I’m just wondering if the gag order is still in effect until sentencing. I’m seriously concerned for everyone involved if it’s not. He’s already riling up the base by claiming he’s now a political prisoner.

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I agree with you. Trump and his trumpeters will probably ramp up.

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Didn't think anything could spoil my good mood after hearing the verdict, but then you had to go and mention Miriam Adelson. Lord, I am so sick of billionaires trying to buy elections!

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Have you met George Soros?

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I certainly would have expected you to mention that unicorn Soros! I can list 30 or 40 billionaires that *actively* support Trump and “conservative” causes, to the tune of multiple billions of dollars, and all you can come up with is that tired old Soros canard?

Yuri (or whatever your ACTUAL name is), take your BS somewhere that people are stupid enough to believe it, like Truth Social.

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Well said, Larry. And for the record, I don't think anyone - be it an individual or corporation - should be able to pour this kind of money into an election. PACs should be eliminated and every citizen should be subject to the same donation limits.

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I agree 💯, Pam! I think the Citizens United ruling from SCOTUS was one of the worse decisions for the integrity of our vote. “Money is speech”?!? By definition, that would mean that the wealthy have MORE rights to speech than the rest of us!

It’s one of the worst decisions of Scalia’s sordid “legacy”.

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Why don't you go back to Russia and go back the job you're really good at - down on your knees for the Yard Punk Putin?

Take your fucking worthless Putin bullshit with you, you Russian scumsucking fascist.

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With that kind of rhetoric, you are clearly the monster you project trump to be. Seek therapeutic help for your derangement.

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The felon finally met Karma head on. Terrible of me to say but could this verdict have him lose a gasket and end this permanetly..meaning just Trump. Trumpism..not going anywhere. One can hope. We all know the saga has just begun.

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I was waiting (and hoping) for the major fatal myocardial infarction in the court room

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Me too!

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We've been kinda inundated today with reports about gazillionaires coming off the sidelines and giving all kinds of money to the Trump campaign. And then came the conviction on 34 -- all 34! -- felony counts. Assuming that some of those gazillionaires made their money because they were at least somewhat smart, don't you suppose that some of them will, at least for a few weeks, ponder the wisdom of giving their money to a convicted felon??? Just sayin'.............

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For someone SO interested in what polling says, Chris, how can you ignore all of the *recent* polls that indicate Trump will lose voters once a convicted felon, which he now is?

CNN/SSRS last month found 24% said they “might reconsider” their support for him if convicted.

Emerson found *this* month that 25% of voters said a guilty verdict would make them “less likely” to vote for Trump.

Léger said last month that their polling showing R+1 shifts to D+5 if Trump is convicted.

Marquette Law shifted from R+3 to D+5 if Trump is convicted.

YouGov/Yahoo News shifted from EVEN to D+7 if Trump is convicted.

Now that it’s the reality, instead of just a possibility, no doubt there will be some who will “come back” to Trump, and that’s to be expected. However, those margin shifts are *extremely* significant! If only 5% are true to their word, instead of the 24%-25% in the polling, and choose not to vote for Trump, given that, as you point out, some of the battleground states were won by only 20K votes, how can you say this “may or may not” affect Trump’s slight “lead”?!?

Is this a circumstance where you believe in the veracity of a poll because it fits your “narrative”, ie it’s what you “want it to be” instead of your mythical “what it is”? I certainly hope not. I think some of your observations and analyses are not correct, but I believe that you have integrity, wholeheartedly believe that you’re “telling it like it is”, and are willing to do some introspection, if, just maybe, you’re not being completely true to yourself.

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And here are yet MORE polls RE the change in voting pattern if Trump becomes a “convicted felon”, as he now is. From the fine folks at The Bulwark:

“In an ABC/Ipsos poll conducted in late April, 4 percent of the respondents who supported Trump said that a conviction in the case would cause them to withdraw their support for him; another 16 percent said it would lead them to at least reconsider their support.”

