Chris is not equating the legitimacy/integrity of the two candidates. He is arguing that the Dems are just as weak and pathetic as the GOP when it comes to doing what is in the best interests of the country. And CC is 100 percent correct. If they stick with Biden they will be as bad..if not worse..than the sycophantic former Republicans who are now MAGA cult members. A pox on both of their houses.
Nice out - if you follow Trumps supreme courts decisions If he isn't defeated he will push his crazy agenda and the courts will support him. I was a Republican until Trump. I don't care if Biden is life support - I will definitely be voting blue.
The last 4 decisions from his Supreme Court will negatively affect citizens of this country.
It is true. I was thinking today that basically ignoring what we all saw and heard, and brushing it under the rug, is very similar to Republicans treatment of their own very unsuitable candidate. I watched President Biden’s speech to NATO today, he did a decent job, but I was looking closely at him and asking myself..does this man have four more years in him? And would a more consistent and robust candidate serve the country better? Biden has been a terrific President, but at 81, in the meat-grinder of politics…..I think the Party is making a mistake. That said, I am voting AGAINST Trump in 2024, so the (D) on the ballot gets my vote.
You make a fair argument- if this was 2 candidates who care about this country and all it's citizens- now his Supreme Court have made decisions which will erode the rights - the decision regarding the SEC - security and exchange will no longer be able to punish bad players in financial markets. A law that was put into place in 1929. Cuz we all know how honest those folks are
The overturning making bump stock legal - these are used in mass shootings.
Also Roe v Wade
And of course the overturning of Chevron - which has blown out of the water holding big pharmaceutical companies accountable for the promotion of fentanyl-
This is a really easy choice. Voters have the historic luxury of choosing between two candidates who have each served a term as President. Which one did a better job? Go pox your own house. This is a no brainer.
I came here to add a quick addendum to Chris's first point about Democrats - specifically that the Cook Political Report moved six states away from the D's and towards the R's (Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Minnesota, Nebraska-2, New Hampshire), reflecting the reality of the collapsing level of confidence people are having in electing a fine, honorable, and 81 year-old man to the most strenuous job on the planet, when it is quite obvious that he's not the spry person he was even four years ago.
Instead I'm reading comments that are pretty much tearing Chris a new one.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't even come close to seeing eye-to-eye with Chris on many issues, but I do appreciate (and somewhat begrudgingly enjoy) his take on the issues. I voluntarily subscribed. I didn't make Chris sign a form stating that my monthly dues require him to provide only positions and comments that I agree with.
Kevin and Dave, you may not agree with what Chris wrote, but I also think you're taking his post a bit too literally. My take-away wasn't that Chris was equating Democrats with the MAGA cult, but rather that no one has the testicular fortitude to address the elephant in the room; Biden is slowing down. If the Washington Elites and the Democratic members of Congress are afraid of honestly expressing their thoughts (and possible reservations) about Biden, and are feeling pressured to toe the party line, chances are the American public will reject that ticket and will instead be voting in an autocratic regime in November.
Come November I will be voting FOR the Democratic Party even if Biden is the candidate. But do not mistake that as an endorsement of Joe Biden.
I don't have any inside sources, ESP abilities, or palm readings to rely on, but my gut feeling is that Joe Biden knows he needs to take himself out of the nomination process and endorse Kamala Harris as the next-generation dynamo to continue the Biden initiatives. He's taking advantage of the NATO summit to buy himself a few days (and perhaps enjoy one last hurrah). Next week, to capture the headlines and attention away from the Republican Convention, he'll make his announcement. I'd personally love it if he could hold off until Thursday the 18th and make his announcement right in the middle of Trump's acceptance ramble.
Great feedback Eric! But i disagree with the final part. Biden’s ego and lack of realistical look at the political landscape is going to keep his Titanic presidential bid all the way to a November sinking.
I’ve been astounded by the “Biden or bust” blue hearts crowd who act as if Biden is the ONLY person on the planet capable of beating Trump. What’s even more mind boggling are those who say “Biden beat Trump in 2020, so he will beat him again” - as if the concept of PROGRESSIVE and IRREVERSIBLE age related decline is irrelevant.
They say that the most important thing in the world is to beat Trump (true!), but then stick with a candidate that cannot attract the independent voters and persuadable Republicans required to win.
Peter, you need to face reality. There is no superior candidate. Even if there were, they’re not going to be nominated. What are you doing? Buck up and get back in the fight.
