The fact that 45% of the country thinks trump is fit to hold the nuclear codes, be the commander in chief of the armed forces, or cares a rat’s patootie for anyone other than himself horrifies me.

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PS which leads me to wonder this. Chris says he favors Harris over trump by a slim margin. Trump is an amoral sociopath who is is convicted felon and adjudicated of sexual assault. He disrespects the military and vows to use the levers of government to go after those who oppose him and seek revenge agains those who he perceives have done him wrong in the past - especially politicians and journalists. And remember his threat to execute General Miley?

So I’m wondering why this is such a close race in Chris’s head.

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"In Chris's head"? He's reporting on what many, many polls show.

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I'm always willing to admit when I make a mistake. Chris wrote that he'd rather be Harris [at this point - my addition] than trump by a slim margin. I misread the line - I thought he said he favored Harris over trump by a slim margin. My bad, oops, and I do sincerely apologize for my error.

That said, I think I'd rather be Harris now by a much wider margin - she has momentum,the enthusiasm, more money, a positive message that includes all Americans, and a much better VP pick.

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Poll obsession right

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Perhaps because Chris recognises that potential Trump voters (and they appear to be a huge minority of our fellow voters) a) don't rely on factual news sources b) get slanted "information" from friends c) "learn" about the world from unreliable conspiracy sites. So this isn't just in Chris' head. He's just calling balls & strikes.

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Your claim that all Trump voters are ignorant deplorables is absurd. And infuriating.

I am a Trump voter. I have an undergrad degree from an Ivy and a PhD from Stanford. I subscribe (and have for decades) to the NYT, Wapo, and LATimes, and now also many substacks (this one, James Fallows, etc).

OK, time to calm down by sending more money to Republican House candidates in the closest swing districts, eg CA45: https://michellesteelca.com

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Hi Mark,

Painting entire groups with a broad brush is one of the reasons why Americans are so divided, and the only thing it accomplishes it to further divide people.

While I'm not a Trump supporter, you are in good company as Chris suggests that Trump has the support of 45%-48% of eligible voters.

If you'd like to share why you're a Trump supporter, I'd look forward to reading your reply.

The least I can do is share with you why I'm not. While I don't agree with 100% of her platform, when Harris's term ends I'm confident that we'll still have a functioning democracy in America. I'm also reassured by her optimistic goals of creating a better country for everyone, not just Democrats. I'm against Trump because he's using the extortionary threats of WW3, a stock market crash, and food rationing if he's not elected. Hardly optimistic. As he's already stated, a major goal of his administration will be retribution against his enemies. In essence an autocratic dictatorship instead of a democracy. Lastly, now that Biden is no longer in the picture, Trump's age and diminished cognitive abilities are in greater focus, and I doubt he has what it takes to be an effective leader - even as a dictator.

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"In essence an autocratic dictatorship instead of a democracy."

IMO, we already live in an oligarchic dictatorship. Example: the Biden-Harris Ed Dept and EEOC both recently issued rulings (with the force of law) that require any girl or woman who needs to shower and change at school or at work to allow any boy or man watch her do it, as long as said boy or man thinks to himself "I now have a woman identity" before so watching. (He can declaim that idenity immediately after he's done getting off.)

Polling shows that this is (duh!) massively unpopular, but the Democrats in elected office and in the bureaucracy DO NOT CARE. They are pure transhumanist ideologues, they have no interest in "democracy" (literally, rule by the common people). Only Trump's SCOTUS stands in the way of their tyranny.

Even worse is the Democrats (in elected office and the bureaucracy) full-on support for the crime against humanity of mutilating confused autistic kids and gay kids, even against the will of their parents. (See eg California laws SB107 and AB1955, now copied in multiple blue states, with typically unanimous support from Democrats in the state legislatures.) This abrogration by the State of parental rights is again massively unpopular, but again the Democrats (in elected office and the bureaucracy) DO NOT CARE. The mutilations are happening at close to a thousand per year in the US. There is NO medical science behind this, it is pure quackery. (See the Cass report from the UK and multiple other European country comprehensive reivews; their not-for-profit health-care systems have not been captured by the autogynephilic billionaires that have taken over the US system.) Red states have (rightly) been passing laws to stop this (because the medical system's regulatory function has completely broken down due to its capture by the autogynephiles), but the Biden-Harris DOJ is furiously fighting them in federal court. They will ultimately lose, but only because Trump was able to appoint three Justices who know what a woman is.

