
I think you've been too hard on the guy.

Who amongst us can honestly say they've never joined a black porn site and declared themselves a black nazi who enjoys watching transsexual porn while at the same time advocating jail for actual trans people who use their chosen restroom while using our actual email account and then visiting porn shops in our hometown?

Can any of us declare total innocence on this issue?

Geez North Carolina, did you think we would not notice?

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All the LOLs! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Well...the closest I ever came has been reading erotic fiction involving fairly routine men and women, who at the end get married and live happy and prosperous lives.


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Excellent post, highlighting how Trump's MAGA movement has degraded our politics. It is inconceivable that the GOP would ever have nominated a vile clown like Robinson in the pre-Trump era. But since Trump entered the scene, Rs have repeatedly nominated people in Trump's mold: know-nothings who trade in vile bluster and bombast rather than serious interest in governing. Even now, Rs in NC aren't concerned with how unqualified and morally bankrupt Robinson is; their only concern is whether he can win. Let's hope he stays on the ticket and depresses R turn-out enough for Harris to win the state.

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I would rather say Trumpโ€™s MAGA movement has degraded the Republican Party, as opposed to our politics, as that would seem to imply all of our politics are degraded, but itโ€™s only the Republican Party that has gone over the cliff.

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There is no longer a Republican party. It's the sickening Trump party.

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The Dems should make good..no, great..use of Robinson. The guy is the ultimate "weirdo", and that is his best trait. He also SPOKE AT THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION!! A self described Nazi! What a gift! KH is going to win NC on her way to the WH!

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There are so many clips of Trump praising Robinson - I hope the Dems wear them out, tying trump to Robinson. And the state GOP has only itself to blame. They voted Robinson in as the Lt Gov 4 years ago, to serve with the Dem governor, Roy Cooper. (IN NC, it's not a ticket, those are two separate races.). AND they voted him to be the nominee for governor. They knew what he was like - he's been making horrible comments for years (trans and LGBTQ are filth, some folks need to be killed, women should not be allowed to vote). But Trump endorsed him, so there you to.

- I live in NC, and I'm tired of NC being in the news for all the wrong reasons. I hope our next national exposure is Nov 5, when NC goes for Harris and helps put her over the top.

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Pulling for y'all up here in Richmond!

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Robinson is just a symptom of the illness of the entire Republican Party . The Party of family values, of โ€œchristianโ€ morality, of small government, of fiscal prudence, is now a funhouse mirror reflection of its former self.

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The old Larry Craig special. Love to see that.

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I avoid the "Larry Craig Memorial Restroom" every time I pass through MSP

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Does Robinson not realize that black people were enslaved? Or does he not realize that heโ€™s black?

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No. In his mind he's not Black. In fact he's thin and blonde.

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It's a smear campaign that utilizes my specific:

Demographic ID

Location ID

Personal Email

Website ID

Clearly a hit job.

Make Africa Great Again!

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Yes, these new revelations are startling, but Robinson was manifestly unfit from Day 1. As of yesterday, however, he was trailing in certain polls by only 5%. That's how far the GOP has sunk under Trump and how strong tribalism runs.

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My friends (Rs & Ds) in NC have told me all along that Robinson could not win because he appeals to such a narrow group of people even though polling keeps saying otherwise. But what got me yesterday was the Ashley Madison link. I could not stop laughing. That was straight out of the "How f**king stupid are you?" playbook. Played properly, that will sink his support in the Evangelical segment.

I read somewhere else yesterday that the Nebraska elector deal is dead. Yes, it has been discussed, but they didn't have the votes to bring it up and the Governor is unwilling to call a special session.

Interesting Senate race maps. I had read late last week that Cruz was in serious trouble this election cycle. Just goes to show that you can only be a d*ck for so long in Texas before people get tired of it.

That said, I doubt that Tester out in Montana is going to survive based on what I have read.

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He was not chosen by Republicans. There are no Republicans left. Trump chose him. That's a fact. A sick fact. Tells us even more who Trump is, could not have thought it possible he could be more sickening.

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a new flag bearer for the party of "Do as I say, not as I do"

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good one๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

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I hope he stays in the race. And itโ€™s hilarious that the TRUMP campaign wants him to withdraw. Since Trump is an adjudicated sexual assaulter.

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I think you've missed one truly ironic issue at play. After saying the mainstream media is not to be trusted, in the 2020 election, vaccines and just about anything else, Robinson and Trump would have even more pushback if he resigned rather than fight the allegations and double down. Even if they are true! Perhaps especially if they are true.

It's the box they've put themselves in.

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I'm not defending Robinson who is a real loser, but this is CNN in bed with the Democratic party. You think they just happened on this information at the 11th hour? Obviously it was found by oppo research and given to CNN, who is releasing it with only a few hours left to drop out. And as Chris says it has national implications. Maybe Chris can talk about this given his background.

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I was watching Jake Tapper today when the reporter who did the research broke this story on air, and that did not seem to be the case at all. With all respect, I think a deeper look into the actual reporter and how long he's been working on this are warranted before making this claim.

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I'm looking at the CNN site and don't see any discussion on how the info was obtained or why they released it at this particular time. If they've been working on this for a while that makes the timing even more concerning.

It looks like the GOP and Robinson has known this was coming for a couple days so maybe CNN gave him a heads up. It would be nice to know more details.

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According to the full article, โ€œCNN first reached out to Robinson on Tuesday morning with evidence connecting him to the comments on Nude Africa. It took two days for his campaign to respond and issue a denial.โ€

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Reporters customarily give people 48 hours to comment. CNN is saying they gave him at least that long. There have been rumors about a big story for at least 24 hours. How much time does a candidate need to make a decision on this? At the very least your earlier claim that he was given only a few hours has been proven wrong. Doesnโ€™t that make you think maybe all your other entirely unsupported might also be wrong.

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stop... there is no defense of Robinson's behavior. Oppo research? so what. People should know, they need to know.

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Sep 20ยทedited Sep 20

I agree, It seems like somebody said they weren't defending him. Oh yeah it was me.

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i was talking about the next point you were making; that somehow it was unfair that CNN was releasing this at a time to cause the most damage. it appears from comments that this is an unknown.. when /how did they come by this material? in any event, i still say, "so what?" it is info that should be known.

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If anyone was releasing the info on this day, it would be the state GOP wanting to get him to drop out before the deadline. If the dems had the information they would hold it until the weekend before the election for maximum effect. This is an internal hit done by a GOP seeing an inevitable loss. It could cement the presidency for Kamala.

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