Trump is not a serious Presidential candidate, he's just not. I think he's a frustrated entertainer. And he's trying to stay out of jail. It is beyond my comprehension what his "followers" see in him. I'm old enough to remember when he first came on the scene back in the 80's. I immediately disliked him for his arrogance and huge ego. I never watched one episode of The Apprentice. This was all pre political Trump. Now that he's been in our faces constantly since 2015 my dislike has changed to loathe as any guise of normalcy has been dropped and we see the real Trump. He's despicable, reprehensible and very, very scary. I hope and pray to God that the women of this country will rescue us from this man and deliver the country to the capable hands of Vice President Harris.🙏

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Wow, Vance sounds like a total snowflake. Claiming that he was "standing like a sentry" with his loaded guns does nothing to dispell the total snowflake vibe.

We all know he is surrounded by Secret Service protection, who is he trying to fool?

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That was total made up BS. Absolutely don’t believe a word of what he said.

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The part of the garbage truck stunt that SHOULD matter to undecideds..and all of us..is the spasmotic way that Trump reached for the door and then almost fell. He looks like a guy in serios decline. ( I think we now know why he isn't golfing anymore.) Seeing that makes one wonder if Trump has any chance of making it through 4 years. And as horrid of a creature as TFG is, the prospect of a President JD Vance should scare the daylights out of EVERYONE.

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Can you imagine if Biden had done that, with the door handle? It would be shown CONSTANTLY on Fox and all the affiliates. They'd be calling for the 25th Amendment.

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The "garbage" story was utter nonsense, a MAGAt ploy the media -- including you, Chris -- fell for hook, line, and sinker. Considering the venom Trump has spewed incessantly for years, including calling America a "garbage can," the notion that these snowflakes are so upset by what Biden supposedly said is utterly ridiculous.

Here's the quote that's going to be driving voters to the polls, and not to vote for Convicted Felon (and adjudicated rapist) Trump:

"I said, 'Well, I'm going to do it, whether the women like it or not, I'm going to protect them,'" Trump said.

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Imagine how crazy the crowd would go if VP Harris just went off and said that former Pres. Trump was a huge jackass who spread hatred. They would love that. As much as former Pres. Trump’s supporters love his brash style. But she won’t. She’s too buttoned up lying low and praying that the “I’m not Trump” playbook that barely worked in 2020 works again.

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To the contrary, she's not playing to her base. Unlike Convicted Felon Trump, she's making it clear she intends to be the president for ALL Americans.

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Which is a terrible strategy. Terrible. Half of America isn’t going to vote for her no matter what she says. This is what Trump has figured out. He doubles down, no quadruples down, on his base. He already knows that VP Harris voters aren’t going to vote for him. He gives them what they want to hear. VP Harris rolls out the Obama’s to lecture men, and Muslims about how terrible they are if they vote for Trump. They don’t give them a reason, just a lecture. I don’t know too many grown men and women that want to be lectured by another grown man. VP Harris isn’t going to get any Trump supporters to vote for her. Instead she needs to driver her base. She isn’t. She’s trying to position herself as some centrist, while not eschewing any of the Pres. Biden policies that are wildly unpopular.

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While Trump alienates women, alienates Latinos, alienates Jews, alienates blacks, alienates LGBTQ+.

Great strategy. He's relying on the "bros" who are least likely to vote.

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And yet the race is tied. Everyone acts like Kamala is up by 80 points. It’s literally anyone’s race. Trump is firing up his base, Kamala is courting the Cheneys. We will see in a few days if it works.

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Convicted Felon Trump acts like he's already won, campaigning in states he's going to lose like New York and New Mexico. Meanwhile it's Democrats who are enthusiastic about putting an end to this nightmare.


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Kamala is campaigning in Texas. She’s going to lose that state. Even the article states the gap is extremely narrow.

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Actually she is playing the I am a responsible adult and don't need to resort to juvenile name calling, or to create hatred or fear of fellow Americans when talking with my supporters playbook. She simply speaks in complete sentences so everyone can understand what she is saying, and describes her goals without denigrating anyone. It's called decency, a word djt does not think is beautiful, IF he knows it at all.

And speaking to crowds of 70,000 is not layng low, lol, just how desperate are you?

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Which is a terrible strategy. She should double down on her base. That’s how she wins. Not by trotting out freaking Liz Cheney.

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Lol. Her base is voting for her. She needs to get the undecided, and friends of the late great gop, in other words, all the normal adults and decent people.

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I’m not sure about that. Black men are moving to Trump. Muslims are moving to Trump. Latinos are moving to Trump. In an election where every vote counts, they could cost her the election.

