Kamala will likely ride a wave of enthusiasm through to election day, because it is a short interval and Democrats are ready for positivity and possibility. Kamala will heed the words of the Bernie Sanders wing of the Party, in a way that Hillary Clinton never did, and should have. She has the endorsement of Barack and Michelle Obama, which is a huge lift. She will pick a complementary vice presidential candidate. What those of us must do who never want to see the bulky, menacing Donald John Trump behind the Resolute Desk again…is turn out and vote. Vote in epic numbers. We can do this!

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There is no "Bernie Sanders Wing of the Party." He's not a Democrat and never has been.

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Well, actually,, there is one…many of those working-class folks who became “undecided”. It is how Hillary Clinton lost several swing states,Some are unhappy with Trump,, and are looking for the words of the Democratic nominee to include robust support for unions, a living wage, decent healthcare, and opportunity. Bernie is a socialist, but many of his ideas resonate with a wide swath of Americans. They won’t vote for someone who calls them deplorables. They did not, and they will not.

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No, there isn't. And I think Bernie shares the blame for paving the way for Trump by fighting her all the way to the 2016 convention LONG after he had lost the nomination. (Admittedly Hillary made her own mistakes in the campaign, but Bernie severely undercut her at a time the party should have been pulling together.)

The Biden/Harris admistration is the most pro-union in history. Biden even walked a UAW picket line! We do not need instruction from Bernie any more than we need it from non-Democrat Joe Manchin. Harris will reach out to working class voters with or without Bernie's help.

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I agree with you that Bernie had a great deal do with Hillary's loss, and that butt-hurt “Bernie bros” staying home contributed greatly to Hillary’s loss.. It is not.”instruction” that we need from Bernie, but cooperation and endorsement.(And we certainly don’t need anything from Joe Manchin) Biden walked the picket line, Harris did not, but needs to. And she will not turn down Bernie’s help to get their votes. Bernie understands those folks. Joe Biden understands these folks.I grew up in a blue-collar union household, and ai remember the saying “if you want to live like a Republican, then vote for the Democrats “. I agree that Kamala is smart and will not ignore the working class. She will not make the mistake of any “deplorables” references, or denigrate them for clinging to their guns and their bibles.

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Okay, we found common ground. :)

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I followed with interest your exchange with Cathlynn. My own view is that it's good for Bernie to be in the process and pushing for his agenda . He had a lot of support and was entitled to press his case. I think , however, that great damage to the Country was caused in part by those of his voters who stayed home or voted third party b/c HRC was insufficiently pure . I don't blame that on Bernie. Joe did a better job than HRC in reaching out to that group, and by the time 20 rolled around many realized the error of their ways in 16. This cycle, Ds and centrists are lining up with vigor behind Harris. We all realize the harm another Trump term would do.

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And take 5 more friends and family with you as well

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Agreed 💯!

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"This is about criticizing the Democratic Party for becoming antifamily and antichildren.”

Wait, which party killed the expansion of the Child Tax Credit?

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There are two components to Harris’s momentum at this juncture: 1) relief that Biden stepped aside and there is a chance to stop Trump and 2) her excellent , self-assured performance. Factor 1) should fade. But she is clearly a more polished candidate this cycle.

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Let’s hope it lasts until Election Day so we don’t get stuck with the fetid, desiccated Trump again and a failing dystopian nation. How about that timeline?

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The "honeymoon" isn't likely to last into September. That said, unless Harris makes major gaffes, she will remain in serious contention into November. And if she establishes a clear, truly centrist theme and the Felonious Menace continues irrational, incomprehensible ranting, she will take the lead.

That baseball leads in "what matters" is no surprise. Football is a creature of television.

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Your thoughts on the "dump JD" scuttlebutt? On the one hand, picking him was a big mistake (certainly in retrospect) and he is a major problem for Trump, whose life as he knows it (along with his Chernobyl ego) is on the line. On the other hand, JD is MAGA Core so whatever the story covering his exit is had better be a damned good one (farm-animal good). Nikki Haley would be a huge upgrade; even Rubio. But how do they do it? If I were JD, I'd be watching my back very carefully.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

She can get a bit more mileage out of the Honeymoon by way of her own, well selected VP pic. Glad it’s not my call to make but the Astronaut ticks off a box or two more than the MI or PA Govs. For what’s worth from me in Ottawa - where we gots our own political intrigues;-)

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I’m with you 💯! Sen. Mark Kelly would be an *excellent* choice and could tilt AZ toward Dems, maybe even propelling Ruben Gallegos to beat Kari Lake (though that might a bit of a “long shot”)

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I expect more negative posts about Harris from Chris cilliza , just as he did with Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley and President Biden. The only difference this time is that Kamala Harris is going to defeat your guy. They can dig into Harris's records all they want, it's not going to scare American people like Trump's criminal records will

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Prompt: Where do the "Keys To The White House" stand now? C=> https://www.youtube.com/live/IuS98AcKDZQ #Kamala-iz-a-Soaring!