A Quinnipiac poll conducted in mid-May while the trial was underway put the number of Trump voters who would withdraw their support at 6 percent. Those could easily be outcome-determinative numbers in a race as close as this one—and that’s even before you get into the effects of a guilty verdict on the crucial vote of undecided independent voters.”

OK, Chris: tell me why THESE polls are wrong but all the others you quote are right? We’re waiting…

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I wouldn't bet on 100% certainty that Criminal Felon Trump faces no jail time, given his repeated acts of criminal contempt and unambiguous showing of absolutely no remorse for his crimes.

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The message:

The GOP has a plan for u. Ask about it.


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I agree regarding the Marist poll where 67% said the vote will not change.

In spanish we have: No es lo mismo llamar al diablo que verlo venir.

Or Calling the devil is not the same as seeing him coming

We will see but for now No person is above the law!

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"The result is a jump ball of a presidential race that has changed little this year. Trump maintains a slight edge in public polls, with a much better chance at winning the White House than he had in 2020."

Except - as Nate Cohn pointed out yesterday - Trump's "lead" is with low-information voters whose record is they don't vote usually, certainly not dependably.

On the other hand, Biden's support comes from informed voters with a history of voting reliably in multiple elections.

So, in other words, Trump's "lead" is like everything else about that proof you can stack bullshit six feet high: his "lead" is smoke and mirrors created by the otherwise-unemployables of the DC Press Corpse and idiots like Mark Penn.

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I hope that Democrats are not “high fiving”. We need a strong Republican Party. That the GOP has now become a thirsting-for-theocracy personality cult extolling misogyny, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, anti semitism, and adoration of a felon; is tragic. I sincerely hope that Independents and principled Republicans join with Democrats in voting against Donald J Trump.

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Why wouldn’t we be “high fiving”? Trump has FINALLY been held accountable, and the Rule of Law, which was looking pretty beat up, has managed to survive!

And no, we *don’t* need the Republican Party! We DO need a strong conservative movement to best represent that part of the political spectrum in our two-party system and offer a foil to the more “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party, but maybe it’s time to let the GOP die and hope that a TRUE conservative party rises from the ashes…

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True that what we need is a true Conservative Party, whether it is called “Republican”, or something else. That a former President has been convicted of 34 felonies and is still the presumed nominee of his Party and the favored choice of millions of Americans should make us weep. And Donald J Trump has faced no consequences, so this “accountability ” is a hollow delight. If he loses the election and faces actual consequences for his crimes…THAT will be accountability . My hope is that this conviction motivates Americans who are “on the fence” to vote against Trump and Trumpism in November. And that he loses “bigly” . If he doesn’t, then none of this matters one bit.

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This matters BIGLY Cathlyn.

Trump is now a convicted FELON. He will remain a felon for the rest of his life unless of course he succeeds in his appeal.

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If Trump wins in November, I daresay that the law as we know it will be set aside, and the Dear Leader will be exonerated with the aid of his Supreme Court. He is only a felon unless he wins the presidency. If Biden wins, the legal system will have its way with Donald J Trump.

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I so appreciate your balanced comments. I am pretty sure no, or few, trumpeters will suddenly change their feathers, and I suspect there may be more trumpeting than ever. I do , however, feel a little better.

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Hold the celebrations. I suggest you guys take a stroll through the world of Truth Social and RWM. We have a big problem. The MAGA minions are being primed and pumped by lies and propoganda re how their God/hero has been screwed. Escaping this situation without serious violence will require a miracle.

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Justice prevailed. Let’s hope it prevails in November.

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I still think that the most harmful guilt is of the original sin he wanted to hide from suburban women. When Melania had a baby Donald had sex with a porn star.

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1) Lock him up! 2) Miriam Adelson continues her late husband's foolish support of a known

anti-Semite. When trump loses again, it will be more money thrown away.

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$90M will buy what? More advertising on television that people do not watch in the traditional ways. But really, how are they going to spend this campaign money.

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I’m sure it will go towards his legal bills…

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