Kelly Patterson, Chris Cilliza has always carried Trump's bags. He just knows how to conceal it. Please read in between the lines when you're reading his ( Chris Cilliza) posts you will see what I mean
Yes, the circle the wagons people say people who want a change are helping Trump. But in my view, it is sticking with a plainly losing hand that does Trump the biggest favor. So one can play the "Trump" card either way. That argument doesn't carry the day
I disagree, because it is over and President Biden is the nominee. I’m struggling to find a way to connect with y’all. Would it help if I told you that I held very similar views to yours when I was cleaning up the mess during the debate? Several objects penetrated my TV screen around the 19 minute mark of the debate and there were shards and debris everywhere. I congratulate myself on my self discipline—most of my friends only made it 10 minutes before they encountered a similar problem. Safe to say you felt disappointed, then angry, then scared? Nobody can make me unsee what I saw, and I don’t ask that of you. What I can see now that I couldn’t then is that the way forward is with the Biden we’ve got. Biden vs Trump is still a very favorable comparison. Does anybody want to talk about what the freaking scotus just did to our democracy and what we can actually do to address that situation?
I understand and respect your view. It may be over. But perhaps not. You know of Bennett’s and Pelosi’s comments ? We’ll see.Thanks for the thoughtful exchange
Let's hope that self-interest prevails.... Obviously, appeals to patriotism and the good of the country had no impact on the Biden family....
Let's hope that someone finally gets through to Biden that his legacy will be totally destroyed if he insists upon running and then loses to Trump. Let's pray that he does the right thing by stepping aside for someone younger and more articulate who can actually beat Trump in November.
If that happens, I'm starting a Go Fund Me to raise money for a George Clooney monument on the Mall in DC!!
I think it's more probable that Biden is the least likely D to beat Trump. Harris or Whitmer at the head of the ticket would rally women in a year when women's issues are at the forefront. A Whitmer/ Shapiro ticket would give us a leg up in two needed swing states. Hardcore Ds will stick with Joe. And folks who talk only to hardcore Ds think all will work out fine. But there seems scant chance Joe can motivate the swing and casual voters we need to win.
Chris, love your columns, but I don't believe what the Democrats are doing is at all comparable to the Republicans. A number of Democratic officials HAVE spoken out. Polls show that a large percentage of Democrats would prefer Joe Biden step aside. But we're all wary of what would happen if this did occur. Moreover, Democrats who had spoken out have not been excoriated by their fellow Democrats for their viewpoints. We just want this to turn out for the best. We're not sure how to make this happen.
The way to make it happen is with a candidate somewhat younger than 81 years. I don’t mean to be glib, but jt isn’t just his age. They are running a weak, underwhelming campaign.
You’re running a weak underwhelming campaign. Everybody knows who Joe Biden because he is the President of the United States. Nobody knows who you are. Or how old you are. You’re the one trying to get your name out there, Biden will do just fine.
I see what you mean. If Biden were younger and more capable, the campaign would blanket the airwaves with negative ads in the DC market in July to make sure he gets all three electoral college votes in a district he’s likely to win 98% of anyway. Pretty sure Pennsylvania might be a different story. My understanding is the Pennsylvania visit went pretty well.
I voted for Biden and I’ll vote for him again. What sort of campaign does it look like is going on right now, though? I live in the Washington, DC suburbs and Trump is carpet bombing the airwaves with ads. We see one Biden ad. Same in Pennsylvania and Michigan, I’m told by friends. Yes, this whole debate is distracting, but the Democrats could be going after Trump hard, and it isn’t happening.
I thought Biden should have eliminated himself at the beginning of the year. It was questionable if he was electable then. Unless Trump actually shoots someone on 5th Avenue, it’s highly unlikely Biden can win now. And even that may not be enough. If Biden doesn’t move or isn’t moved aside, prepare for four years of Trump. The scariest part of this is that Democrats could lose a large number of down ballot races leaving the MAGA party with control of the House and Senate too. It’s past time for Joe to go.
I am no longer donating to Biden as I am so certain he is going to lose. I am going find my favorite senate candidte or two for my contributions. Any suggestions anyone?
“How Democrats became what they hated most” and “The Trumpian Democrats“?!?!?
The REAL story is ‘How Chris Cillizza became a shameless bothsiderim useful idiot’.
Trying to compare Joe Biden, who is an old but very sane man with integrity and is still an effective and very competent president, to Trump, a known idiot, liar, scum bag, criminal and corrupt con man, who has NEVER competent or anywhere close to fit to be president has got to the the height of preposterous.
I’m starting to re-think my subscription.
Not because Chris is saying things that I disagree with, and not because I believe that it’s smart to stick with Joe or in the end, Joe decides to drop out himself (that is the ONLY scenario that is possible)….it’s because his jahid against Joe Biden has become increasingly unhinged and absurd.
Sorry Chris, trying to suggest some kind of equality to sticking (so far...this is not close to being over) with the guy who has been one of the most effective presidents in the 21st century to the Cult of Trump is specious at best, off-the-wall bat-shit crazy at the worst.
Despite your rather weak tea disclaimer "To be clear: I am not saying that Joe Biden = Donald Trump" reality you ARE saying that 'Democrats = Trump MAGA Cultists' which is so beyond the pale.