For more on the betrayal of women and girls by the Democrats, see the two books by the radical feminist Democrat lawyer Kara Dansky: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/21990140.Kara_Dansky

And then there is the foreign policy disaster of risking nuclear war to defend a country that the West REFUSED TO ADMIT TO NATO while admitting many other former SSRs. NATO is supposed to be (and is) a deterent to Russia attacking: any country left out of NATO should be expect to be attacked. And Ukraine was, in 2014, when Russia seized a big chunk of it (Crimea). The West did didly-squat in response. Russia waited 8 years (to be sure that the very clear signal from the West was being read correctly) before continuing. And now, suddenly and absurdly, the West is insisting on backsies. The result has been the total devastion of Ukraine and vast loss of life, all because of the completely incoherent foreign policy of the West. (This has multiple stupid people in many Western countries behind it, but Biden and Harris are definitely two of them.)

Should I go on to the Democrat refusal to defend the US border? Do I need to quote David Frum?

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As a proud Autist, I see the need to point out that - as anyone who has a PhD from Stanford should already know - correlation is not causation. Your comment about “mutilating confused autistic kids” infers equivalence between the autistic community and the trans community, which is unsound. That’d be like me going around telling people “we can stop the couch-fucking epidemic” if we quit selling couches to “men who wear red hats” - just because some of that group does (correlation) doesn't mean it follows that all of them do/will (causation). And, since I understand the difference, I’m not going to ask furniture stores to check for red hats in customers’ closets before selling them a couch.

Please leave my community out of your culture war nonsense

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Hi Mark,

Thank you for responding, and I mean that sincerely, despite the comment I made in replying to Dutch.

I'm unable to reply to the items you mentioned, simply because I am no where near as versed in these issues as you are. And if you are reporting this information factually, then it deserves more attention. The fact that an injustice is happening to a thousand people is no less serious than one happening to a million people, but the latter one will generate more headlines.

The reason why I'm glad you replied is that even though we most likely have very different opinions on many of the issues, we both have the freedom to express our views (in this case via Chris's blog). I'm not confident that we'd continue to enjoy those same freedoms under a Trump administration - a dictatorship in which the views of one person become the policies of an entire nation, and dissenters are imprisoned. Technology may have achieved significant advancements over the last 80 years, but when you get to the heart of it, what Trump is striving for is a modern version of the Nazi regime of the 1940's.

PS - While dissenting views WILL be both silenced and against the law under a Trump regime, I'm pretty sure you'll continue to enjoy the right to express your views under a Harris administration. But if your objective is to be a goosestepping, jackbooted member of a regime in which only your opinions are correct, then I guess our 250 year democratic experiment is screwed.

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You must watch Corridors of Power to get a better sense of how we arrived here today. It ain't all Dems fault such as supporting Hussein while he gassed the Kurds with mustard and nerve gas. It was Bush who said we support the borders of countries in one of his state of union. Actually Biden administration has moved not moved that far from that GOP world view. But that GOP party is long gone.

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The deplorables gambit has a proven wining track record. I’d demean half the electorate freely.

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Or maybe many of the President Trump voters like low gas prices, low inflation, no foreign wars or hostages, a secure border, and affordable housing. Maybe President Trump voters don’t wanna live in their parents basement and struggle with high mortgage rates. Maybe just maybe this county is worse off today than 4 years ago and people want to change back to prosperity…… Hmmmm

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rump is a weak-assed-sissy that couldn't even show up to the cemetery of heroes in France on the 75th anniversary of D-Day because it was raining and it would mess up his fancy hairdo. The dude's never done an honest day of labor in his life. He's thin skinned and a lousy businessman - so many bankruptcies. And he's Putin's bitch - remember that time he got out of a meeting with Putin and came out looking like a puppy with his tail between his legs that had been scolded for pooping on the carpet. And yeah, I'm a hell of a lot better off than I was 4 years ago when you couldn't even find toilet paper in the grocery store and millions were laid off because of his inept response to covid. As for food prices & inflation, you actually think that would've been any different if your orange god had won in 2020? You do reallize that some of that inflation was already baked in even prior to covid because traitor tot started trade wars that were already tearing up supply chains even prior to covid? (and what do you think will happen when he slaps a 10% tax on all imports - yeah, that'd be inflationary). Stop living in some kind of orange hazed past and wake up from the spell. Dude, we're embarassed for you.

