Too bad neither of the impeachments were a secret ballot….

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“…there are lots of GOP elected officials who roll their eyes at Trump in private but get in line behind him in public.” - it’s really difficult to find subjects for the next edition of Profiles in Courage.

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Let’s see how many cabinet confirmations he loses by all these guys rolling their eyes once they are on the record.

I say none, you??

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Exactly my point. Eye rolls are worthless. They are all cowards.

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Agreed! Roll your eyes all you want.

The rubber meets the road when it’s yeh or nah time!

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Ball-less wonders.

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The words missing here are "spineless cowards." Let's see which Republicans break with Trump on skipping "advise and consent" for nominees with recess appointments.

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No one gonna break from President Trump, to believe so you haven’t been paying attention

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They already did by electing Thune rather than Scott.

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Hold on tightly to that for the next 4 years, they gonna be rough ones for you it seems 😎

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They're going to be rough for the country and for the world.

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Why DO you hate America?

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I'm just glad my piece of shit senator got his ass handed to him.

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Yes. Me too. Too bad Rubio isn't trying to reattach his ass also.

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Trump will seek to shut down the government to get what he wants when he can’t get the votes. The closer Trump moves to acting unconstitutionally, the more the states, the courts and individual Americans can do something about it.

Trump is currently constrained by the rule of law. And so are we. When that collapses because Trump refuses to abide by it, what happens next will look like Haiti. Complete anarchy.

Watch. We are moving at light speed to this scenario with a bunch of folks still in denial

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I'm convinced that he wants another civil war.

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And Trump just picked Matt Frickin Gaetz for AG. Good job America. You elected one moron to hire another.

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Only a real criminal knows the law in and out. Gaetz is perfect for this spot.

C'Mon man!

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I would call it the “bully effect.” In public they live Trump but behind closed doors they roll their eyes knowingly acknowledging the type of person Trump is - a quintessential bully, a strongman. A misogynistic narcissist and failed businessman. That is basically who we have yet again elected president. What does that say about us - the American electorate. Ignorant, arrogant, gun totting cowboyesque caricatures who live, or would like to live, in the past when slavery was legal and the White Christian Protestant male was king.

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Charles, I completely agree with you. And women were barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

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Yes, definitely an added plus as far as Trump and his acolytes are concerned. We MUST push back in every legal way possible. Your body my choice cannot be the mantra by which we are remembered.

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Which shows that they have no principles!

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The choice of congress is irrelevant. The bigger picture is what is going to get passed and what isn’t and what does Trump do when he can’t get his way by constitutional means? What do we do in response to acts which are federally unconstitutional and unconstitutional to the states? What do the states do? We aren’t a monarchy.

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Thank goodness. Thune of the 3 choices was who I hoped. A bop in the face from the Senate to Trump makes it a bit easier on my anxiety.

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Some sanity remains in the GOP? Perhaps.

I'm not holding my breath....

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It's a super tiny victory but I'll take it. Anybody but Rick looks like an alien Scott.

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The fact that this bunch of congressional GOP/MAGA*) cowards need a secret ballot to gin up any resemblance of honesty -- says all their constituents need to know, about the lack [absence...?] of backbone in nowadays version av Lincoln's party.

*) I honestly can't tell the difference. Anyone care to enlighten me...?

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and yet their constituents continue to vote for the likes of Ted Cruz. I cannot enlighten you other than to say we live in a country with lots of not so smart people.🤷‍♀️

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Rick Scott was bad at his last job and the GOP actually LOST Senate seats in a midterm. He did not earn a promotion and I think it’s better for President Trump that he has a Majority Leader who knows what he’s doing.

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Cmon man!

Donald Trump loses bc he won the presidency and both houses of congress! He loses bc he didn’t get his guy for senate majority leader?

O My O my!

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Loyalty = Fealty in Trump World. Heaven forbid those “secret ballots” ever go public👀

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