Not a jihad. I cover the news. Always have, always will. Without fear or favor. If you can't trust me to do that -- after all I have written over these past 18 months -- I am not sure what else to tell you or do.
Fact: Both Nadler and Pelosi have questioned whether Biden should be the candidate and both have since swallowed those words. Those are Chris’ opinions. They are a matter of record, i.e., facts. That’s what Chris is talking about.
BTW Dr, equating opinions with facts is something you have been very good at.
She said “I want him to do whatever he decides to do. Whatever he decides, we go with.” So if Biden decides to stay in, then she will bite her tongue (which is the phrase I should have used earlier).
I don’t disagree MAGA Trumpers have gone off the deep end. The point is Democrats are beginning to hide their heads in the sand like the early Republicans did with Trump in 2015.
That may be true but in no way does it support the two headlines “How Democrats became what they hated most” and “The Trumpian Democrats“.
Besides the fact that many Congressional Democrats have voiced their concerns in public with not any of them being demonized, insulted, smeared and vilified by President Biden like they absolutely would be by a vengeful, sociopath Trump.
My God, if Republicans do not bow down far enough or kiss the ass of Trump just the right way, they are vilified, demonized and insulted.
Get a grip!! The idea of equivalence is preposterous.
None of them have any worry about being thrown out of the Dem party and certainly none of them have to fear for their, or their families lives because of death threats incited by an unhinged all-caps Tweet.
The fact (and I use that word with confidence) is that the underlying premise put forward of Democrats acting and being equal to the Trump Cult is absurd and specious.
But the difference between the two situations is more important than the similarity you draw. Republicans don’t dare oppose him publicly because they are afraid they will be primaried, censured by their state parties, doxxed, threatened with death etc. They talk shit about him because they hate him and the threat he poses to our system of government. They would to be done with him forever. In the aborted coup, democrats were talking shit about Biden because they worried he wouldn’t be able to do Biden stuff. They don’t fear he will carry out his agenda. They fear he won’t be able to. They are very different situations. I don’t question your journalistic integrity. I’m here because I value your opinion. But this argument or observation or whatever you intended is just nonsense.
Chris - deep breaths - he is partly right. I think the frustration today is there is too much opinion whether left or right. Folks need to understand the real stakes- if Trump is elected his Supreme Court will continue to erode away citizens liberty. The only time I have heard u actually speak out about this Supreme Court decisions is Trump not being accountable for anything he does. Time everyone started to do their home work. And a little guidance is required
This is absurd. They are nothing alike. The Republicans knew Trump was a nut job and disagreed with him, because they wanted the Court seats a Trump victory would bring. In contrast, the Democrats now agree completely with Biden, but are concerned he won’t win.
Yes, the character&flaws of the two men are very different. But the similarity is the cowardice of the rank and file who know the truth and won’t speak up. The “truth” is different b/c the men are different, but the failure to speak the truth is the same. Well over 70% think Biden is unfit. You can dismiss certain head to head polls re voting b/c you question the model. But there is no model at issue re the fitness question. I don’t know anyone in my circle who thinks Biden can win now. What will happen soon ( absent some miracle) is D candidates will start distancing themselves from Biden and talking about the need to be a check and balance on Trump.
That's the point. Biden is nothing like Convicted Felon Trump. But the elected party loyalists on BOTH sides are acting the same in refusing to confront reality.
If Nikki Haley and Chris Sununu had principles, they would say they are voting against Trump and then voting for every other Republican on the ballot. But they have no principles, which is why they've both endorsed Convicted Felon Trump.
I think your anslysis is spot on Chris. I’m stunned to see Democrat leaders and congressional members turn into wimps and not state the obvious. I think this is going to turn into an election disaster for Democrats in November and these Democrat politicians will need to look in the mirror as the prime reasons for the cause. After Biden’s stunning lack of self-awareness and ego.
No, the point is that the realities they each refused to confront are entirely different. In one case, they failed to confront an existential threat to our democracy; in the other, they have a difference of opinion as to whether a particular candidate — whom they universally admire — can win.
A difference without a distinction. We know the Republicans are willing to betray America to remain in power. Yet BOTH parties are willing to bury reality to maintain the status quo. The motives are different but the result is the same.
Given that Trump poses an existential threat to our democracy, the Democratic party needs to be utterly ruthless in determining whether it continues to support Biden. It's no longer a matter of "giving it his best shot". If Biden refuses to step aside - and he loses - we're all screwed.
There is now nothing to stop Trump from doing anything he wants as president, as long as he says it's part of his official duties. Basically, the Supreme Court has given Trump the Enabling Acts of 1933 - which essentially gave dictatorial powers to Hitler in support of his "official" acts. And we know how that turned out for Germany...
Here's what I can't grasp Chris - I watched an IPod segment were all discussing outrage at the latest decision by the Supreme Court.