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Hi Dutch, nice to see you posting here again. Now we just need you to start taking all of those pretty-colored pills again.

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He's a deplorable!

So I now realize, Eric, that you are not a serious person. I wish I had known that before writing my lengthy reply to your earlier comment.

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When he was president, we had a strong economy, functioning border, and no new wars. Now we have record inflation, open borders, and on the verge of world war 3 through proxy wars in Ukraine and Middle East. MSM covered up Biden’s senility and Kamala was the most unpopular VP until The Party turned on propaganda for her.

What else are you being lied to about?


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You who only remember what you have heard on FOX instead of facing the truth about Trump are the problem.

Trump had ONE major problem to handle, COVID. He did so by lying, dismissing the facts from the professionals, infected others by failing to tell them he had COVID, but got himself and his family vaccinated, as he spoke against the vaccine.

Do you realize that Project 2025 includes you too? And unless you have no problem groveling and being an a$$ kisser for the rest of your life you’d better turn on your brain to reality not Trump speak.

Trump inherited a robust economy but left after four years with the worse record. Only the rich profited from his presidency which led to an increase in the national dept.

Take off your blinders, face your bigotry and care more about the country than you do a felon who tried to overthrow the very government he took an oath to protect. 🧐

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Poor Yuri is a Russian troll.

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Do you remember the migrants in cages, the caravans? The border was a problem during Trump's term as it is now. It's been a problem for more than a hundred years. Inflation was high at the start of Biden's term, fueled by the pandemic. Inflation was high all over the world. It's down now so much that the Fed is going to lower interest rates. I bought gas the other day at $2.74 a gallon. The economy under Trump was pretty good for the first three years, then fell apart during the pandemic. Biden's record on the economy is better. Unemployment is down and wages are running ahead of inflation. Biden's record on manufacturing far exceeds what Trump accomplished during his term. The stock market has soared to a record high. There were many problems int he Middle East, as there always are, during Trump's term. What's new? Do you remember the song, Eve of Destruction, from almost 50 years ago? The Eastern world, it is exploding . . .Biden brought back decency and competency to the office. Kamala Harris was Vice President. What Vice President has ever been popular? Was Mike Pence popular? What did Mike Pence accomplish as Vice President?

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And let us not forget over 1 million Americans dead from COVID. Remember “oh, 15 cases - it’s going to go away -Iike magic! By Easter.”

And this: There was a bipartisan bill to fix much of the border problem. Written largely by Repub Senator Lankford - and the GOP got just about everything they wanted. BUT - solving the problem didn’t benefit trump, so he told the GOP Reps and Senators to vote against it.

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100% on the immigration issue before and will be issue forever. People just migrate in desperate times and good times. (I've been watching the excellent Corridors of Power.) Eisenhower had immigration issues, otherwise why did he go with Operation offensive name. The poster must think no one is smart enough to just look for reliable resources to look at historical facts. Interpretation of history is very different. Like Vance saying Harris, herself, spoke about Trump's ANC visit and told her to go to hell. He just out and out lied. No quotes by Harris is a history fact. Now he says he was "frustrated" when he lied.

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You left out the Russian asset part

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No, we were all hunkered down due to COVID because he didnʻt want to wear a mask and smudge his makeup, so he decided masks were bad for everyone as well as vaccines, so he caused countless unnecessary deaths. Even if a person likes his "policies" (whatever the heck they are) do you think someone who accuses his opponent (without any evidence) of giving blow jobs to get ahead in her career should be anywhere near the Oval Office? We have to have some standards here, somewhere. Oh, and remember how he issued the Muslim Ban in an executive order and caused complete and utter chaos in transportation because he doesnʻt have a clue how government works?

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Wrong, Wrong and wrong. The economy is fae better today than when Trump was in, there were more border crossings and if it hadn't been for Biddens presidential mandate, AFTER republicans refused to table the BIPARTISAN border bill, they would still be high. While not in physical battle, Russia has been threatening Ukraine for a decade. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/01/20/trump-the-anti-war-president-was-always-a-myth/

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Russian asset says what???

