I am usually pretty upbeat, but the Supremes taking the case has me down. Mitch going away eventually is fine. Trump having to scrounge for cash is ok too. But that the J6 trial and its verdict may be pushed back too far to do us any good, should the POS get re-elected, God forbid, makes me feel like the Court is in his pocket. They shouldn’t have taken it.

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Once again, SCOTUS is behaving in ways to make the public legitimately doubt its independence and commitment to impartiality. This has been, and will continue to be, John Roberts's nightmare. Donald Trump doesn't care about their integrity or perception — he just wants them to do what he wants. For the anarchists like Steve Bannon, this is just wonderful.

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It seems like they shouldn't have taken it. The opposite decision would shatter any conception I might have held about the separation of powers. It's unthinkable. I would hope the idea is to affirm the lower court with a resounding decision with little debate so as to settle the matter for good. Even a 5-4 or 6-3 decision would be heresy to me.

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Imagine if Chuck Schumer retires during a Trump presidency. You’d never see a gracious statement like that from him the way President Biden made one about Mitch McConnell.

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Considering what is at stake, wouldn't it be nice if SCOTUS did everything possible to expedite the Trump immunity claim? Let's get the show on the road!

Also- if Trump were indeed innocent, he would stop using delaying tactics, go to trial, and show the world how wrong the DOJ has been.

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Trump has more rights than the American public, apparently, according to SCOTUS. Jack Smith argued that the public has the right to the information from a trial before the election. Now, since SCOTUS has decided to wade in here in TWO MONTHS, there is NFW Judge Chutkan will be able to schedule. And if The Stench wins, then it all goes away forever.

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Chris, OMG NOOOOOOO. You believe that if Trump loses in 2024, he will still PREVAIL and continue his assault on the US? With Congress still falling to its knees? WHAT GETS RID OF HIM?

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Probably only death.🫥

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I am so disgusted with the supreme court. I hope I'm wrong but it looks like trump is going to wiggle out of his court cases as time runs out before the election. 😠😠

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Mitch’s American Dream is rapidly becoming OUR American nightmare... Good riddance to a coward who could have figuratively stepped on Trump’s wind pipe but didn’t have the sack to do it... Bye bye Moscow Mitch

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If Trump wins Total Immunity for anything he did as president, the same would be true for Biden, correct? So Biden could "off" Trump with total immunity. Careful what you wish for.

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I've been trying to figure out why no one talks about this! I mean, the possibilities are endless for President Biden!

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In thinking about Mitch McConnell, a song came to mind. I think Hetfield might have been thinking about him. https://music.apple.com/us/album/and-justice-for-all/1434424163?i=1434424170

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So will McConnell endorse Trump or was this his way of avoiding having to do that?

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The Supreme Court handing Donald J Trump the delay he’s been wishing for, make every non-Trumpist feel a gut punch. And if the courts hand him a further win by accepting his terms for his appeal of the fraud case, we’ll have pretty good evidence that our legal system is tainted beyond repair. It makes me smile, though, to think that if the “billionaire businessman” indeed has to cough up the dough, it will be life-changing for him. I have no doubt that his properties are leveraged to the max, and that the staggering amount of his personal and business debt will make him poison to any lender. He’ll be thrashing around and lashing out as only an outsized toddler can.

And President Joe Bide continues to be the gracious and courteous man that we know him to be.

Liking the “Chris Crucial” observations!!!!

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I’m afraid you’re right.

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Whew! 😊😊

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