There are many other decisions Trumps Supreme Court have made which will prove disastrous to the average citizen.
Why isn't that pressed upon folks - if you think about Trump winning as President- the bleeding of freedoms in this country will continue.
You as well as most media banter around Biden and his age of which Trump is only 3 or 4 yrs younger. You guys have the podium but refuse to drive or debate that point. Trumps 2025 agenda - do away with the Department of Education- put a dome over this country
But for some reason a lot in media seem to think our check & balances will keep Trump in check.
Exactly right Cheryl!! The only thing that stands in the way of the US becoming a Fascist kleptocracy in 2025 is Joe Biden.... So the future of our nation rests on the ego of a frail, congitively impaired old man whose inner circle is shielding him from the painful truth that - after the debate debacle - he has no chance of beating Trump in November. I mean - my God! - New York and New Hampshire, two states that vote overwhelmingly for Democrats are now considered swing states! That tells you all that you need to know about Biden's chances.
Bidem's legacy will be totally trashed if that selfish old man chooses his ego before the good of our country...
You are right. It is an easy choice. Trump is evil and must be defeated. That is why the always in their own way Dems need to..for once..step up. That means nudging Biden out and bringing in a new nominee. One who can win!
Chris, you are embarrassing yourself. I’m not cultishly voting for one man. I’m voting for a ticket, & competent cabinet members, 1-3 Supreme Court picks, a whole party that has promised to restore my stolen bodily autonomy, an economy that’s the Envy of the World, commitment to our allies, not someone who panders to & bows his head before our enemies. I’m not concerned about Biden making it through 4 more year, I just need him to get elected, And he’s the best chance we have against Trump. He’s a proven quantity, already beat Trump like an empty drum.
In reading the comments, I think the readers have lost the thread. Of course, Biden is the only choice. But that’s not the point Chris is making. If nothing changes in this race, Biden is going to lose. And with Biden having to defend his ability to do the job for the next 4 years everyday from now to election day, nothing else he says is going to break through. To justify his continued presence as the nominee Biden is saying that he was chosen by the Democratic Party in an open process and they must ratify that choice at the convention. But that contest was conducted before the facts of Biden’s ability to do the job changed. And now that the country has seen clear proof of Biden’s compromised state, the majority of voters are not interested in buying what he is selling. The accomplishments of his first term are clear and compelling. But elections are about the future and, fairly or not, Biden is viewed as past his sell by date. For the Party to stand on convention, knowing that this course will lead to defeat, is nothing less than insane, given the stakes
But is it obvious that a majority of voters still won’t prefer Biden in his “compromised state.” The last two Republican Presidents were notoriously uninformed people. I assume voters went with them because they supported their policies or thought the candidates were in their corner in some way. There really isn’t a requirement that the President be able to speak extemporaneously for hours at a time quoting facts and figures accurately from memory. If that were the test, Hillary would have won.
But if democrats keep speaking publicly against Biden they undermine his chances of winning. And his opponent is a wanna be dictator.
So shouldn't they all suck it up, present a united front, go all in on Biden and just pray? If he's not going to drop out and there's no means to replace him, what else can they do at this point?
The coup failed. Biden won those delegates fair and square in the primary and he’s not giving them away. All this stuff about who might be a better candidate is moot. Time to move on.
The last time the incumbent dropped out, we, meaning Democrats, lost. So if people think dropping Biden will insure electoral victory, ummm...., it won't. I'm not sure what the right thing to do is, but eating ourselves from the inside out won't help.
Chris is not equating the legitimacy/integrity of the two candidates. He is arguing that the Dems are just as weak and pathetic as the GOP when it comes to doing what is in the best interests of the country. And CC is 100 percent correct. If they stick with Biden they will be as bad..if not worse..than the sycophantic former Republicans who are now MAGA cult members. A pox on both of their houses.
Nice out - if you follow Trumps supreme courts decisions If he isn't defeated he will push his crazy agenda and the courts will support him. I was a Republican until Trump. I don't care if Biden is life support - I will definitely be voting blue.
The last 4 decisions from his Supreme Court will negatively affect citizens of this country.
It is true. I was thinking today that basically ignoring what we all saw and heard, and brushing it under the rug, is very similar to Republicans treatment of their own very unsuitable candidate. I watched President Biden’s speech to NATO today, he did a decent job, but I was looking closely at him and asking myself..does this man have four more years in him? And would a more consistent and robust candidate serve the country better? Biden has been a terrific President, but at 81, in the meat-grinder of politics…..I think the Party is making a mistake. That said, I am voting AGAINST Trump in 2024, so the (D) on the ballot gets my vote.
You make a fair argument- if this was 2 candidates who care about this country and all it's citizens- now his Supreme Court have made decisions which will erode the rights - the decision regarding the SEC - security and exchange will no longer be able to punish bad players in financial markets. A law that was put into place in 1929. Cuz we all know how honest those folks are
The overturning making bump stock legal - these are used in mass shootings.
