The commentary, Chris, was disquieting, but the Beatles saved the day

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I do what I can!

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Finally, finally a honest article about the state of the race! Great work Chris! Yes, this democracy is at stake argument is ridiculous! David Axelrod said that months ago. People who can’t afford food, gas, housing aren’t sitting around the kitchen table worrying about democracy. That doesn’t even take into account foreign wars & immigration. What a mess! Carville is right, it’s so simple, it’s the economy stupid! People vote their pocket book.

Tough uphill battle at best for the current Dem ticket this fall.

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But the economy by all measures is doing great. Stock market, unemployment, wages, GDP.

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Keep with that argument. Maybe tell a bunch of people they aren’t smart enough to realize how great the economy really is! Let’s see how that works.

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It’s not an argument. It’s a fact. The GOP has effectively made it seem that we are in a bad economy.

Dutch, why are you sounding like you are mad at me. It is a mystery to me why people think the economy is bad and a bigger mystery why they would think that Republicans will improve it.

The economy has done better under Democrats but it doesn’t register.

So it’s the economy that people vote on and it’s good, so what Carville’s point is that Dems campaign on it.

Will Donald’s tariffs make things cheaper? Was the economy better when Donald was president?

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You are exactly right. The idea that Ds need to stay silent about the good economy b/c people don’t “feel it” is a recipe for defeat. Ds are always bad at touting their economic success. And too many people are simply misinformed. They think unemployment is high, when it’s near record low; the market is down, when it’s up , etc. It’s also notable that polls show a lot of people say they’re doing fine but they don’t think the economy is. So Ds need to find a way to get the straight facts out there.

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"By contrast, just 3% of voters said that “Elections/Election reform/Democracy” was the most important issue facing the country. "

Not blaming you, Chris, but geez did Gallup screw up. Biden is talking about protecting the American republic. Throwing in "Elections/Election Reforms" is asking people to buy into the Trump/MAGA nonsense that there's massive voter fraud and elections are rigged. Conflating those is misleading if not downright dishonest.

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Here we go again!. The Political Industrial Complex (pundits like Chris Cilliza, the poll stars and the political consultants) think they know best .Here is Chris Cilliza claiming to know that "Biden's Democracy argument" against Trump is not working. I remember the same group of people said the same thing in 2022 during the midterms. They Said exactly what Chris is saying now and predictEd a "Red wave" then end up with eggs on their faces. Like it or not, Biden is going to continue to tell the country about the threats that Trump poses to Democracy (remember January 6th and Trump's idea of suspending the Constitution) . Biden and his surrogates will also continue to tell the electorate that Trump is convicted felon. You can get annoyed or angry about that but that's not going to stop the Biden's team from reminding the electorate about those two facts among others. Just because Chris Cilliza says Biden's Democracy argument is not working does not make it so. Remember that's just Chris view and not establishEd fact

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Sometimes I wonder if you and I even read the same article...

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May be we don't and if we do, we probably interpret them differently

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I like you Chris, so don’t take this badly, but the headline Biden Democracy Fail sounds like Biden is against Democracy. That is not what you meant, but I needed to read the damn post to get it that you think he needs to campaign stronger on other issues

Then on the deficit, you bury what should be the headline that Trump and other GOP tax cuts have caused the deficit. Why say that after saying both parties and presidents are responsible.

Maybe you think your readers are smarter than average and will understand what is really the message. Democracy is on the ballot and it needs to be talked about more forcefully and by more than just Biden.

The deficit is going to be a campaign issue, but the fault is Trump and GOP tax policies going back decades.

Take my word for it Chris, we’re not so smart. You need to make it crystal clear what is the truth.