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Go away, Sergei

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Russian asset says what??? You sound like Putin’s campaign manager, Comrade. Russian propaganda much??? Take your fake facts and shove them.

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Say "hi" to Vladimir for me!!

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If it was a functioning border, why did Trump start adding to the wall like right away in his presidency? Seems odd to have a functioning border but have him call out issues with immigration in his 2016 campaign speeches, etc. There were Trump caravans in his presidency. Otherwise why did his policy have removing kids from families to stop migration? There were massive layoffs in his presidency. Stock market growth isn't the only economy factor. Do you really want me to provide links to when 65 active duty troops died in wars during his presidency? His COVID policy went zig, zag,zig, zag. And he didn't set up a team to handle inflation for post COVID cause he was asking folks to storm the Capitol. Independents love the Constitution. Trump tried and tries to dismantle it.

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Donnie Dementia would have built more of the wall, but the check from Mexico got lost in the mail. You'd think Louis DeJoy would have found that check by now.

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Inflation is nowhere near record levels. The highest rate under Biden was around 8% for 2022 and is down to 3%. 1974, 75, 79, 80 and 81 were all higher than 8%. Inflation after the first world War was over 20%.

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I agree for the most part. However, I do believe his continued ranting will move more independents toward Harris. So while I wouldn't say "imploding" I would suggest that his "spaghetti on the wall" search for a meaningful anti-Harris argument is very undisciplined and will cost him votes.

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Sadly, I think a lot of people are expressing wishful thinking on this front and, thankfully, the Democrats have mostly stuck to the continued close, underdog race language. I wonder if it would be worth consulting with specialists in deprogramming people who have been subjected to personality cults to see if those tactics could make a difference. Thoughts?

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Yes, I hope the FDA approves something quickly, next couple of months, for severe TDS. A mental health crisis is coming….

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Indeed, people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome -- so disconnected from reality that they think this narcissistic grifter and convicted felon is a fit candidate for president -- desperately need help.

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Trump's campaign is in obvious trouble, regardless of Chris' insistence that all is (mostly) well in MAGAland. The Arlington National Cemetery story seems to have serious legs. Every day the campaign seems to be, as Bruce wrote, "Just Another Roll Of the Dice."

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You think that because you are inside a liberal bubble. In fact, the story is a nothingburger for the undecided and Trump-friendly voters.

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Bahahahahaha bahahahaha I need to catch my breath I’m laughing so hard. Liberal bubble, you’re in a POS bubble believing a man that is a known liar and traitor. 🤣😂🤣

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I'm quite aware of Trump's faults, thank you, and I take very little of what he says at face value. And I make damn sure I am not in any bubble and seek out news sources that will give me accurate and unslated information (such as Chris's substack!)

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Sure, I’m positive you’re different, but still supporting a traitor to the United States. Wake up!

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Fox News, I assume???

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I actually never watch Fox.

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Sure, you’re glued to that crap all day long, if you were ‘aware of his faults’ you wouldn’t be defending that POS right now. 🤣🤣🤣

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I agree with you! I had no idea and still have no idea. The local media really don't cover it and all I know is two people got into an argument at the cemetery.

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Agreed 💯!

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Don’t confuse the echo chamber with the electorate.

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Actually, the story that has been underreported is not Harris's surge but how Trump's margins have remained stable through all the hype of his supposed chaotic collaspe. Five-Thirty-Eight had Trump at 43.9% on July 27th, contrasted with 43.6% today. Based on those numbers, at most, Harris's surge is nothing more than re-energized and disaffected Democrats returning to the fold.

Going forward, the tell for Harris will be her ability to actually cut into Trump's soft edges and pull another 2-3% of the vote that she needs to win.

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Here is another thing that can be true. Trump is imploding but the campaign is not b/c , as you wrote, he has a 40-45% base that is not going anywhere no matter what he does. That said, I do believe he is losing it bit by bit, day by day

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The base may not "go away" but if they lose enthusiasm some of them may choose to not vote. So we need to see what the "likely voter" polls look like in a month or so.