Also Roe v Wade
And of course the overturning of Chevron - which has blown out of the water holding big pharmaceutical companies accountable for the promotion of fentanyl-
If that does not scare u - it should
I mostly agree, except with the part that supporting Biden is as bad as supporting Trump.
Really - try reading the designs of Trumps Supreme Court - which will continue if he is elected again.
Scary stuff.
This is a really easy choice. Voters have the historic luxury of choosing between two candidates who have each served a term as President. Which one did a better job? Go pox your own house. This is a no brainer.
I came here to add a quick addendum to Chris's first point about Democrats - specifically that the Cook Political Report moved six states away from the D's and towards the R's (Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Minnesota, Nebraska-2, New Hampshire), reflecting the reality of the collapsing level of confidence people are having in electing a fine, honorable, and 81 year-old man to the most strenuous job on the planet, when it is quite obvious that he's not the spry person he was even four years ago.
Instead I'm reading comments that are pretty much tearing Chris a new one.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't even come close to seeing eye-to-eye with Chris on many issues, but I do appreciate (and somewhat begrudgingly enjoy) his take on the issues. I voluntarily subscribed. I didn't make Chris sign a form stating that my monthly dues require him to provide only positions and comments that I agree with.
Kevin and Dave, you may not agree with what Chris wrote, but I also think you're taking his post a bit too literally. My take-away wasn't that Chris was equating Democrats with the MAGA cult, but rather that no one has the testicular fortitude to address the elephant in the room; Biden is slowing down. If the Washington Elites and the Democratic members of Congress are afraid of honestly expressing their thoughts (and possible reservations) about Biden, and are feeling pressured to toe the party line, chances are the American public will reject that ticket and will instead be voting in an autocratic regime in November.
Come November I will be voting FOR the Democratic Party even if Biden is the candidate. But do not mistake that as an endorsement of Joe Biden.
I don't have any inside sources, ESP abilities, or palm readings to rely on, but my gut feeling is that Joe Biden knows he needs to take himself out of the nomination process and endorse Kamala Harris as the next-generation dynamo to continue the Biden initiatives. He's taking advantage of the NATO summit to buy himself a few days (and perhaps enjoy one last hurrah). Next week, to capture the headlines and attention away from the Republican Convention, he'll make his announcement. I'd personally love it if he could hold off until Thursday the 18th and make his announcement right in the middle of Trump's acceptance ramble.
Great feedback Eric! But i disagree with the final part. Biden’s ego and lack of realistical look at the political landscape is going to keep his Titanic presidential bid all the way to a November sinking.
Thank you. 👏👏👏 Chris got this exactly right.
I’ve been astounded by the “Biden or bust” blue hearts crowd who act as if Biden is the ONLY person on the planet capable of beating Trump. What’s even more mind boggling are those who say “Biden beat Trump in 2020, so he will beat him again” - as if the concept of PROGRESSIVE and IRREVERSIBLE age related decline is irrelevant.
They say that the most important thing in the world is to beat Trump (true!), but then stick with a candidate that cannot attract the independent voters and persuadable Republicans required to win.
Unbelievable…. We are so screwed. Thanks Joe…
Peter, you need to face reality. There is no superior candidate. Even if there were, they’re not going to be nominated. What are you doing? Buck up and get back in the fight.
You're certainly right if Ds continue to display the lack of candor and courage Chris describes.
Y’all have been carrying Trump’s bags for 11 days now. The coup failed. Time to move forward.
Kelly Patterson, Chris Cilliza has always carried Trump's bags. He just knows how to conceal it. Please read in between the lines when you're reading his ( Chris Cilliza) posts you will see what I mean
Y’all have been carrying Trump’s bags for 11 days now. The coup failed. Time to move forward.
Yes, the circle the wagons people say people who want a change are helping Trump. But in my view, it is sticking with a plainly losing hand that does Trump the biggest favor. So one can play the "Trump" card either way. That argument doesn't carry the day
I disagree, because it is over and President Biden is the nominee. I’m struggling to find a way to connect with y’all. Would it help if I told you that I held very similar views to yours when I was cleaning up the mess during the debate? Several objects penetrated my TV screen around the 19 minute mark of the debate and there were shards and debris everywhere. I congratulate myself on my self discipline—most of my friends only made it 10 minutes before they encountered a similar problem. Safe to say you felt disappointed, then angry, then scared? Nobody can make me unsee what I saw, and I don’t ask that of you. What I can see now that I couldn’t then is that the way forward is with the Biden we’ve got. Biden vs Trump is still a very favorable comparison. Does anybody want to talk about what the freaking scotus just did to our democracy and what we can actually do to address that situation?
I understand and respect your view. It may be over. But perhaps not. You know of Bennett’s and Pelosi’s comments ? We’ll see.Thanks for the thoughtful exchange
Well it was over, but apparently now it’s not. Crap. Now what?
