Well, there will be a felon running the country, so, logically, the head of the legal department should be someone on that path. Duh.

Party on Garth....

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They’ll both keep each other out of jail!! It’s the perfect evil plan.

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Chris.. yes in Emanuel and yes again in the holy fucking he’ll on Gaetz. But you’re right again about Trump doing this to get back at republicans for them not picking Scott. He’s a petty MF and this is his way to weed out the never-trumpers. Ugh, this is going to be a long 4 years of hell.

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Also, for the record, Gaetz was investigated by Donald Trump’s DOJ

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Chris is right. In a fit of pique after they rejected Scott for Thune, Trump is taunting/testing the GOP Senators. The next act in this play will be Trump pressuring the Senate to take a long vacation so he can use recess appointments, thus avoiding contentious confirmation hearings, which would publicly expose his absurd nominees for the bozos that they are. Thune will now be tested. Let's hope he is up to the challenge.

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He's not going to stand up and endanger his political career and his own personal safety. Trump knows it.

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On the upside, Gaetz has already resigned from the House. I'm hopeful enough Senators will do the right thing and kick him to the curb. Beyond that, Trump is losing his House majority with these picks. Hakeem Jeffries may yet be Speaker of the House and Trump's agenda goes up in flames.

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Well Chris, you aren’t usually overly shocked 😂 we are only 1 week past the election, Trump isn’t in office yet and this is already going off the cliff. Should be interesting to see how they vote publicly.

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I am pretty confident Gaetz goes down in flames, is not confirmed, and Trump won’t care about him (ie sacrificial lamb) - other than to find out who is against him. Let’s pray this happens and we see a repeat with a few other unqualified nominees eg SecDef…

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Don't bet too highly on this. Susan Collins will give a long speech about him and then vote yes.

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I absolutely can’t believe this! My reaction was complete shock. Do you think there might be push-back on any of these nominees?

Musk and RFK,Jr. are a nightmare waiting to happen. Oh, and let’s not forget Vivek!

To quote Hillary, “a real basket of Deplorables.”

Not looking forward to the next 4 yrs.

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This is like the impeachment. Republican senators have to choose between America and Trump. All too many are choosing Trump over the country and the Constitution.

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with these picks - Hesleth or whatever the Fox joker’s name is, and Gaetz, trump is clearly setting the stage for just not leaving in 2028. I am absolutely certain the plans are already in place. Politicize the military with trump loyalists. Get DOJ in his pocket. A bought and paid for SCOTUS. He “joked” about it today. He was dead serious. Yet again, they are telling us their plans right out loud

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He’s also confirming he’s unserious. Not that we didn’t know that, but I think some people may have had different thoughts after the Wiles and Rubio selections.

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Jesus wept.

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I said " he's burning down the house" with the Gaetz pick. Nobody should be surprised. He told american voters what he was going to do. Welcome to reality.

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so totally.. ya. Trump is daring them to be public. (good for him, i'd love to see this played out) here is my Biden dare. Pardon F*cking EVERYONE!! everyone, your son, the dishwasher, the lawyers who created briefs for the lawyers who went up against Trump. E V E R Y O N E!!! The supreme court said that anything a President does is "ok by me!" Let's see how people like it when the other side takes advantage. do not tell me.. oh, this will be bad. You know the filibuster is gone, so the barn door is open. We should let America fully experience MAGA. I'd rather pull the bandage off in one rip instead of 4 yrs of Dem hand wringing. Buckle up, it's a long ride


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Trump is a master manipulator. A key and foundational trait of a tyrant. He’s been INVITED to be a fascist. And of course he accepted the invitation.

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The point of which you realize the Trump Administration is coming for you because you oppose him is the day you take matters into your own hands. It’s them or you.

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How amazing The Beatles Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band/A Little Help From My Friends still is to this day!

Thank you for that reminder 🎉

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