As an Iowan, I can tell you that Reynolds was very popular with the MAGA crowd until she started cozying up to DeSantis. Now I think they hate her about as much as the Democrats in our state do. If the Dems can find a decent candidate to challenge her in the next election, she might actually be vulnerable. There was one poll that showed she's the most unpopular governor in the US.

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I'm also a lifelong Iowan (although recently moved out of state) and I agree wholeheartedly

with your statement. One additional comment on Kim - she's not the sharpest tool in the toolbox. Terry Branstad picked her for Lt Guv out of nowhere because she looks good on stage.

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An important female Republican candidate requisite...does she she seem to be fuquable to the marginally employable brain-dead "youngsters" and the Country Club geriatrics

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Hopefully, the intervening God that so many Americans seem to like, will hear your appeal.

While I do believe in an Enlightened Entity created the universe, considering the Earth's Human history, I don't think the Loving God Theory has done much to prove his/her interest in guiding rational/loving actions.

Perhaps the enlightened "Founding Father" Deists were right --- God is the watchmaker allowing our fuqued-up selves do 90% damage to one another and 10% to enlightened caring for one another.

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Hasn't she been cozying up to DeSantis for quite a while now? I didn't see this announcement as a big surprise.

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Maybe she has a crush on him. 😁

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Yes, she has. But like Chris said, it just seems odd that Reynolds would hop on the DeSantis train right now as it's falling over a cliff.

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I was waiting for your take on this. I really don't understand what she's trying to do here, especially when Haley has whatever momentum a non-Trump candidate can muster.

And even if DeSantis wins Iowa, it's not going to matter. Trump will just claim the governor's endorsement shows how rigged the caucus process really is. Sad!

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Agree. It is a VERY weird decision by her. Very.

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Reynolds often seems as utterly unpleasant as DeSantis and DeSantis is a truly unpleasant person. Perhaps they were, er, made for each other. Somehow, the political coverage of Iowa this year almost makes it sound as if voters go to the polls on primary election day and cast their ballots. That is NOT the case. In fact, some diehard GOPers will gather in select locations, at night and probably in cold, unpleasant weather, and opine on who they think should be the Republican nominee. A relatively small sample of registered Republicans who are mostly Caucasian will give us their opinions and, for reasons that escape me, I am supposed to think the results are important. History suggests those results are mostly important only to the reporters and pundits who are staying at Des Moines hotels on an expense account.

Of interest to me is Governor Reynolds comment that we need someone to "reverse the madness that we see happening across this country.” Although I always feel, er, badly about the madness Reynolds apparently sees in Iowa, I also wonder if that "madness" includes the IMMENSE pot of money the federal government sends to those Iowa pig raisers and corn farmers. Those fiscal conservatives in Iowa never met a farm subsidy they didn't love. Madness, indeed?!? Just sayin'.........

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I don’t know why any elected Republicans, or anyone else for that matter, indulges in the fantasy that anyone other that Donald J Trump will be the Republican nominee for the presidency. DeSantis has shown his true colors, we know that he is Trump with a better education and weirder shoes. It is very odd that Kim Reynolds would toss her political future on the garbage heap for DeSantis, but there it is.

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Further proof that all the "intelligent Republicans" left long ago.

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How do you re-light a firecracker, once it's been lit and burned out? If I may cut to the chase...nothing can save DeSantis.

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She’s absolutely wrong, as poll after poll shows.

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One possible reason for Reynolds' endorsement: Early this year, DeSantis called IA state legislators personally and asked for their endorsement, and many did endorse him. I haven't heard about retractions or switches (if so, they're very sotto voce). Preserving good relations with the Statehouse? Maybe so.

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To answer the header's query: "no...No...NO"

The Caudillo de DeSantistan is dead in the water ready to be flushed out of the national consciousness.

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I’m a bit surprised she didn’t endorse Haley, who has at least some momentum right now. Not that it will make any difference.

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It won’t make a difference no matter what her motive is. Trump is the de facto nominee and nobody or anything will change it. As to why, makes no sense to me but if that is what she feels, so be it.

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Makes no sense to me either. I can *sort of* see the RDS bank shot, i.e. some exogenous event, presumably health related, takes Trump completely out of the running in the very near future, and MAGA world is unable to agree on a proper successor quickly enough => organization plus lib-owning allows RDS to consolidate enough of the MAGA-friendly vote to win Iowa and then Momentum!!!

The expected ROI for Reynolds seems really poor, although I am somewhat reminded of the fact that Pence was allegedly not a shoein for reelection in IN Gov 2016.

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Some politicians still have integrity within the GOP even in the Era of Trump . Reynolds did the right thing IMO. Just because Trump is leading in the polls shouldn't stop her from doing what she thinks and feel is right for her party. Kudos to Reynolds for declining to endorse the Fraudster . I know Trump is going to deny ever asking her for her endorsement. And as for her Political career in the state, she apparently chose what she thinks is morally better for her party rather than her own interests. Remember Mike Pence on January 6th? Let's give honest credit to whom ever its due. Reynolds Mike Pence. Chris Christie etc deserve a lot of credits even if you don't agree with their politics

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To me, DeSantis is Trump without the baggage of 91 indictments and 2 impeachments, so I'm not going to give Reynolds credit for endorsing one dictator wanna-be over another. Reynolds has been fighting a lot of the culture wars here in Iowa, such as keeping transgender females out of girls' sports....even though there have only been 1 or 2 such cases of this happening. She has villainized all transgender people, and as the parent of a transgender son, I can't stand her.

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the Trump cult is much larger than the DeSantis cult - even in Florida

It's not Iowa, but here in Pennsylvania, we're big on campaign yard signs which are my barometer on elections. There are TONS of Trump signs. I've seen one DeSantis sign. There are no Haley signs.

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