Karen Tumulty of the WaPo had an interesting column about what would happen if either elderly candidate were to die (or go to jail) before the election. There were several different scenarios, but, basically, if Dumpy ended up in jail or died of a heart attack before the election, the RNC would choose someone to be his replacement. That person wouldn't necessarily be his running mate. Perhaps Haley is betting that Dumpy will go to jail this summer and she's positioning herself to be Dumpy's replacement. I don't think that's a bad calculation, given the situation.

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Love the Dumpy!

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Nicjname...not the person!

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Haley embarrassing herself? I think it's actually the Republicans of SC accomplishing that. Agree with others believing she is positioning herself as the go to when Trump; dies, goes to jail or is committed to an asylum.

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I imagine most of the folks in that 32 % just believe that TS is going to endorse Biden, which in MAGAland makes it conspiratorial.

Re Nikki, she has money to spend, she is the last challenger left, and Trump is a lunatic who could implode at any moment. Why not stay in?

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Also, if Trump's found guilty and remanded directly to prison? His campaigning is going to be a wee bit curtailed....

I suspect Haley thinks if she sticks it out, she'll be Last (Wo)Man Standing come the Convention. If not, she'll be there when the Republicans have to drop Trump like a hot potato.

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HEY! There is NO SHAME OR HUMILIATION in putting forth your best effort and not winning. Isn’t that what we tell our kids when they lose at soccer or baseball or the spelling bee? Are we lying to them? Do you think they don’t hear the crap you say about other people? They’re smart enough to figure out, “Dad’s just saying that to make me feel better, because he writes it’s humiliating when people lose elections. “It IS SHAMEFUL to lie and cheat and try to steal elections and it’s humiliating THEN to still lose. Write about that. But you & every other pundit or commentator who has used the words embarrassing, shameful, and humiliating to describe Nikki Haley’s challenge to Trump needs to stop it right now. I don’t hear you lining up to talk about how embarrassed and humiliated Dean Phillips is going to be. Double standards, maybe? Surely, you’re not afraid of that blowhard bully. Come on. You’re better than this. Use your excellent words. The children are listening.

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I wish I could like this 1000 times more.

It is classic Man in the Arena material… from Teddy Roosevelt:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

I don’t like Haley much, mostly because of her past positions. But if she has joined Team Democracy then she has my support. Especially over Trump.

And Chris C… well so far he is just a critic.

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It's all about protecting Trump. It's a pattern going after anyone who dare to challenge the Cult leader. Remember how Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, etc were maligned. Now it's Nikki Haley turn. I don't hear or read a word about Trump insulting Nikki Haley's Husband or Trump asking Russia to attack any NATO country who does not pay his due( by the way, NATO countries do not pay dues, they are just required to allocate at least 2% of the annual budget to their Defence Department)

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Haley is now the voice of the non-MAGAs within the GOP. That strategy solidified once she was the last candidate standing, in the unlikely event Trump doesn’t get the nomination, in which case she is the presumptive leader of the party for 2028, since Trump will lose if he is the nominee. I find her approach completely rational. I do not buy the incredulity expressed that she wants to embarrass herself in SC. Her relationship to the SC GOP is a black box to us outsiders; she wants to flush out her enemies and get them on the wrong side of history, so when her time comes —and I’m no apologist for her but she is the future of the GOP—- she can dispense with the heretics in her own backyard.

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Re Haley, there is a hefty % of Trump voters who say they’d switch if he’s convicted . That’s still possible. And in any event, there are enough post race opportunities on boards, think tanks, and colleges for someone with her resume

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I'll bet they won't be able to bring themselves not to vote for The Mango Messiah should he get convicted. There's a 50-50 chance Trump will be able to stay out of prison pending an appeal, and he will play the Victim Card for all its worth.

OTOH, a lot of Right-leaning Independents won't vote for him, I'm willing to bet, which is where Biden wins.

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Trump is never going to prison. House arrest is a possibility if all goes right

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Probably true. But an orange jumpsuit would go so well with his facial makeup...

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Solid Simpsons deep cut!