Let's hope that self-interest prevails.... Obviously, appeals to patriotism and the good of the country had no impact on the Biden family....
Let's hope that someone finally gets through to Biden that his legacy will be totally destroyed if he insists upon running and then loses to Trump. Let's pray that he does the right thing by stepping aside for someone younger and more articulate who can actually beat Trump in November.
If that happens, I'm starting a Go Fund Me to raise money for a George Clooney monument on the Mall in DC!!
I try not to make predictions . We are in uncharted territory.
I find it difficult to believe that a frail and cognitively impaired old man is the best candidate the Democrats can run.
Sorry my friend. I am not going to vote for an animated corpse. If Biden stays in the race, I’m staying home in November.
Because that’s the way to accomplish your alleged goal of beating Trump. Time for you to acknowledge you’re a troll and go do troll stuff.
That's because age-related impairments are PROGRESSIVE and IRREVERSIBLE. It's only going to get worse, and will never get better....
I think it's more probable that Biden is the least likely D to beat Trump. Harris or Whitmer at the head of the ticket would rally women in a year when women's issues are at the forefront. A Whitmer/ Shapiro ticket would give us a leg up in two needed swing states. Hardcore Ds will stick with Joe. And folks who talk only to hardcore Ds think all will work out fine. But there seems scant chance Joe can motivate the swing and casual voters we need to win.
Chris, love your columns, but I don't believe what the Democrats are doing is at all comparable to the Republicans. A number of Democratic officials HAVE spoken out. Polls show that a large percentage of Democrats would prefer Joe Biden step aside. But we're all wary of what would happen if this did occur. Moreover, Democrats who had spoken out have not been excoriated by their fellow Democrats for their viewpoints. We just want this to turn out for the best. We're not sure how to make this happen.
The way to make it happen is with a candidate somewhat younger than 81 years. I don’t mean to be glib, but jt isn’t just his age. They are running a weak, underwhelming campaign.
I agree. I agree wholeheartedly.
Because they have a weak, underwhelming candidate…?
You’re running a weak underwhelming campaign. Everybody knows who Joe Biden because he is the President of the United States. Nobody knows who you are. Or how old you are. You’re the one trying to get your name out there, Biden will do just fine.
I see what you mean. If Biden were younger and more capable, the campaign would blanket the airwaves with negative ads in the DC market in July to make sure he gets all three electoral college votes in a district he’s likely to win 98% of anyway. Pretty sure Pennsylvania might be a different story. My understanding is the Pennsylvania visit went pretty well.
I voted for Biden and I’ll vote for him again. What sort of campaign does it look like is going on right now, though? I live in the Washington, DC suburbs and Trump is carpet bombing the airwaves with ads. We see one Biden ad. Same in Pennsylvania and Michigan, I’m told by friends. Yes, this whole debate is distracting, but the Democrats could be going after Trump hard, and it isn’t happening.
I thought Biden should have eliminated himself at the beginning of the year. It was questionable if he was electable then. Unless Trump actually shoots someone on 5th Avenue, it’s highly unlikely Biden can win now. And even that may not be enough. If Biden doesn’t move or isn’t moved aside, prepare for four years of Trump. The scariest part of this is that Democrats could lose a large number of down ballot races leaving the MAGA party with control of the House and Senate too. It’s past time for Joe to go.
I am trying to get past my anger over the whole big mess and think about sending donations to dems in crucial senate races. I am not there yet.
I think that’s the best play at this time.
That's what I'm doing. Donating to the Senate candidates. Praying hard for the rest.
That's always an option - however if you leave Trump in charge with his Supreme Court - rights will continue to be eroded.
I am no longer donating to Biden as I am so certain he is going to lose. I am going find my favorite senate candidte or two for my contributions. Any suggestions anyone?
Well let's see the Supreme Court just about made that legal for Trump. In fact he himself made that statement.
You vote for whoever u want. I was a Republican & I don't care if Biden is on life support. I enjoy living under a democratic system
“How Democrats became what they hated most” and “The Trumpian Democrats“?!?!?
The REAL story is ‘How Chris Cillizza became a shameless bothsiderim useful idiot’.
Trying to compare Joe Biden, who is an old but very sane man with integrity and is still an effective and very competent president, to Trump, a known idiot, liar, scum bag, criminal and corrupt con man, who has NEVER competent or anywhere close to fit to be president has got to the the height of preposterous.
I’m starting to re-think my subscription.
Not because Chris is saying things that I disagree with, and not because I believe that it’s smart to stick with Joe or in the end, Joe decides to drop out himself (that is the ONLY scenario that is possible)….it’s because his jahid against Joe Biden has become increasingly unhinged and absurd.
