how deranged this man is. god help us



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I am repeating what I believe to be the most important thing. Trump promises a bloodbath if he loses and retribution if he wins. TRUMP = VIOLENCE IN AMERICA WIN OR LOSE.



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Cool sticker. But I’d be concerned with MAGAts damaging my car. Maybe I’ll buy one and stick it over a Trump sticker!

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I think your concern is real and this kind of intimidation is what we face.

There are other places to put stickers.

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Actually, what I liked the most from that clip was then-Senator Kamala Harris scolding Nielson. "If you don't know that Norway is predominently a White country, that makes me concerned about what you know about the scope of your job" (or something like that.) In other words, "You twit. Either you genuinely don't know anything about the demographics of other countries, which is plainly within the purview of your job, or you are so concerned about sucking up to Trump that you'll feign ignorance."

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Just to underscore that: I am a big fan of VP Harris. If, by some terrible misfortune, President Biden is not able to finish his term in office, I think we'll be in great hands wuth VP Harris.

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Yes! I loved that as well!!

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Chris used the word that best describes everything Trump says and does..transactional. Sure, he may be a racist, but if the dog whistle needed was less racist Trump would be fine with that, too. The man has ZERO conviction or integrity. He merely sees results.

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I agree, which is why I think he came out and said what he said about abortion today, "leaving it to the states" and that he is“strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.” The fact is, he doesn't give a flying flip about women, as we know...he is once again, going for the vote. Cruel and sickening , that he is "using" this ...but just another example of he will say ANYTHING for , as you said "results".

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You know, I'm reminded of a comment my aunt made during the Romney-Obama race for the White House. She said, watching Romney on TV, "I can't put my finger on it, but he just looks like a president." Hmm. Wonder what it was. ;-)

Great reporting, awesome commentary, became a paid subscriber today.

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He must have just looked more "professional", another dead giveaway.

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you made me chuckle. I had a boss once who was "obsessed" with whether people were "professional" -- especially women. He was always "surprised" when a woman was "professional," too. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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I've said this before... I do not believe that Trump himself believes himself to be a racist. In fact, I do not believe the word can be used by a person to describe themselves. It's the same as with lawyers like Mike Johnson and Josh Hawley who, viewed through a certain lens, can be described as obviously resenting women, in general. Why? Both have dedicated at least part of their lives to subjugating women and making the State the arbiter of women's healthcare. Of course it's really about the unborn fetuses though, right? RIght?

I'd also like to forward another suggestion. Perhaps the people of Denmark, Switzerland, and Norway really don't want to come here. It doesn't matter their race. Maybe they don't like the look of armed dudes for no reason in McDonald's. Perhaps they are more financially secure there, or maybe they are just... happier?

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Thanks, Chris, for this important post. It is so important to get this message out to undecided people or even Trump supporters who wish to maintain the fiction that he is not racist and/or seeking to appeal to racists. This is a spot on analysis..... and needs to be read by as many people as possible. Thanks for all that you do, Chris.

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Hi Chris,

Paying subscriber here.

One of the main reasons why I'm a paying subscriber is that you regularly provide drivel-free, thought-provoking content, even on those rare occasions where we have different points of view. Unlike the MAGA folks, I'd like to think that I'm open-minded enough to consider alternate viewpoints and become better educated.

One of the biggest "frustrations" I have with your columns (and similar content from other bloggers) is that we're all in our own echo chamber.

It's conveniently easy for us to ridicule MAGA for being close-minded - getting their information exclusively from Das Fuhrer (and his minions), Faux News, Newsmax, etc, but we're not much different.

Everything that you wrote in this posting is 100% accurate, and is agreed with universally by all of your readers, but we're already onboard with the mission, the objectives, and dangers of not being successful in November. We all know Trump is a mentally-challenged, cognitively-challenged, narcissistic wannabe-dictator, and a criminal to boot.. You're preaching to the choir.

How do we move from being in our own echo chamber to de-programming those currently consumed by the MAGA cult?

I don't have that answer, but I think it would be beneficial to all of your subscribers and readers if more of your content was focused on ways we can make that happen.

Respectfully submitted.

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IMO, he’s a racist through and through. However, I agree that it’s irrelevant as it’s what he actually says and does. Just another example of how disgraceful of a person that he is.

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To paraphrase - "If he acts like a racist and quacks like a racist, he probably is a racist."

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No hesitation.


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