My favorite Bobby Kennedy passage is this:

“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

RFK Jr. is so far removed from anything like that. Any ideal he claims to embrace is purely for the purpose of stroking his own ego. How pathetically arrogant it is for someone to believe they are the answer by proselytizing the public to ideas that fly in the face of the common good.

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"We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride," said a statement signed by five of the former independent presidential candidate's siblings.

"We believe in Harris and Walz," the statement continued. "Our brother Bobby's decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story."

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Courtney Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, Chris Kennedy and Rory Kennedy.

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Great insights…but, here’s a prediction…when RFK Jr. finds out he has no real deal and he’s not on Trump Force One, he will withdraw his endorsement before November!

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Ha! That would be fun to watch. 😆

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Chris: New subscriber here, but a long-time fan of yours. I am no social scientist, but I have been reading lately and investigating the turnout for 3rd party candidates in general elections. It seems to me that in every election, the number who say they support a 3rd party candidate, and the actual number who turn out to vote for that candidate, are vastly different. The numbers seem to drop - indeed, plummet - when the general election rolls around. Nate Silver's stats today seem to support that possibility for RFK and any benefit to Trump. I think this could mean the very thing RFKJr has feared the most for his life - he is irrelevant. Again, I could be wrong here.

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I think you’re likely right, though who truly knows?

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Of course Kennedy went with Trump, crazies stick together. I don't think Harris is particularly concerned, as reports were that she would not even take a call from Kennedy....

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My response to RFK Jr is that his endorsement means Trump has locked up the pro-polio vote.

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"The RFK Effect" : Maybe there isn't one. Are the anti-vaxxers going anywhere? What about the conspiracy crazies? Surely, the environmentalists are not going to vote for Trump. This is Kennedy Junior trying to be noticed. This is Trump desperately grasping for help for his faltering campaign. Maybe this is all much ado about nothing. We will all know in November, huh?

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I think Trump will grasp at any straw to win and keep himself out of jail. He might get fooled this time around.

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Jane's Addiction! Loved that album too. (I'm always excited when my musical taste aligns with cool guy Chris!)

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Chris, thanks for all the great content this week! I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

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RFK Jr is just sad to watch and listen to. So much opportunity and tragedy in his life, he just can't seem to fit in anywhere in the last few decades. Definitely a decline from what he was when he was younger.

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RFK who? I don’t remember him. Is that the guy with the worm in his brain and something about a bear cub?

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Yeah, that guy…🙄

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It's obvious now that Q'anon picked the wrong Jr

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It’s obvious that none of you has done your research on RFK Jr supporters. I happen to be one of them and I’m one of the most normal, rational people you will ever meet. My question is, if people are so perplexed by what Kennedy supporters will do, why isn’t someone asking them??

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Okay, so what will you do?

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You may be a normal, rational person but you support someone who is not

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So, as a normal, rational person, you support an anti-vaxxer who has probably done more to hurt kids since Andrew Wakefield?

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Can normal, rational people who might have voted for RFKJr honestly flip their votes to Donald J Trump?

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I am super glad that ypu are a fellow JA fan. They truly are one of the unique and exceptional bands of the last 40 years and I gotta say that new song is just fantastic! The fact that those 4 eclectic and sometimes volatile individuals can still come together and craft new and relevant music is simply spectacular! Or totally tubular if we want to hearken back to the 80s surfer scene they came up from! Bwaaahahahahaaaa!!!

Anywho, I just love when old guard type musicians still bring the fire. There was nothing worse when I was growing up in the late 80s watching MTV (when it actually featured MUSIC all day!) And seeing 'NEW' music videos from the old bands like the stones, Robert Plant, KISS, etc... All that supposedly new music was so stake and meaningless. Most of it written by other people to try and spark comeback tours for uber-bucks on old heros names. It was just tragic and sad.

Evert ten years or so now when Jane's puts out new material, it us always something fierce. It may not exactly be as exciting as NS or Rtual, ( I mean, who among can ever recreat our best moments on command? All of our greatest achievements are only flukes of circumstance, all we can do is always give our best, the cosmos decides what actually hits that big bell at the top of the post right? Lol) but it DOES always deliver. I mean, Irresistible Force my man? Exactly! BOOM!

Sorry for the ramble, but you hit the Great Music nail straight on the head when you go to Perry and his roving gypsy clan. Love it brother Chris!

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RFK Jr is a bigger gaff machine than JD Vance. So now there are two of them on the Trump ticket. He only has to open his mouth and voters will flock to Harris. Trump voters are so loyal, it’s unlikely the few remaining % RFK Jr held onto (3.5%) will move to Trump. They either won’t vote or move to Harris, just as the 15% he had a few months ago have done. And don’t forget this % he still has is national not swing. So if you divide this up you are looking at 0.5 % in swing states. If he’s lucky. The Trump campaigns best strategy at this point is to shut up. Because all they can do, along with their media and House Reps is spout nonsense. lol

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Once again…poor journalism. What poll suggests Harris is ahead by 28% among young voters???

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You know, we have this thing called Google, and if you had any integrity at *all*, you’d take the 15 seconds, like I just did, to search and find the New York Times/Siena poll.

Your intellectual laziness doesn’t inspire confidence in the ”opinions”, unsupported by actual *facts*, that you spew regularly.

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LOL. The “New York Times/Siena poll” absolutely does not have Harris ahead of Trump by 28 points among 18-29 year olds!

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