Sorry Chris, trying to suggest some kind of equality to sticking (so far...this is not close to being over) with the guy who has been one of the most effective presidents in the 21st century to the Cult of Trump is specious at best, off-the-wall bat-shit crazy at the worst.
Despite your rather weak tea disclaimer "To be clear: I am not saying that Joe Biden = Donald Trump" reality you ARE saying that 'Democrats = Trump MAGA Cultists' which is so beyond the pale.
Not a jihad. I cover the news. Always have, always will. Without fear or favor. If you can't trust me to do that -- after all I have written over these past 18 months -- I am not sure what else to tell you or do.
Sorry Chris but those titles and your premise are absurd.
I wrote what I thought, I'm not sure what else to tell you.
You’re entitled to your opinion. Not your own facts.
HUH?? So, now it's a "fact" that Democrats are equal to Trump MAGA Cultists???
Oy vey!
Dave, fact because Chris say so. Chris Cilliza's opinion= Facts these days.
Fact: Both Nadler and Pelosi have questioned whether Biden should be the candidate and both have since swallowed those words. Those are Chris’ opinions. They are a matter of record, i.e., facts. That’s what Chris is talking about.
BTW Dr, equating opinions with facts is something you have been very good at. is a headline from three hours ago...
"Pelosi Says Biden Staying on the Ticket Is No Done Deal"
That does not sound like "swallowing words".
She said “I want him to do whatever he decides to do. Whatever he decides, we go with.” So if Biden decides to stay in, then she will bite her tongue (which is the phrase I should have used earlier).
So what? This still is not on the same PLANET as Trump MAGA infested GOP.
I don’t disagree MAGA Trumpers have gone off the deep end. The point is Democrats are beginning to hide their heads in the sand like the early Republicans did with Trump in 2015.
That may be true but in no way does it support the two headlines “How Democrats became what they hated most” and “The Trumpian Democrats“.
Besides the fact that many Congressional Democrats have voiced their concerns in public with not any of them being demonized, insulted, smeared and vilified by President Biden like they absolutely would be by a vengeful, sociopath Trump.
My God, if Republicans do not bow down far enough or kiss the ass of Trump just the right way, they are vilified, demonized and insulted.
Get a grip!! The idea of equivalence is preposterous.
None of them have any worry about being thrown out of the Dem party and certainly none of them have to fear for their, or their families lives because of death threats incited by an unhinged all-caps Tweet.
The fact (and I use that word with confidence) is that the underlying premise put forward of Democrats acting and being equal to the Trump Cult is absurd and specious.
But the difference between the two situations is more important than the similarity you draw. Republicans don’t dare oppose him publicly because they are afraid they will be primaried, censured by their state parties, doxxed, threatened with death etc. They talk shit about him because they hate him and the threat he poses to our system of government. They would to be done with him forever. In the aborted coup, democrats were talking shit about Biden because they worried he wouldn’t be able to do Biden stuff. They don’t fear he will carry out his agenda. They fear he won’t be able to. They are very different situations. I don’t question your journalistic integrity. I’m here because I value your opinion. But this argument or observation or whatever you intended is just nonsense.
Chris - deep breaths - he is partly right. I think the frustration today is there is too much opinion whether left or right. Folks need to understand the real stakes- if Trump is elected his Supreme Court will continue to erode away citizens liberty. The only time I have heard u actually speak out about this Supreme Court decisions is Trump not being accountable for anything he does. Time everyone started to do their home work. And a little guidance is required
This is absurd. They are nothing alike. The Republicans knew Trump was a nut job and disagreed with him, because they wanted the Court seats a Trump victory would bring. In contrast, the Democrats now agree completely with Biden, but are concerned he won’t win.
Yes, the character&flaws of the two men are very different. But the similarity is the cowardice of the rank and file who know the truth and won’t speak up. The “truth” is different b/c the men are different, but the failure to speak the truth is the same. Well over 70% think Biden is unfit. You can dismiss certain head to head polls re voting b/c you question the model. But there is no model at issue re the fitness question. I don’t know anyone in my circle who thinks Biden can win now. What will happen soon ( absent some miracle) is D candidates will start distancing themselves from Biden and talking about the need to be a check and balance on Trump.
Republicans knew that Trump is crazy and dangerous - to them it was a feature not a flaw….
That's the point. Biden is nothing like Convicted Felon Trump. But the elected party loyalists on BOTH sides are acting the same in refusing to confront reality.
If Nikki Haley and Chris Sununu had principles, they would say they are voting against Trump and then voting for every other Republican on the ballot. But they have no principles, which is why they've both endorsed Convicted Felon Trump.
I didn’t say they were alike personally. But the way partisan Democrats are acting is very reminiscent of how partisan Republicans acted
I think your anslysis is spot on Chris. I’m stunned to see Democrat leaders and congressional members turn into wimps and not state the obvious. I think this is going to turn into an election disaster for Democrats in November and these Democrat politicians will need to look in the mirror as the prime reasons for the cause. After Biden’s stunning lack of self-awareness and ego.
