Please spare me the nonsense about undecided voters. To be undecided at this point you’d have to be willfully blind to Trump’s lies and mendacity. Or, as pollsters sanitize it, character issues. Here’s some advice to chew on undecideds: when one of the candidates is a habitual liar with a shaky grasp on reality, you don’t obsess about the positions of the other candidate. Instead you examine her character and, once you find it’s reasonable if not sterling you vote for her and run from the dumpster fire the other candidate creates on a daily basis

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If someone is truly undecided they are either so ignorant or so oblivious they shouldn't be voting. But they're a tiny sliver. The REAL group that both sides are going for are the "irregular voters," who may or may not show up to vote.

I found this article to be very persuasive:


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How can anyone be undecided at this point? It’s either the person who speaks rationally and intelligently or the one who babbles like a demented old man. Who do you want to lead our country? Wake up. There’s no perfect candidate but there is clearly one who talks sense and one who talks nonsense.

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Indeed. Being "undecided" in this election, according to one analogy I heard, is like being in the middle of raging storm and coming upon a refuge and saying, "I'm not sure if I should choose this. How many bathrooms does it have?"

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And the news media is doing a terrible job challenging all Trump’s BS; the latest being the illegal immigrant app the sophisticated immigrants are using. I’m sure a Trump spokesperson could answer the question of where the app is available to download - NOT

I’m more than frustrated by this garbage

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Looking forward to what you have planned for Tuesday!

Mitt Romney is showing a real lack of moral leadership

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When has he not?

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When he voted to convict Trump in the first impeachment trial, that was dope/.

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Loved you at CNN and love what you’re doing here!

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Thanks Mark!

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Undecided=voting for trump but too chickenshit to tell anyone because you know you are a homophobic racist but can't let anyone know how you really feel about black and brown folks.

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Exactly! Thank you!

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You really think that the 74 million people who voted for Trump in 2020 are homophobic racists? Granted, whatever the homophobic racist vote is, Trump has it locked up. But the reason that most of these people voted for Trump is because they don't like people like you.

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Sorry. At this point there are no undecided. All that is left are the willfully ignorant.

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I’m interested in the 3% of respondents about Donald that consider the court cases and convictions as a negative. Does that reflect utter disregard and contempt for the judicial system and belief that the cases are “politically motivated”? Or are they utterly unconcerned that a convicted felon might be president? Do they actually think that the courts in their state are somehow fair and objective, whereas New York State courts are hopelessly politicized? Or that he’s really not likely guilty of anything significant?

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Looking at the comments most here don't think undecided voters exist, but assuming they do there are plenty of people that don't like Trump personally but like his policies. Chris sees the possibility of Harris explaining her policies as an advantage for her, but you could also make the argument she is unable or unwilling to explain her policies in a positive way. This basically gives voters an excuse to vote for Trump.

Peggy Noonan wrote an article describing the race as Awful vs Empty. I don't know that it's necessarily better to be either. With Harris voters will fill in that emptiness with their own opinions which might be positive or negative.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Trump has never had any real policies that I am aware of.

Harris has real policies with the child tax credit and affordable housing.

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Trump has three major policy groups that appeal to voters: 1) low taxes and low inflation; 2) repeal of Roe v Wade and associated "anti-woke" cultural issues and 3) control of the southern border. Merely because you (or I) disagree with these policies doesn't make them non-existent. 74 million people voted for Trump in 2020 and he may well be our next President. The agenda is real, effective and obvious to anyone outside of the deep blue echo chamber.

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Trump was one of the most unproductive Presidents in our history. Your policy list is unserious.

1) Republicans generally do cut taxes and then say we can't afford public benefits. It's a formula for massive deficits which is unserious.

Low inflation isn't a policy. Tax cuts, tariffs and mass deportations are all inflationary policies.

2) Even Trump has backed away from outright bans on abortion. He flip flops.

Woke is made up BS as far as I can tell. It isn't policy. Democrats do support letting people live their own lives as they choose. I think that's less government and more freedom. Love thy Neighbor!

What is anti-woke? Lying about legal immigrants and causing threats in Springfield? Calling women without children Cat Ladies? Saying you hate Taylor Swift? Targeting trans kids? Targeting teachers and librarians?

3) Trump didn't fix border issues. Mexico didn't pay for the wall. Obama had less crossings his last 3 years than Trump. Legislation is how we try to fix things, especially bipartisan legislation. Biden/Harris did that. Trump had it blocked.

Biden/Harris also worked on fixing the problem at the source, not building a wall and pretending the problem doesn't exist.

Since 1989, 50M jobs created under Democrats and 1M under Republicans!

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Former Pres. Trump also wants to expand the child tax credit. VP Harris has brilliant ideas that she just couldn’t ever convince her former boss to implement, but when she takes over she’ll really do it.

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Trump had a chance to support the child tax credit before. His Republican followers let it die.

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Peggy Noonan’s take is just silly. Trump is offering all sorts of crazy promises that are impractical and hollow: IVF for all, re-instituting the SALT deduction that he cut last time. It’s pandering and half-assed. And his tariffs would spur more inflation. It’s nonsense to say Harris is “empty.” She’s advanced serious, well-thought out proposals re immigration, taxes, and tax credits to help parents and the middle class. People who say she hasn’t been substantive are disingenuous or too lazy to read.

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It is the zero information voters who are undecided. The question is..will they become more educated or blindly vote on a whim? Let's hope they do the former.

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You’re calling an advantage what’s really a glass half full, Chris. At the same time she’s trying to gin turnout those points say she has to dial down the rhetoric that inspires that turnout operation. Meanwhile he just gets to attack since there isn’t much left to say on him. But the other half of the glass is she has the resources to define herself and shift those perceptions. Hence glass half full.

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Totally digging the tune you shared by Mustafa - your musical suggestions are stellar ✨

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