If Cheney and Gonzalez can endorse Harris, so can Bush.

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When the swamp endorses Cameltoe, we know whats up.

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Of course Donald J Trump won’t debate Vice-President Kamala Harris again. He was utterly humiliated…led by the nose into dreadful winding paths of weirdness. He discovered that bluster and bullpuckey are no match for preparation, poise, and a presidential demeanor..

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Camala obviously had the questions in advance, the answers were debated and rehearsed, and it was a sham. It was the first time most people saw a coherent version of her, no juberish, no kakle, so my thoughts are body doubled.

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I think Chris Cilliza is probably one of the very very few people in this country who doesn't see the Cult leader as a threat to Democracy. I will believe the claims of the Cheneys, Alberto Gonzales and all the cabinet members who served closely with him over the claim of Chris Cilliza. Trump is clearly a threat to Democracy . But this is America, he will not be elected in November

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Probably best no more debates. Stand Pat.

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Here's some good news. More than 400,000 people hit the link on Taylor Swift's page to Vote.gov.


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How much do you think she was paid for that promo, like her fake boyfriend being paid 20 million to push the vax?

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Polls don’t vote. We do. So Vote!!!

It’s unlikely that Cruz in Texas and Scott in Florida will win. So it’s likely Democrats will pick up seats. It’s not a good idea to declare who’s having a good or bad day based on polls IMO. For example here is Nate Silver’s 2022 house and senate predictions. Democrats were set to lose the Senate then too. And did much better holding seats in the House.


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I'm not that confident. I think we have a fighting chance against Cruz and Scott, but there has to be a real effort by the Democrats. I've made a modest donation to both Colin Allred and Debbie Mucarsel Powell.

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I agree 100% about polls. There was supposed to be a "Red Wave, Red Wave, Red Wave, Red Wave" in 2022, then a "Red Tsunami". Did not happen. The big state is Montana, and polls there are sparse. But that's the state to watch, for sure, as far as the Senate goes. House will go to Dems, no sweat.

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It's possible that Cruz and Scott could lose. They are two of the strongest MAGA followers with unlikable personalities. Still, they are in Texas and Florida where elections always seem to turn out red.

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I'd say Florida has a shot at turning blue (not only for Senate but even POTUS). That's because of the abortion amendment on the ballot that could bring a lot of people out to vote who might not otherwise.

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Wrong, you vote, and the machines switch votes till the swamp favorite candidate wins. Watch 2000 mules, (s)election code and Let my people go to wake up...!.

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2000 mules was debunked.

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By government funded fact chechers that are employed to protect the government's lies and deceptions, laundered through NGOs then repeated by the lying mainstream media. Lol.

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Who cares. Debunking conspiracy theories is clearly a cash cow. America is great isn’t it? You can publish anything you want but if you can’t prove it you end up paying.

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By who?

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By not by the people who believe that 2000 mules is true. But the debunkers won a lot of money for debunking it from the people who believe that 2000 mules is true.

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From what I have read, even MTG has said Loomer is toxic. That’s saying something.

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Today is another bad day for Trump.

He still looked old , haggard and incoherent at his rally today.

He has chickened out of another debate with Harris because he now knows that Harris is supremely more intelligent , more polished etc etc than him. I wonder if the Republicans will be brave enough to ask him to step down for a younger person. Oh wait, no cult member will dare ask the leader to step down ha ha ha

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I think I should move to Wisconsin.

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Meaningless. We are 54 days out, with plenty of time for Trump to wreak more havoc and Harris to grow coattails.

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Gee, the last time I checked The Cook Report didn't have a vote in Montana. I'm not certain how this translates into a *very* bad day for Senate Dems unless, of course, your only interest is getting clicks. Sigh. The big political story of the day would seem to most of us to be the scared little former guy afraid to debate because he knows he is no match intellectually (or politically) for Vice-president Harris.

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Gonzalez ... Wow!

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Tester and Brown ran in 06, 12 and 18, generally good D years. They’re both toast in a close presidential.

Reminds me of Gordon Smith winning re-elect in 2002 then running into the grinder of 2008. Norm Coleman ran into the same, albeit by a hair. Etc.

Why people talk about Florida and Texas switching with an honest face is beyond me. Maybe in a decade. But not now. They’ll come on here kidding themselves. I’ll take odds on those if they want to out their $$ where their mouthes are.

Nebraska also bluster.

But this is also last good cycle for Rs for at least 1 if not 2

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Senate EZ falls into the hands of the GOP. Brown in a lot of danger, clearly WV & MT are gone, long gone…..

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Yep. Chris “rain cloud” Cillizza always bringing the good news.

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