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Hi Chris: Your message today relies on information from election polls. Chances are very high that most of the big polls are already compromised by Russian hacking. Microsoft has PROVED that nearly 60% of all cyber attacks into the U.S. come from Russia. This includes our: health and hospitals, food and supplies, cell phones, gas and oil, military data bases, and any information related to our elections - INCLUDING OUR POLLS. Knowing what to believe in the U.S. is a toss-up. Even our major hotel chains such as Marriott carries RT (Russian Television) in English which is simply propaganda.

The shadow cast by Putin over the landscape of American democracy and his influence and CONTROL over Donald Trump grows larger and darker by the moment. Putin's presidential goals were revealed in 1997 in a book called The Foundations of Geopolitics. This book lists: the destruction of the U.S. democracy, annihilation of Ukraine, return Russia to it's pre-NATO time, and on and on. Putin's strategies are right on target and he uses Trump - a dumb American who went to Russian and was caught in a typical Russian spy trap (read From Democracy to Democrazy, by Graham) as nothing more than a tool to accomplish his goals. He assumed office as the President of Russia in 2000. I was living and working in Moscow at this time. About 80+ independent reporters and media personnel were killed in contract-style murders as he quickly took control of all information sources.

It is not that Biden's campaign to save democracy is failing, it's that his opponent in this political race is not simply Trump but the world-leader in misinformation, disinformation, brainwashing, and propaganda - Russia. This entire concept goes beyond the normal American comprehension - ability to understand - how our election system works and how it can be used to disperse counter-information and even brainwashing.

I spent most of my life studying, living, working, and transitioning into an American-Russian. I lived in dictator-led countries for about 20 years and my two younger children attended Moscow Public Schools.

Since 2015, I have been SHOUTING at Americans to "wake up" and see how our country has been infiltrated by anti-democracy government and pro-dictator publicity. Many, many people in the U.S. just do not get it. I interviewed 3 public schools in Moscow before deciding which to enroll my children. Each school asked me to sit in a classroom, and the children could tell me - in English - American history and the history of our flag. How many school children in the U.S. could tell you - in any foreign language never mind in Russian - the history of another country?

Our economy under Biden has now become the fastest growing in the entire world. He has reduced our debt by one trillion dollars. Unemployment has been the lowest in several decades. He has restored manufacturing and created more jobs. He is repairing the immigration system despite the Republican roadblocks. There is NO choice in this upcoming election. It is between a man who has 50 years of public service experience and a man who is convicted of FRAUD, of SEXUAL ASSAULT, and 34 counts of FELONY - AND WHO TALKS OF DESTROYING OUR CONSTITUTION AND BECOMING A DICTATOR.

I have lived in dictator-led countries for a long, long time. I chose to live in the United States - not just because I was born here, but because our democracy is the best system of government on this earth.



From Democracy to Democrazy

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I expect the spitballs and pitchforks to come out any minute

Yes this might be Chris opinion but the surveys and the polls bear this out. Even allowing a lot of room for errors the democracy approach is not working

Also a lot of these people are terrified of immigration and that’s not just the US

The only facts people care about is their pocketbooks. A lot of them are struggling

I agree with the convicted felon appeal. Even though that may be worth a few votes but that may just be enough to swing some states

He also needs to go after corporations and their executives. That’s very understandable. How much did these people make during Covid and now. The same with the corporations. Some simple facts

Finally “women’s rights”. This has gone way beyond abortion IVF contraceptives etc. Biden needs to start naming states and what they are doing

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On January 20, 2025, when trump is sworn in, we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.

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We are about seven months from saying goodbye to our democracy.

And millions don’t seem to care.

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The majority of MAGA voters would have a zero percent chance of being able to define democracy. They ALL "know" that we currently have the worst economy ever.

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so lame to see either pro-biden or pro-trump tribal warrior-types come out of the uninformed woodwork to bemoan news analysis here and elsewhere perceived to be "against" their guy; equally lame? much of it is party line virtue signaling pap... discussion was more informative when 10/12/15% of a presidential or statewide race electorate was persuadable; when driving an issues and policy-based rationale could "earn" support and win close races.

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