Pete is always my first pick, for all the reasons you have already listed. But It's just too risky for this crucial election. I would love to see a country that would vote on a candidate's abilities and not on who they love or what color their skin is .

So, I think it's Shapiro!

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I am an Arizonan and like Mark Kelly but Harris needs Pennsylvania and its electoral votes! Have to get to 270 electoral votes to become president!

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My guess is that the pick will be Kelly. The case for Shapiro is strong, but his comments re Gaza may cost votes. In addition to his own strong bio, Kelly brings Gaby Gifford to the campaign, and that can help focus on gun safety, another issue that animates many. Re Fred’s book, no pol is a saint, but again Trump is revealed to be beneath contempt. How can any decent person support him?

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No love for Andy Beshear, Chris?

If they have to pick Tim Walz to lock down Minnesota, then they are in deep trouble.

I agree with your top two selections. The criteria should be:

1. Can they give a good speech at the convention?

2. Can they debate effectively?

3. Are there any skeletons that could doom them?

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Why isn’t Andy Beshear in your pick? Just curious.

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Not from a state Kamala can win (my guess for Chris' reason).

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You mean like Lloyd Bentsen won Texas for Dukakis?

The notion that the VP brings their state along is long past its sell by date.

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Well, I agree. But Chris seems to put some stock in it.

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A VP can or cannot check a lot of boxes. One is the hope of helping re a state. Did Kaine help HRC win Virginia? Difficult to know. Johnson certainly helped Kennedy win Texas. Shapiro and Kelly could help in their swing states. For my money, Kelly checks all the boxes. And Gaby Giffords being part of the campaign could help us frame issues re got safety

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It should be Walz. His background as a teacher and veteran is highly complementary to Kamala’s background as a prosecutor. And he has a proven record of executive accomplishment, leading Minnesota through the pandemic with flying colors while having to deal with a legislature not wholly controlled by his own party.

It is too risky to open up a Senate seat in a swing state, so Kelly should be off the list.

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Ok first of all, at some point we have to over we can’t put a Jew or gay on the ticket. I wish that time would be now because either Josh or Pete would be my choice in that order.

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I love the idea of Shapiro on the ticket - I think he checks a lot of boxes, and I’m Jewish so having a black woman and a Jew on the ticket doesn’t scare me at all… however, do you think America is ready for a black woman and a Jewish guy??

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No. Sadly we're still not at the point Martin Luther King alluded to when he said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Shapiro, Mayor Pete, Gretchen Whitmer, and many others would be ideal candidates based on who they are as people and what they could bring to the ticket. But with Harris being the first multi-racial black (or is it pronounced "college"?) woman in the Oval Office, I don't think she can push the boundaries any further by selecting a Jewish man, a proud and accomplished gay man, or successful woman to join her on the ticket.

It's no secret that many of Trump's strongest supporters are virulently anti-semitic - blaming "The Jews" for every one of their own failures, and this could distract from Harris's message.

Many of the people on Chris's list would make excellent Presidential candidates at some point in the future, and many are also young enough to ride out the next couple of election cycles.

For me, Mark Kelly checks-off a number of boxes, and could take on the "attack dog" role in the campaign by going after Trump and Vance, while letting Harris concentrate on the positivity of a bright new optimistic tomorrow for all Americans.

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It's no secret that many of Harris's strongest supporters are virulently anti-semitic - blaming "The Jews" for "genocide" in response to a vicious terrorist attack.

> U.S. flag set ablaze, 23 arrested as thousands protest Netanyahu’s D.C. visit


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Shapiro! He relates to people so very well. Confident, natural, easy, warm, he does not relate as some outsider, some “other”—a this or a that (add on the identity tags), he has won all his elections in a very diverse state. Father of four, he has a very attractive family, and I think he would stand up very well as an American the rest of us (non-Pennsylvanians) could like and respect. However, the best choice for Harris is going to be the person she wants by her side to work with each day. I hope she gives herself the opportunity to find out how she feels personally about each potential VP, and how this person would contribute to the team.

