It's becoming clear now that Trump's criminal defense will be that he's so deranged he's incompetent to stand trial.

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That worked well for Randle McMurphy in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Put him away in a psychiatric hospital until his condition improves enough to stand trial.

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I don’t think it worked that well for Vincent Gigante either. I believe they eventually put him away.

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What he lacks in sanity and reality he sure makes up for in brevity.

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I would argue that you have to be either unhinged or full of hate to heart that message.

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Back in the last century we students would diagram sentences for nouns, verbs, objects, along with adverbs, adjectives, and others.

It seems a creative artist could take the miasma of the Criminal-In-Chief's speechifying and create a "bee-you-tiful" collage of word and art.

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Thanks for the breakdown on that, Chris. I had read it and hadn’t realized it was all one sentence. It actually seemed more like a Good Friday message or maybe Blue Christmas. At least he didn’t wish for anyone to choke on a chocolate bunny.

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I am not sure why I thought there was ever a bottom. There is no bottom to the depths of this mentally ill man.

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Still with the ALL CAPS.....

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Most of his supporters are of my age-cadre...and have some level of hearing impairment...so, the ever concerned Criminal-In-Chief writes his diatribes in CAPS, to help them hear his ideas better.

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Trump is one endless thread of a threat. He is only interested in all things, Trump. If for some pathological reason you agree with his message of exclusion, then he is your man. I, however disagree with his warped sense of America where the rich and powerful rule over everyone else. I do not wish someone ruling over me. I prefer to be governed not ruled over and especially not Trump. We have all seen the death and destruction his reigned brought to this land. He wants to build an oligarchy not a democracy where laws apply to everyone. You will have your day in Court soon, Mr. Trump.

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ORANGE MAN BAD! How does it feel to let him live in your head rent free? JOIN THE RESISTANCE, SPONSORED BY PFIZER AND CNN! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-follow-the-science-join-the-resistanc

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When you troll here does Putin pay you in dollars or in rubles?

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Everyone who I disagree with is a Russian troll. Putin bad, Zelensky good!

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Donald Trump is a deeply disturbed mental ill person.

His cultist supporters are just as deeply disturbed and mentally ill.

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Dying--this is brilliant! LOL!

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