I think a debate is the perfect trap to set for Trump. I think it’s more likely than not that he says something horribly racist or misogynistic that will help push undecideds into Kamala’s camp.

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Yes she will call bullshit every time he lies. Which is every sentence. People wanted younger. They got younger. Younger people will be way more enthusiastic getting to the polls to oust the orange shitler.

Is it me or has trumps ear miraculously healed in a week?

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She’s an attorney! She knows how to respond to an argument and knows how to make an argument.

I think she’ll run rings around his word salad and lies!

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Trump’s handlers know what he is and what he does. He may say that he wants to debate, but he has also said that it needs to be on FOX …Harris won’t do that and he may use it as an excuse. That said, if it does go forward somehow…your point that he’ll do something typical is spot on. He can’t help himself.

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He can’t help himself. And we probably won’t need to wait for the debate. Any day now…..

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She could agree to a debate on FOX... AFTER they do the ABC debate.

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I have to confess that the last two days have been energizing and has restored my optimism. As the race goes on and the DNC convention takes place I hope that Kamala and her running mate will provide what young voters are looking for. My realistic side knows that it will be neck and neck, but I am enjoying the honeymoon right now.

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Kamala Harris is more than equal to the task of defeating Donald J Trump. Digging into her political past will turn up nothing even close to the past of her opponent..those little nuggets of nastiness that used to light up the tabloids have become passé in the era of a candidate who is a pathological liar and convicted fraudster and sexual predator, who cheated on his wife with a porn star. No one will care about anything in Harris’ past, except Trumpists, who were never going to vote for her anyway. Harris will bring a new energy to the contest,she will re-engage young people, mobilize women,appeal to our diverse nation, and be everything that Donald J Trump is not, and never could be.

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What Trump believes “that he is far smarter than Harris and far more world-wise” and reality are so far apart it’s ridiculous.

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Yup, tRump lives in a narcissistic fantasy world.

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I watched Kamala's campaign speech in Milwaukee today (on TV) and it was better than I expected. I think she will do well in a debate against Trump. in his debate against Biden he did quite poorly, but that got lost in the fact that Biden was worse

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FLASH: New poll of recent data PRE-EXTORTION of #Joe shows the #Harris-bump to be statistically insignificant. “There’s got to be a morning after!” ~ Poseidon Adventure #TYT

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Just cut it out. NO ONE extorts the f*cking President of the United States! (Well, maybe if you’re Putin & you’ve got “kompromat” on Trump…).

Joe was smart enough to listen to ALL the voices he trusts and he reached what I think was the best decision to leave a *very* significant legacy, something *very* important to him, and to give the Democratic Party the best chance for November.

Right now, we have a job to do and it does NOT involve sniveling little comments and conjecture. We need to make certain that Trump NEVER sets foot in the White House again. Period. Anything else is just the absolute height of stupidity.

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You need to grow a brain 'bro. As Michael Corleone once exclaimed, if history has taught us anything ... "Never say never!"

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Speaker #Mike, the 3rd in line to our nation's Presidency, is calling for #Joe to retire now, thus officially installing the #VICE within 100 days of the General Election in November. C=> https://youtu.be/ialgLleFNr4 #Forbes

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Speaker #Mike, the 3rd in line to our nation's Presidency, is calling for #Joe to retire now, thus officially installing the #VICE within 100 days of the General Election in November. C=> https://youtu.be/ialgLleFNr4 #Forbes

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There's really very little change in the national polls between what Biden/Trump was showing and Harris/Trump now, but it's so early, I think polls are almost meaningless.

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Right now, yes. Let's see where we are a month from now, after the Democratic convention.

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When one looks at the race pragmatically, it appears to be an intelligent, accomplished, former prosecutor, AG and VP v. a seditious, treasonous, narcissistic, autocratic blathering imbecile. How could it be close?

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I would be quite happy not to have presidential debates. I've felt this way for many years now. They're "gotcha with prepared one-liner exhibitions." I would prefer sets of interviews with the candidates in which they're asked mostly the same questions, those on the issues. The interviews could be recorded simultaneously so that no candidate gets a leg-up from going second, then run on the same night. No audience from either candidate in these interviews. A series of interviews could be done, each dealing with different topics. Each interview should be followed by fact-checking.

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I agree that the national polls are meaningless other than as a weathervane; swing state-level polling will tell the tale. Trump wants a debate because, in his misogynist universe, he thinks that he will absolutely crush the 'little woman", e.g., he is in for one hell of a surprise.

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Strangely enough, the last polling that I saw was a 2 point difference between Trump and Biden. Now it's one point. As for Trump wanting a debate with Harris? Only if he doesn't have to appear. She'll cut him to shreds. He's already weaseling his way out, as is his usual style and saying now that he wants a debate? You fell for that?

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If I'm reading the polls correctly, Kennedy appears to be no factor at all in a Harris-Trump race. Is that correct?

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Man, that song rocks! Great stuff, Chris!

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Wawa > Sheetz But Sheetz is fine in a pinch!

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^^^^What he said!

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>she did well in the 2020 primary debates (at least early on) and more than held her own against Vice President Mike Pence as well.

I disagree with this, Chris. I thought she did very poorly in the debates. She awkwardly raised her hand on Medicaid for All which created a bad news cycle and she got savaged by Tulsi Gabbard of all people.

Given the record of the Trump-Pence administration, she should've savaged Pence. That campaign was on the ropes and all she could muster was a draw.

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I’m a native Californian and I’ve watched her debate for 20+ years, starting with her first run for AG. I think she’s an excellent prosecutor and knows how to establish a case clearly. I would say that I’m somewhere between you and Chris, as I think the free-for-all of debates with huge numbers of participants is a tough one, and yes, she had some poor moments there. In terms of Pence, she could have been harsher, but I still think she “won”.

That said, did you see her grill Kavanaugh or Barr when she was on the Senate Judiciary Committee? She absolutely OWNED them! With Trump, he’s embarrassingly simple-minded and winning a debate on policy is a walk in the park, and if she keeps her head cool, which I think she will, and lands a couple of (scripted) zingers at the right time, there’s a high likelihood Trump will come unhinged and say something truly stupid that will make the news cycle for *days*.

What I question is Trump changing his tune slightly: it was just yesterday that he was rage-posting about the “unfairness” of ABC, wanting the debate on Fox instead. Maybe his people told him to change tack. Who knows? I’m looking forward to it and will have plenty of popcorn ready!

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I remember that Kamala was actually answering the questions she was asked. When Pence got a question he didn’t like, he would just start nattering about something completely off the subject. He did that many times.

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It is far too early for polls to show anything but where people are right now and that will change as we go into the fall. So forget polls and discuss the nuts and bolts of the match up. Old Man Trump v vigorous Young Harris.

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I somehow feel that these posts are a lot like reading about the weather two weeks in advance. Things change so fast there is no point in forecasting what will happen. The constant is that the GOP has plans to run our lives and that they have plans for rounding up millions of people and foreign policies that will destroy our alliances. Their economic policies favor the wealthy.

What I know is that the only way to stop them is to vote Blue.

I believe there are many Republicans who will find it very hard to vote for a Democrat and will stay home because they also can’t vote for the do nothing Republicans and the lying rapist traitor racist.

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