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I truly believe you are wrong. It doesn't make anyone anti-Semitic if they think Netanyahu's approach has been too brutal. Plenty of Israelis disagree with Netanyahu.

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Forgive the digression, but how I wish Donald Trump was judged by the content of his character.

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I agree with your choice of Josh Shapiro, but I think you are selling Pete short. As you said Pete is the best speaker in the democratic party and he won the primary in Iowa over Biden and the rest of the primary field (no mean feat) And, the interviews I have seen him give since Sunday, he has been GREAT is supporting Harris and building her image as potential President. I think of all 7, Pete would help fill out where Harris is weak or lacking.

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Watch some tape of Shapiro -- I think he's almost as good as Mayor Pete at TV and speaking.

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Sounds about right, although I’d put Cooper ahead of Walz or even Kelly. I like Kelly but being a governor brings management experience that Senator or astronaut lack. Whitmer and Mayor Pete are the future.

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I greatly admire Pete Buttigieg and I would support him on the ticket 100%, as would many. But a black woman and a gay man I fear is too big of a stretch for the country now. The focus (from my perspective) is to assure Trump is NOT elected. So if the goal is PA'S electoral college votes, or to win over the mid-west, or to assure Arizona.... whatever the experts say I'm good with.

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I agree. Pete is great and I hope to vote for him some day but this is not the year.

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I wish the country would be ready for Pete, because he would be phenomenal in so many ways.

I think it will be Shapiro.

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I'm surprised you didn't mention Andy Beshear. His age would add some vitality to the ticket -- and he knows how to people in a red state.

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One comment about Walz in Minnesota, he has governed as a big spending liberal.:

"The 2023 legislative session concluded .........it will be most remembered for a Democrat trifecta increasing state spending by more than 40 percent while raising taxes by $10 billion despite a $17.5 billion state surplus.......the new two-year state budget will increase spending from $52 billion to $72 billion. "

I think a better choice for Kamala would be someone with a more moderate record. The Trump campaign is going to try to define her as a far left liberal.

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If Petey B is "the single most naturally talented politician in the Democratic party right now", then Democrats are in some serious deep shit.

East Palestine, Ohio? Remember that?

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I don’t understand your point. Are you saying you have some quibble with the Secretary’s response to the train derailment? If so, you need to explain because I suspect nobody else remembers what you are talking about.

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> In the weeks following the derailment, the Transportation Department, under Buttigieg, did not move to reinstate the 2015 rail safety rule aimed at expanding the use of better braking technology, which the Trump administration had revoked. Buttigieg's Transportation Department was contemplating stripping down brake safety rules even further. Buttigieg has faced some criticism from figures on different ends of the political spectrum for his response to the derailment, receiving criticism from Democrats such as Nina Turner and Ilhan Omar and Republicans such as J. D. Vance and Anna Paulina Luna. Former president Donald Trump also criticized Buttigieg for not having yet visited the site while conducting a visit of his own. In March 2023, Buttigieg appeared on CNN, telling the cable news network that he had failed to anticipate the fallout from the derailment and erred in not visiting East Palestine sooner.


When you let Trump look more compassionate than you, that's a pretty big own goal.

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Also all the issues with the airports. His time as transportation secretary has been plagued with missteps.

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From mayor of South Bend, Indiana (population: 103,110) for 8 years to Secretary of Transportation for the United States of America.

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Shapiro would cost KH a LOT of youth votes, thanks to his pro-Israel position. Walz is old. Kelly is almost as old. Beshear is the best pick. He got elected as governor...twice...in deep red Kentucky. He is young. He is telegenic. And his southern roots could bring in some votes from states like GA while also giving him an edge over phony "hillbilly" Vance.

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What distinguishes Shapiro is that he's Jewish (Pritzker is too, as is Kelly's wife, but Shapiro makes a bigger deal of it and appears to be meaningfully more religious).

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All of the people on the veep list are "pro-Israel." I would be surprised if any of them deviate in any meaningful way from the usual pro-Israel/pro-2-state-solution/anti-Bibi line most non-Squad Democrats take.

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