RFK Jr is such a grifter. Then again, so is Trump

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They deserve each other. Despicable.

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RFK Jr's endorsement will allow Convicted Felon Trump to lock up the pro-polio vote.

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I'm betting Harris trashes the slimy Trump/Kennedy merger in her acceptance speech and takes wind out of it....

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

I doubt if that will happen, but I'll be cheering if it does.

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RE: Michelle Obama

For many people she's a blank slate that they think will be the magic solution to everything. In our minds we design her to be the candidate we secretly pine for. She'd be such a successful president that we'd never have to have elections again!! (It's still a scary thought, even though it's coming from the direction of goodness and not evil.)

If anyone out there has fond memories of the "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip, you were probably a bit heartbroken when Bill Watterson ended it. Unlike other pop sensations that overstayed their welcome (the last season of Seinfeld, the later seasons of Friends, anything Dilbert after Scott Adams revealed his true self), Watterson was wise enough to leave at the right time. He didn't want to overstay his welcome, or dilute the legacy of the strip by dragging it out simply for the sake of dragging it out. The point being, that if you get just the right amount of something, it retains its specialness. Many people literally begged Michelle Obama to dive more deeply into the political scene, even though she repeatedly indicated that she had no interest in holding office. Perhaps she's garners more respect, and her words carry more meaning, simply because she's as scarce as she is. If we had Michelle Obama every day, we may not have liked or respected her nearly as much.

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"RE: Michelle Obama: For many people she's a blank slate that they think will be the magic solution to everything."

Yes, exactly. It's kind of sad that so many people think this.

What it shows, I think, is the universal human desire to be ruled by royalty. Left or right, we WANT family dynasties! Clinton! Bush! Kennedy! Obama!

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RE: Trump Cries “Shenanigans” (a/k/a Fraud)

(That's in reference to an early "South Park" episode)

Of course he's prepping his attack for the period after the election. And it's not sinking in with a huge swath of the voting public - well, the sane ones at least, the MAGA cult is already on-board with this.

And it puts Harris and Walz in a bind. They need to stay focused on the "better tomorrow" and "not going back" messages. As soon as they start emphasizing Trump's scheme, they've lost control of the message.

You would hope by now that enough people recognize Donnie Dementia for the revolting scum-bucket he is, and not cast a vote for him. But the American public is more interested in the Housewives of whatever city, Survivor, American Idol, The Voice, and all of the other reality TV drivel, that they don't recognize the dictatorial future they face under a Trump administration. Huge advantage for Trumpty-Dumpty.

At least 40 percent of adult Americans have been absorbed into the MAGA propaganda cult. They're lost forever and beyond hope. Their brains no longer have the ability to receive and process anything that hasn't been regurgitated by Das Furher.

That's why we can't have another 2020 win-by-a-hair election in 2024. It needs to be a blowout victory for Harris with at least a one hundred point spread in the Electoral College (319 - 219). That won't deter the stop-the-steal agenda, but might reduce the legitimacy of their allegations.

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We’re in for another insurrection or an attempt at a civil war if this asshole loses. I hate this. This idiot has been in our faces for nine hideous years. And I think he is likely to linger until he is 128 years old.

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Breaking news: The brain worm guy is coming to the weird party.

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I’ve never been one to be upset by a politician doing political things. Sen. Vance, McConnell, Graham, etc., all hated former Pres. Trump when he ran the first time and after winning they all loved him. That makes sense. Not a principled choice, but a career expedient one. The RFK thing though is absolutely inexcusable. RFK is not a politician, he’s a millionaire. His ENTIRE claim to fame was as an anti-Vax advocate and now he’ll (allegedly) be endorsing the President who green lit, and encouraged everyone to take, the COVID “vaccine.” A complete 180 that he absolutely did not have to make. If he ran and lost, who cares. He’s still a millionaire and goes back to living his lavish lifestyle. But now he’ll be forever linked with the COVID vaccine absolutely derailing his whole schtick.

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The first time someone said "why didn't you answer your phone" , I brought it home plugged it into the wall and figured out how to use the ' do not disturb' setting. I am way behind on cell phone stuff. All this to ask if you could make your livestream available on my desktop asap. Thanks!

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"new, cool Substack technology" that "will not work on desktop computers" may be new but is definitely not cool (he typed into his laptop).

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My biggest fear is that Trump will win by manipulating the electoral college. There is, in my opinion, given the way Harris has swung the poles, no way for her to lose. But Trump will not “let” her win. He can’t. His ego will not allow that to happen. He has a plan up his sleeve, together with the crooked sycophants who run the Republican Party, to truly steal this election. I am convinced of that. And in that way he will take over this country and turn us into a one party banana republic with him as a titular autocratic leader supported by oligarchs like Musk, Koch, Adelson and others. Despite all the present optimism, I think we are still going to be screwed by this lying, cheating, double crossing, racist, antisemitic, mysogenistic piece of garbage (aka Trump)!

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"I think we are still going to be screwed by this lying, cheating, double crossing, racist, antisemitic, mysogenistic piece of garbage (aka Trump)!"


I'm glad you narrowed it down to Trump, because that description could be applied to far too many MAGA Republicans these days!!


Or to put it another way, "don't be shy, tell us how you really feel".


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You know what, Mr. Hesdorffer? As much as I hate to envision this scenario, I think you are right!

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Sadly it will probably be my state of Georgia. Look up what our state election board is doing it makes me sick to think about what can happen here in November.

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