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The MAGAs worship power (or perceived power in this case). They want a strongman and Trump is able to con them into thinking he's strong. But in reality he's a very weak old man who's never had to work a day of physical labor in his life. Never had to buy groceries because he's got servants for that. Never had to drive anywhere because he's got chauffeurs. Didn't go to that cemetery of heroes in France on the 75th anniversary of D-Day because it was raining and his hairdo might have gotten messed up. It's why he's scared to death of debating Kamala. If she reveals him to be a weak-assed-sissy then some of the MAGA on the margins could end up just staying home on election day.

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That’s what I’m seeing as well.

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You are correct, but don’t discount a slight erosion of his soft support over 60 days and the Democrats get out the vote machine. If the Democrats can increase the size of the electorate, Trump no longer has 48%.

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Yes! I read this right after a piece in WaPo about 24 hours in the Trump campaign and the things he did/said that if "any other candidate" did/said would prompt outrage.

The chart with the state breakdowns you posted is what matters most and the Harris campaign needs to convince independents and skeptical liberals that they will have a better chance of advancing their agenda under a Harris administration rather then a Trump administration.

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I agree that he is not imploding. He is doing what he always does. I disagree with you Chris, however, that he will be right there on election night. I believe that the momentum will continue and he will end up losing all or most of the newest "swing" states. Even with his 45%, there is a more than reasonable chance that it ends up being an electoral college blow out

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I've said many times, and I'll repeat now: I do NOT want fan service. That merely shields me from the truth. I want the honest analysis you provide. Which is exactly why I subscribe.

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You've indirectly exposed my biggest fear about this election - that people will get so comfortable with the positive Harris polls that there will be far too many non-voters on November 5th. "She's so far ahead in the polls*, she'll still be fine if I don't vote." (* even if "so far ahead" is only a 2%-3% lead in the national polls.) That's why another concern is that she's peaking to soon.

Truth can sometimes be uglier than the person in the mirror following a night of heavy drinking and partying, and while I may occasional not like what you write, you absolutely succeed in keeping us firmly grounded to reality, which is sincerely appreciated.

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We can hope that people remember 2016 and get out and vote. 💙💙

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I do have to say that it’s refreshing, after eight years of negativity, to read some good news. But, until that wasteful use of oxygen, breathes his last, I don’t and won’t put anything past him. He’s not doing much out in public and what he does do is so offensive we get tunnel vision. I do believe that he is working with those very close to him to overthrow the outcome if he loses at the pools. He’s not going to go quietly into the sunset. We can not become complacent!

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Why isn't anyone condemning Trump and his campaign for again being "bullies" at Arlington and breaking the law and abusing the staff member at Arlington. It seems TRUMP always gets his way.

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Which is why my personal foot has the pedal to the metal in terms of activism and donations. I’ve already donated 90-95% of what my total will come to - early money is better than late money. I am heavily into voter registration and that will continue for another 45 days. After that I’ll be about GOTV - canvassing and whatever else I can do.

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Slightly off topic, but . . . . .

I made a donation to the Harris/Walz committee, and also purchased one of the camo hats. Since then I'm getting anywhere from six to ten solicitations PER DAY to contribute more money.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

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I contributed to the Harris-Waltz campaign and other Democrats as well. You will be deluged by tons of spam emails. Sorry, but it is that season. Take care.

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Yes and wait for the emails and texts from other candidates. I get tons for Sherrod Brown, others as well, but Sherrod must be 5-8 per day alone.

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Brown is in deep trbl

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Not precisely this, but I signed up to be a part of polling done in PA. Through that, I got a request to endorse Bob Casey. I like him and what he's done, so I did. Now I get maybe 3 texts every 4-5 days asking for money for his campaign. There's an opt out option, but it hasn't gotten quite as annoying you say, so I haven't pursued it.

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Just 6 or 7?

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Yes. I'm having the same issue. I have unsubscribed to the people I contributed to and that seems to have cut some. I use Gmail and much of this stuff automatically goes to a promotions tab that I rarely look at. Perhaps your email has a 'sort' rule you could use. Only 70 or so days. But thank you for contributing. Too many people don't put their money where their mouths are.

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Yes, I spend a good part of my day deleting emails and texts. I especially enjoying doing it to the messages that headline "Don't Delete This!"

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Good points in your column. However, Trump and Vance DO seem desperate (witness Vance "go to hell" comments). May not be an implosion but they seem to be flailing.

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