I would call it the “bully effect.” In public they live Trump but behind closed doors they roll their eyes knowingly acknowledging the type of person Trump is - a quintessential bully, a strongman. A misogynistic narcissist and failed businessman. That is basically who we have yet again elected president. What does that say about us - th…
I would call it the “bully effect.” In public they live Trump but behind closed doors they roll their eyes knowingly acknowledging the type of person Trump is - a quintessential bully, a strongman. A misogynistic narcissist and failed businessman. That is basically who we have yet again elected president. What does that say about us - the American electorate. Ignorant, arrogant, gun totting cowboyesque caricatures who live, or would like to live, in the past when slavery was legal and the White Christian Protestant male was king.
Yes, definitely an added plus as far as Trump and his acolytes are concerned. We MUST push back in every legal way possible. Your body my choice cannot be the mantra by which we are remembered.
I would call it the “bully effect.” In public they live Trump but behind closed doors they roll their eyes knowingly acknowledging the type of person Trump is - a quintessential bully, a strongman. A misogynistic narcissist and failed businessman. That is basically who we have yet again elected president. What does that say about us - the American electorate. Ignorant, arrogant, gun totting cowboyesque caricatures who live, or would like to live, in the past when slavery was legal and the White Christian Protestant male was king.
Charles, I completely agree with you. And women were barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
Yes, definitely an added plus as far as Trump and his acolytes are concerned. We MUST push back in every legal way possible. Your body my choice cannot be the mantra by which we are remembered.