Key #1. Mid-term Election Results; Analysis: #GOPs now have more Congressional seats in D.C.; Advantage: GOPs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #2. The #I-Pck ("eye-pick") Intra-party Contested Key; Analysis: #Kamala has wrapped up the internal delegates to the #DEM-party convention already in just ONE week's time; Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Note. #Joe knows "The Keys To The White House" like the back of his hand outmaneuvering #Trump by elevating his #VICE #Kamala deftly avoiding the expected loss of the "Intra-party Contest Key."

Key #3. The #Incumbency Key; Analysis: #Kamala cannot by herself be awarded the "PRESIDENTIAL Incumbency Key", or #PIK without #Joe officially resigning the Presidency; Advantage: GOPs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #4. The 3rd Party ("RFK, Jr.") Key; Analysis: #Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is still NOT a viable candidate. Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #5. Strong S-Term #USA Economy Key; Analysis: No Two (2) consecutive quarters of negative growth ie.) No Recession; Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #6. Strong L-Term #USA Economy Key; Analysis: Current REAL #GDP-growth exceeds the average of the previous Two (2) presidential terms; Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #7. Major Policy Change Key; Analysis: Most of the previous administration's executive orders have been rescinded; Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #8. Social Unrest Key; Analysis: Must be a MAJOR movement comparable to #BLM pending the optics of the #DEM-convention; Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #9. The Scandal Key; Analysis: Bipartisan recognition of the underlying Scandal, if any, ie.) The Watergate Investigation; Bill and Monica; where the subject Scandal must involve the President; Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #10. The Foreign Military Failure Key, or #FMFK; #Afghanistan, #Gaza, #Ukraine; Advantage: GOPs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #11. The Foreign Military Success Key, or #FMSK; #Afghanistan, #Gaza, #Ukraine; Advantage: GOPs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #12. The Charismatic Incumbent Key, or #CIK; A broadly appealing once in a generation inspirational candidate; Advantage: GOPs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Key #13. The Un-Charismatic Challenger Key, or #UCCK; A narrowly appealing commonly "ho-hum" candidate; Advantage: DEMs C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Rule. If Eight (8) or more keys are "True" for the #DEMs, then #Kamala will become our 47th President of The United States. C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

Current Score Dtd 072624 = Five (5) #GOP-keys versus Eight (8) #DEM-keys C=> https://amzn.to/3WoLS5P #Kindle-Edition

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Great job!!

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RE: "This looks razor-thin."

Was, indeed. And, still is. The 1/3rd "middle" of the electorate is hard to gage.

And, it was those "independent" voters that surprised with their exit interviews back in 2016.

We kinda know where the #MAGAt(s) and #DEMs stand.

But, those 100 million "independent" voters? A lot of 'em just stay at home and do not vote.

Please register to vote today. Thank you!

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Chris , you want to know how long the so called "honey moon" will last? To your disappointment, it's going to last till election day and into her first 100 days in the office as the President of tge United States. You watch

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The live version of “Jane Says” is a longtime favourite of mine! Very solid band!

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The honeymoon already end here at Chris Crucial. This election will always be about the fascist, rapist, traitor, climate denier. Tell the readers why he is dangerous for the world. You can use his own words.

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I don’t think Democrats/anti Trumpers care about her record. Many just needed an excuse to get off the couch on November 5th. Now they have it.

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Perhaps the whole concept of "honeymoon" wouldn't be a thing if we didn't have campaigns that go on for at least 2 years. Maybe the big lesson here will be that we can conduct campaigns in 3 months. Big blow to the political consultant/campaign industry, but good for America.

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100 days is not 10 days. Over the next 3 months there will be plenty of counter-punching from the MAGA side and KH will have to be ready for it and be adept at parrying it away. How we she does that will likely determine the outcome of the election.

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How pathetically JD spins his awful and hateful comment! He clearly is attacking women who don’t have children, saying they have made bad choices that make them miserable, and then accuses them of making everybody else miserable. Sounds like a very low level of emotional maturity. How dare he tell anybody that, except perhaps a traitorous criminal like Trump?

Sorry that sounds so harsh but it is what it is.

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“One of my favorite bands of the late 1980s was Jane’s Addiction. I LOVED them.”

Then you must be a fan of Coachella Music Fest.

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