Donald J Trump can offer explanations and excuses, reasons and rationale, about why he lost the debate in advance of participating in it…..but the fact is…that in an audience-free studio, with his microphone muted when it is not his turn to speak, with no notes or teleprompter, Donald J Trump’s cognitive issues will be on display for all the nation to see and hear. There will be sharks, electricity, snakes, showers, Hillary Clinton, Ronny Johnson…the whole breadth and depth of Trump’s intellectual weakness. (Just read Chris’ brilliant 50 things from earlier today) Tune in. Will be wild.

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I think you are on to a great idea. Biden should turn to Donald and ask him about these things. “Donald, I didn’t exactly understand, why would you rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark?” “I don’t know Dr. Ronnie Johnson. Did he work for you?” “Why don’t you like Milwaukee? I hear they have some great beer and nice folks.” “Was sex with Stormy Daniels when Melania just had your son, the very tall one, worth $135,000?”

“Do you regularly sleep during the day, or was that just in court?” “Which of the documents you took did Putin like the most”. “Do you like the ketchup that runs down the wall or the one that sticks in a glob”. “I heard you say you will be a dictator only on day one so what will you do the rest of the time”. “Where’s Melania? Do you miss her?”

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Great ideas, DK! And based upon the change in tone of Joe’s comments lately (calling him a “convicted felon”, etc.), I think it’s certainly plausible that his debate team has gamed out ways to slip those in. It would *so* get under Trump’s thin skin and fluster him that he’d spend the next 90 seconds of his 2 minutes trying to come up with new insults….

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I read that Donald hates being called Donald. So please keep it in mind. It isn’t only The Donald who can come up with nick names …Diaper Don, felon Don, demented Don, napping don, I hate Milwaukee Don,

Did Melania leave Donald when it sank in that he paid Stormy D. 135,000 after he had sex with her just when she was home with her new born baby? I wonder if we could start a kickstarter to help Melania get out of this abusive relationship. It would be quite a stunt. If she takes the money or if she refuses it.

I would set the goal amount as $135,000.

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You're on a roll, DK! 🤣

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Thanks, Larry. Donald is really very low hanging fruit for mocking, taunting, and comedy. I don’t watch them all but the late night comedians are never at a loss of material.

I really miss George Carlin. (That’s an aside. )

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I have subscribed on YouTube to the primary late-night comedians, so our evening ritual is to watch the opening monologues of Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert (Kimmel has gotten downright vicious of late!), and the “A Closer Look” segment of Seth Meyers (after we watch Jeopardy!, of course 😉)

One of the joys of YouTube and DVR for functionality on YouTube TV (cancelled our cable last year…)

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Trump's utter predictability; his oh-so-typical claims of victory despite whatever stupidities and foolishness may issue forth from his lying piehole, will unfortunately mar my enjoyment. The debate will be a very bright and merciless spotlight on Trumpy's mental decline, however.

We can expect a veritable onslaught of blame and excuses regardless of the outcome--although, I expect President Biden will easily outperform the Melon Felon.

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Yes he will!

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I agree completely, Cathlynn.

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Pre-emptive Trump is a given, really nothing to see here, except he's put it in overdrive. Why? Biden has been talking more 'smack' lately (especially topics to which Trump struggles to respond--"felon" anyone?) and is totally in Trump's head. He needs to keep it up. Truth hurts. Humor kills. If I were Biden, I would start my debate opening remarks with, ""America, I am honored to be here, I have taken my Adderall, and I am ready to rock!".....

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Chris, thank you for innoculating us to Trump's pre-debate spin of excuses for why anyone who perceives him as a loser in his debate next week against Biden will do so only because the debate was rigged against him. My sister sent me this joke which describes the double standard that politically benefits Trump. How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb? None. Trump will say that the light bulb has been changed. All of the other Republicans will applaud Trump for changing the light bulb while they' continue to sit in the dark.

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Polls show that when asked, a MAJORITY of Americans say they, personally, are doing well. Perception is the enemy.

Re the debate, Trump is going to say that Biden was given the questions ahead of time and was, thus, able rehearse his answers.

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I totally agree about the Jonathan V. Last post about Juneteenth. Earlier today I read the first few paragraphs, got to the stop before the paywall, and decided I needed to subscribe in order to read the rest of it.