No, the point is that the realities they each refused to confront are entirely different. In one case, they failed to confront an existential threat to our democracy; in the other, they have a difference of opinion as to whether a particular candidate — whom they universally admire — can win.
A difference without a distinction. We know the Republicans are willing to betray America to remain in power. Yet BOTH parties are willing to bury reality to maintain the status quo. The motives are different but the result is the same.
Given that Trump poses an existential threat to our democracy, the Democratic party needs to be utterly ruthless in determining whether it continues to support Biden. It's no longer a matter of "giving it his best shot". If Biden refuses to step aside - and he loses - we're all screwed.
There is now nothing to stop Trump from doing anything he wants as president, as long as he says it's part of his official duties. Basically, the Supreme Court has given Trump the Enabling Acts of 1933 - which essentially gave dictatorial powers to Hitler in support of his "official" acts. And we know how that turned out for Germany...
Here's what I can't grasp Chris - I watched an IPod segment were all discussing outrage at the latest decision by the Supreme Court.
There are many other decisions Trumps Supreme Court have made which will prove disastrous to the average citizen.
Why isn't that pressed upon folks - if you think about Trump winning as President- the bleeding of freedoms in this country will continue.
You as well as most media banter around Biden and his age of which Trump is only 3 or 4 yrs younger. You guys have the podium but refuse to drive or debate that point. Trumps 2025 agenda - do away with the Department of Education- put a dome over this country
But for some reason a lot in media seem to think our check & balances will keep Trump in check.
What happened on Jan 6th
Exactly right Cheryl!! The only thing that stands in the way of the US becoming a Fascist kleptocracy in 2025 is Joe Biden.... So the future of our nation rests on the ego of a frail, congitively impaired old man whose inner circle is shielding him from the painful truth that - after the debate debacle - he has no chance of beating Trump in November. I mean - my God! - New York and New Hampshire, two states that vote overwhelmingly for Democrats are now considered swing states! That tells you all that you need to know about Biden's chances.
Bidem's legacy will be totally trashed if that selfish old man chooses his ego before the good of our country...
You are right. It is an easy choice. Trump is evil and must be defeated. That is why the always in their own way Dems need to..for once..step up. That means nudging Biden out and bringing in a new nominee. One who can win!
Chris, you are embarrassing yourself. I’m not cultishly voting for one man. I’m voting for a ticket, & competent cabinet members, 1-3 Supreme Court picks, a whole party that has promised to restore my stolen bodily autonomy, an economy that’s the Envy of the World, commitment to our allies, not someone who panders to & bows his head before our enemies. I’m not concerned about Biden making it through 4 more year, I just need him to get elected, And he’s the best chance we have against Trump. He’s a proven quantity, already beat Trump like an empty drum.
In reading the comments, I think the readers have lost the thread. Of course, Biden is the only choice. But that’s not the point Chris is making. If nothing changes in this race, Biden is going to lose. And with Biden having to defend his ability to do the job for the next 4 years everyday from now to election day, nothing else he says is going to break through. To justify his continued presence as the nominee Biden is saying that he was chosen by the Democratic Party in an open process and they must ratify that choice at the convention. But that contest was conducted before the facts of Biden’s ability to do the job changed. And now that the country has seen clear proof of Biden’s compromised state, the majority of voters are not interested in buying what he is selling. The accomplishments of his first term are clear and compelling. But elections are about the future and, fairly or not, Biden is viewed as past his sell by date. For the Party to stand on convention, knowing that this course will lead to defeat, is nothing less than insane, given the stakes
Yes, Richard. Exactly.
But is it obvious that a majority of voters still won’t prefer Biden in his “compromised state.” The last two Republican Presidents were notoriously uninformed people. I assume voters went with them because they supported their policies or thought the candidates were in their corner in some way. There really isn’t a requirement that the President be able to speak extemporaneously for hours at a time quoting facts and figures accurately from memory. If that were the test, Hillary would have won.
Good column Chris. I enjoyed it. Thanks for speaking the truth. Much as I don't often want to hear it. 😢💔
I’m no troll. But I am terrified by a Trump presidency.
What’s the matter?? Can’t deal with the truth???
But if democrats keep speaking publicly against Biden they undermine his chances of winning. And his opponent is a wanna be dictator.
So shouldn't they all suck it up, present a united front, go all in on Biden and just pray? If he's not going to drop out and there's no means to replace him, what else can they do at this point?
The coup failed. Biden won those delegates fair and square in the primary and he’s not giving them away. All this stuff about who might be a better candidate is moot. Time to move on.
The last time the incumbent dropped out, we, meaning Democrats, lost. So if people think dropping Biden will insure electoral victory, ummm...., it won't. I'm not sure what the right thing to do is, but eating ourselves from the inside out won't help.