no theory, just a fact--- most americans are woefully uninformed, lack critical thinking skills and think bad things will happen to others, not themselves...
no theory, just a fact--- most americans are woefully uninformed, lack critical thinking skills and think bad things will happen to others, not themselves...
no theory, just a fact--- most americans are woefully uninformed, lack critical thinking skills and think bad things will happen to others, not themselves...
Well just wait….there will be enough bad to go around, even to those who think they’ll be spared….
exactly...the outcry from these dummies will be too little too late...buyer's remorse will become a part of their existence...
Degrading everyday Americans is exactly why Trump is President.
Alternatively, the Ds sold a bunk bill of goods with Biden in 2020 and the American people are over it.
thank you for verifying what I said about uninformed...