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Chris is getting behind in news or his algorithms is all pro-Trump+

Copy/paste from Simon Rosenberg X

“Biden gains in new polling:

- Fox News 3 pt Biden gain (8 pts since March)

- Echelon 4 pt Biden gain

- CBS/YouGov 3 pt Biden gain

- Morning Consult 2 pt Biden gain

- Yahoo/YouGov 2 pt Biden gain

- NYT 2 pt Biden gain

Election appears to be changing now”

I am hoping election is started moving

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A lot can happen between now in November. No time for complacency, but a little optimism is okay. :)

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Chris's algorithm is HEAVILY pro _Trump.

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I just realized I misspelled Jim Clyburn’s last name. Sorry!

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Can’t wait for everyone to pile on about how all the economic factors are rising and how Pres. Biden will win because Americans simply overlook paying more for everything. The chart is the exact reason he will lose. Pres. Biden knows this as well, hence the “Bidenomics” slogan had been relegated to a thing of the past. The “vibes” are off, as the kids say, and all people want to do is point to some ridiculous economic indicator and their own 401k. Imagine being someone who just graduated college and is staring down the barrel of an 8% APR for 30 years on a house that costs 500k plus and some dude who paid 200k for his house with a 2.25% APR is waxing poetic about how the economy is actually doing great.

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Yadda yadda yadda

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I’m with you. If the person just graduated from college and is so uneducated that they can’t get it that not everything is in the hands of the President and thinks the guy who hasn’t one idea of how to fix it except more tax breaks for the rich is better than what we have, we are in trouble. I think people are smarter than that.

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Right on DK

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Classic. Just tell them they’re wrong and that their friends who graduated 4 years before them don’t really lock in 2.25 APR interest rates. Tell them that not everything is in the hands of the President but that President Biden will make everything right again. A real winning strategy.

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I argued with a friend from New Hampshire that he was better off staying out of the battle flag debate because it wasn't his legacy to deal with. He was in favor of reverence for the flag while I, a Mississippian, was in favor of pooping on it.

There's no good reason to cozy up to folks who cannot instantly tell you human slavery is bad.

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Chris was right yesterday this save democracy arguement is as DOA as Bidenomics…..

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I agree, Chris, that JVL at The Bulwark had a great piece on “coming of age” RE racism.

I had a similar experience growing up as a young suburban white kid in Los Angeles County. Many of my neighbors and best friends were Latino, and I never thought about it for a second, but I don’t recall a single black family anywhere in our city (eastern end of LA County). I was into Boy Scouting and had entered a group that was organized and run by a local Latter Day Saints church, my first real encounter with Mormonism, which I knew nothing about, both as a religion and their social construct (Africans were descended from Cain and their black skin was the “mark of Cain”, ie the shame of having murdered his brother Abel).

We were driving together in multiple cars to a national park event in Arizona and stopped for gas somewhere in San Bernardino County CA (if my recollection is accurate), and there were some black people there. The boys snickered and called them “niggers”. I’d never heard the word but I instinctively knew it wasn’t a good term. From that point on, I became aware of race in a way that I’d never been before. In a way, it was my personal “fall from grace”: I could no longer look at everyone as just being “people”, as I now knew that some were considered “less” than others.

I am and always have been adamantly for treating ALL with dignity and respect (at least, until they proved they didn’t deserve that consideration, as I’ve come to see with *most* of the MAGA cult 😉), but that became a conscious decision after that day. And I never grew close to *any* of the other Boy Scout troop members, as I would never know what they might be saying about *me* behind my back….

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Chris I will say this upfront. I don't believe in polls this far out. But I implore you to please read the Fox News Polls that came out today. This contradicts your yesterday's post claiming the electorate is not buying the Democracy argument President Biden is selling. Well, look at that poll because I know you love polls. That polls showEd that some 68% of the electorate say Democracy is the most important thing to them in this election even more than economy. So there you have it if you believe in Polls(I know you love polls)

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If you don’t believe in polls this far out why pay any attention to a Fox News poll. Why? Because it supports your belief. It’s called confirmation bias as Tversky and Kahnemman wrote in their classical paper in 1974, Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. I’ve noticed even though you don’t believe polls you always highlight ones that agree with you.

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I referenced that Fox News Poll to prove that the points Chris was trying to make ( Biden's Democracy argument and the Economy is bad for Biden ) in his posts are not valid . And I know Chris loves and believe in polls like alot.

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I remember in 2022, the pundits were saying the same thing Chris keeps talking about. Why is Biden talking about Democracy when the people say the economy is bad.Welll from your chart, the perception of the economy was this bad then but the Democrats outperformed expectactions of the pundits. Guess what?, Biden is going to outperform the pundits expectactions again in November. It doesn't matter whether people think or wish Trump is a slight, moderate or super favorite to win in November. The only opinion that matter is the opinion of the electorate.

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That internet circle explains my life!

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