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Lol! Moving towards djt means what, the 95% support she had is now 94%!! That's not going to win anything for djt.

Keep dreaming if it makes you feel better.

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It’s literally a 50/50 race. You act as if Kamala is up by 10 points. She needs every vote.

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Yeah sure, 50-50. Seems strange then that djt is driving away votes by insulting everyone, and denigrating the country as a garbage dump, and acting weird, and not even trying to gain independents or undecideds. Gee even parents can not let their kids watch him on tv in fear he will start talking about a dead person's genitals. What parent could vote for him then ever look their kid in the eye again?

Harris is gaining votes from lovers of the late great gop, and independents.

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Seems strange but the fact remains it’s anyone’s race at this time. What parent could vote for Harris/Walz knowing they allow biological boys to play against girls?

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That's right, insult transgender people and their family and friends who love them, that's a great way to gain votes and show a candidate cares about all Americans.

There are about 500,000 athletes in the NCAA and an estimated 40 are transgender, and not all of those are transgender women. It is pathetic that anyone thinks that is an issue to base a presidential vote.

One candidate wants to end health care for children and their mothers, end food assistance for children, end rights of female children to get medical care they need, one candidate.who supports more guns in schools where children are being slaughtered, and rejects common sense gun control efforts to make everyone safe, gun control neasures supported by a majority of americans by about 85%, one who wants to end rights of children's mothers to get emergency care to prevent their dying and leaving children motherless, but yeah, let's vote for that because the other side supports the rights of everyone even the very tiny minority of transgender people.

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Just want to poke my head in and wish everyone well as I sign off until sometime after the election (if all goes well). My anxiety levels have steadily increased and for my mental health I need to step away from all things political. I should be getting Louise Penny’s latest book soon and will lose myself in Three Pines 🌲🌲🌲

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The garbage truck was such a brilliant move. Again, it’s impossible for VP Harris to distance herself from Pres. Biden when she repeatedly said there was nothing she would do differently. Furthermore, democrats told us time and time again that the reason she was able to slide in was because primary voters voted for the Biden/Harris campaign.

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And then he had to spoil it all like saying something stupid (again) that "I'll protect you whether you like it or not." That's a statement that can be used in horror movies, in abusive relationships, or stalkers.

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It was a pathetic joke that only fooled his base. Everyone else noted that garbage is usually in the BACK of the truck.

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I saw what you did there😉

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It’s the 2016 deplorable comment all over again. Democrats are running a 1980 style campaign and former Pres. Trump will say whatever he needs to get his base worked up and therefore get elected. The comments only add fuel to the already raging fire that his supporters feel for him. Democrats will never understand that and now have a 50/50 shot at losing.

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It’s a MAGA fantasy that it bears any relationship to the deplorables gaffe, which was said by… the candidate (in that case, Hillary Clinton). Trump wants to be running against Biden, but wishing does not make it so. They must be seeing some worrying internal poll numbers to do this stunt.

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Again. VP Harris has tied herself to the sinking ship that is old man Biden. She’s had ample opportunities to let him drift away to sea, but has failed to do so. She cannot take credit for “good” policies they’ve done and not take a hit when he says something dumb.

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Taking responsibility for an administration's policies is one thing, but she is not responsible for what President Biden says! Give ne a break!

And President Biden did not say that about all of djt's supporters, he was talking about just that one supporter who thinks he is a comedian.

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And Harris should have exploited it. Riled up her base. But instead she runs the same old conventional campaign against an extremely unconventional opponent.

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Her base is already voting for her. Only losers like djt think that to"rilei up" and anger people and spread hatred towards fellow Americans is a way to gain more support, which totally did not work ladt time and will not work this time..

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There’s is a big difference between the deplorable and garbage line

Biden has always put his foot in his mouth the best thing he can do right now is “guys I did it again. I put my foot in my mouth

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That’s because you’re a Harris supporter and see it for what it is. Trump is exploiting it to drive his base. VP Harris has fully aligned herself with Pres. Biden, so she can’t take the good and ignore the bad. She should have dropped him like the rest of the Democratic Party and ran on her own merit.

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Geez you maga sure stretch to try and make an argument. Harris did not "slide in." She was elevated per the actual and long standing rules of the DNC! No one else in the entire Democratic party stood up to challange her for the job, and even tho the delegates were under no obligation to vote for her she won the delegate vote unanimously. Give me a break, AS IF you maga respect voting or voting outcomes!

