I was wondering if we would hear from you tonight Chris. Thank you so much. This is the best $60 anyone could spend

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Thank you for being a human being first.

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Any assasination attempt on a presidential candidate is unfortunate. That said, is anyone really surprised? You can't devote your entire life to stoking fear, anger, hatred, and resentment..as Trump has.. without any consequences. It is sad that we have gotten to this point.

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Sorry, Chris. I don't need to wait to hear any more facts. Trump has been fomenting political violence for years. Does anymore remember J6?? Bill Barr had the balls to say this is the Democrats fault because we've been calling Trump an existential threat to democracy. I have less than ZERO empathy for Trump. He caused this. He'll be selling tee shirts tomorrow with a picture of his bloody ear on it. I won't be hypocritical.

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Barr is right.

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Karma’s a bitch. Where were the kind words from Trump after Paul Pelosi was attacked with a hammer. Or the lack of empathy when people were being beaten and killed on J6.

Nope no empathy from me either.

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Please. Not tonight.

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I said all I am going to say. Good night.

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Why? Let's not be hypocritical.

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That’s the reason why Trumpism would grow in this country. Just when you think that being nice and civil means being hypocritical

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“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Joe Biden

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I think he was referring to the bystander who got killed. Not Trump himself.

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We can be better. I know it's tough but in the end we will like ourselves more

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You are so right. I just wish you had come out to say those same words when Nancy Pelosi husband was beaten and trump made jokes and untrue accusations about that. But you are so right.

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Fair enough, but let’s not be like those people. No delight in the misfortune of others.

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I couldn’t agree more with you, Chris! I look forward to your perspective as we learn more.

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Chris that was an absolutely thoughtful first statement. Thank you.

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Well done, CC. The politics can wait 24 hours - and the analysis will be better then anyway.

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Thanks for the update Chris. Look forward to your political perspective going forward. Good advice.

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Thoughts and prayers. But no more. Just like EVERY OTHER SHOOTING.

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wasn't it with an AR15? Oops, guess we forgot to ban them🙄

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Thanks Chris. Please take care of you and your family. I’m so grateful I get to read your words ever. Big fan here in Phoenix

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Thank you, Chris, for your wise advice.

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Violence is *always* wrong!!

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Thank you for the calm and reasoned analysis. We will find out more in time. The politics can wait.

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Your best advice: don’t share those hot takes. You can’t be embarrassed by unshared thoughts.

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If you go on social media, you'll see numerous left wing people conjuring Alex Jones style "false flag" theories- mirroring the ludicrous tactics the left rightly mocked after the Pelosi attacks. We are in a horrible place in this Country in so many ways. Perhaps it's a function of all the conspiracy theories in popular drama. Perhaps people can't distinguish reality from fiction or think it's all fun and games. But too many people - on all sides- run to theories that suit their world view whenever something like this happens. World gone mad

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