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Re: Nikki Haley - did you see Politico Nightly's take on it this afternoon? Basically, if (hopefully when) Trump loses in Nov, she's positioning herself, ala Bernie Sanders for the Dems in 2016, to take a leadership role in reshaping the GOP. I'm not sure if that's her strategy, but it could be the end results.

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I watched Loose Change back in the day. For about a minute afterward I thought maybe these guys are onto something. But then, the thought comes, how many people would have to be involved. That’s where conspiracy theories die. So, all the other NFL teams and players would have to be in on letting the Chiefs win, too. I suppose. Otherwise, it starts to get complicated. 😉

I love that George Santos is now trolling the Republicans on a regular basis. In case they didn’t already know they were clowns.

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The song of the day 🙂

Still one of my favorite bands from the 90's.

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ah jeeees! I have to think that Haley is thinking that she might be the last (wo)man standing (thank you Dr darke). I have to think that she might have had a massive, coronary worthy, change of heart and decided that Christie was right (he of the massive coronary worthy change of heart) . I am not sure i can imagine how this many people actually think this.

Chris, talk me down from the ledge... we are seeing Dems win races. It seems that normal people do not want to support MAGA folks. I get that a one off is not the presidential election... how can the polls still be showing Trump ahead? I am a rather lazy consumer of data (guys!!! I am a modern dancer!!! my world is the larger universal firmament) how can organizations poll 1800 folks and make predictions? (i do not expect you to explain polling date to me) what i mean is how can polls of a couple of 1000 people , coupled with Dem wins NOT prove something other than Trump is ahead?



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As far as the Swift/Kelce nonsense, the polling of Rs is consistent with the numbers re Qanon. The lack of logical or critical thinking it demonstrates explains why Rs swallow Trump’s lies and hollow promises. As far as the Georgia case, Willis made a couple of foolish mistakes. But the case is highly credible and valuable. Indeed, she’s already collected a number of guilty pleas. I doubt the Judge, who is an R but not a Trumper, will disqualify her. If he does, the case will be very delayed and may be a dead letter.

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A sitting President had an inappropriate relationship with a 20ish intern IN the White House & perjured himself over it, and he was still considered qualified to hold the office. A lying, unethical businessman and tax cheat has an inappropriate relationship with a porn star & pays her hush money, possibly violating campaign finance laws, lies about it repeatedly, and he is elected President. If Fani Willis is disqualified for the relationship in question, she is obviously in the wrong office. She should be running for President. There doesn’t seem to be as tough a set of ethics for that.

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Judge McAfee worked under Fani Willis when he was a Prosecutor, and while he's willing to entertain the possibility she might have crossed the line, he's made it clear he will not tolerate attempts to smear their reputations through unproven allegations.

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Everyone I know in Atl says he is a good judge. So he’ll go where the evidence demands. But Willis never should have allowed this situation to muck up a vitally important case

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Yes, but—while she's very good and very smart, I doubt it ever occurred to her somebody would sling that kind of mud which isn't even an issue in the case?

It's like a woman suing a man for sexual assault, and he brings up "evidence" that she's had sex with other women! It's not germane to the case no matter WHAT that guy thinks....

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If you have followed the hearing, I'd be curious re your take

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Sorry, I haven't because I had to get up early to go and have atomic isotopes pumped into me, and get injected with drugs that make me have trouble breathing!

Right now, I'm beat and am going to take a nap....

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Sorry about all that. Hope you feel better

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Hiring Wade was , in itself, a debatable decision. I disagree about whether she should have foreseen that entering into a relationship would create an issue. But she is very good and very smart and I hope tomorrow is the end of the issue as far as the courts go.

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An awesome album and song. Yes, the conspiracy stuff is insane. I think Americans have lost their minds.

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And now that there was a mass shooting at the KC Chiefs Super Bowl parade, can we put this absurd conspiracy theory to rest? As if... I'm disgusted with this country and heartbroken for Kansas City, its people and what should have been a fun celebratory day with their team and citizens turned into this.😢

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On Trump trials, you forgot to mention that Trump also has a court date in New York tomorrow about his criminal hursh money payment to porn star, Stommie Daniel. Your audience would probably want to know too in addition to the one in Georgia

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"Chris Crucial" is another gift you give to your subscribers! Thank you!

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