And the garbage truck just highlights the racist comment at djt's MSG rally which he refuses to denounce! He is simply trying to distract from that disaster at MSG by pretending President Biden called anyone garbage besides that one very poor "comedian."

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There is virtually nothing these MAGA people say that doesn’t come directly from the conservative media echo chamber.

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Free media!

President Trump is the master at it!

Playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers…


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Your comments often crack me up. Chess? It's more like he is playing kick the can. Brilliant? Did you watch him try to get up in that truck like a "real man"? He could barely open the door and haul himself up. But I will grant you he tried to take advantage of a iladvised comment by Biden. That was potentially a smart move but he looked like a dork doing it.

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That Access Hollywood tape is circulating again on TikTok. Free media!

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Trump is the master of setting himself on fire.

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If Donald Trump understood how to make even one move in Chess I'd be mighty surprised. I'd be even the rankest amateur, a ten-year-old child, could beat him in three moves.

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It’s hilarious that people want to tie Trump to a comedian telling a joke, but will absolutely absolve Harris of a Biden gaffe. The double standard is phenomenal.

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The former guys team vetted the bad "comedian" and pre-screened his "act" and uploaded it into the teleprompter, they actually removed one of his" jokes" before giving him the ok.

President Biden was not talking about djt supporters, he said the only trash I see IS the supporters. If he had meant all the supporters he would have said the only trash I see ARE the supporters. AND djt trotting out his tired old lame excuse that he doesn't know the guy is pathetic. He doesn't have to know a guy to apologize for the racist remarks the guy said on djt's stage at djt's rally, who djt's campaign brought there to speak. By refusing to do the decent thing djt looks even worse. That's why he is trying to distract the gullible like you with the shiny object of one misunderstood word by President Biden who is not even his opponent!

And the former guy then says you can't be prez if you don't like all Americans! LOL! The former guy is showing just how little he thinks of all Americans by refusing to denounce those racist comments made at his rally on his stage by people he invited and vetted!!

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Hilarious that you’re trying to cover for him. He said what he said. By refusing to do the decent thing Biden looks even worse.

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Hilarious that you even take djt's claim about this seriously.

After all the horrible things the former guy has said about almost everyone in the country and other countries too! You cant even see he is just trying to distract from the disaster at MSG! Lol. Gullible much?

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Mike Dukakis moment, really?!?

Talk about desperation! What’s next HRC gonna begin to campaign? Hail Mary time!

The wheels are falling off……

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They've long fallen off for Convicted Felon Trump. He's systematically alienating every group not part of the MAGAt base.

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When Harris wins, will you still be posting here?

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The Trump campaign hates Trump. I’m completely convinced now. It’s been a wild 5 days.

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Republicans, if you are too ashamed to vote for demented and fascist Trump, but can’t ever vote for Democrat, just don’t vote.

No one will blame you.

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"not the quality of play on the field." <-- Really Chris...only you would mock the Army-Navy Game

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Duke and I certainly agree on the entertainment aspect

He made tons of money on The Apprentice. All the items he hawks he doesn’t have any money in them. He has sold his name. He makes money whether they say one or a million

He does the same things with a lot of his properties

And the wrestling haircut thing with McMahn. There were two reality entertainers at their best

But they still pale in comparison to Ron popeil. Does anyone else remember his going around airports with a can of black spray paint and painting men’s bald spot

As Tony Kornheiser would say “classic”

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-----In 2020, 2016, 2008 and 2000, the party whose voters said they were more enthusiastic than usual won the White House. But that means that in 2012 and 2004, the more enthusiastic side — or at least the side willing to tell pollsters they were more enthusiastic — lost.------

I wonder if '12 and '04 were because these were 2nd term elections and the more enthusiastic ppl were likely the ones who OPPOSED the incumbent.

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The garbage truck thing. Let it go. The only real thing is gives more attention to him

That might be more important to him than the presidency

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I can see now why Trump picked Vance. Vance makes him look good. And he can always correct Vance, sometimes almost humiliating him, like he used to do to Sessions

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First of all Chris for the piece the Army Navy game. It is one of the classics along with Harvard Yale. It’s a shame they started having it other places besides Philadelphia

These guys are playing for the love of the game, the pride and the patriotism

I’ll also bet they are in better shape and pound for pound tougher than any other division one team

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And I bet Vance does not run home to hide every time there is a school shooting massacre. Didn't he say about shooters killing children at random, "it's the reality we live in and have to deal with it?" Deal with it by running home to hide??

And he has about a million times more personal security than any child in school, yet he runs and hides when a lone shooter several states away from him shoots a few rounds! Snowflake!

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