When do we get to start pointing out to people who say Biden is too old and infirm to run the country that he has, in fact, been running the country for a couple years now? Like, tell people to turn off the noise and look at what’s actually happening? What decision do we think he made differently because he’s too old and weak?

Because I’m not seeing much. Actuarial issues aside, the man looks a lot more capable of running the country on a sound basis than the plausible alternative.

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Here's a question for next week's Friday Mailbag, perhaps: What are your thoughts regarding ranked-choice voting. The very idea of it, does it result in higher quality winners, would/could it ever be adopted broadly across the nation (particularly for Presidential primaries and generals). I was thinking about this while reading one of your mailbag responses today regarding why the Rs and Ds appear to be headed toward the same two nominees again. I like to think I'm one that pays attention to politics, above mere name recognition, but I do introduce into the calculous of my vote who is most likely to win so I don't waste my vote. I am attracted to ranked-choice voting, which is not available where I vote.

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Today’s mailbag hit home. I have become apathetic about politics the last several years. Some of that is due to chasing two small children. Some of it is due to the inability to have an honest and frank discussion about important issues as you mentioned today.

I’ve followed you here since you kicked things off a few months ago. Today I became a subscriber. I appreciate your approach and value the content you provide here. Keep up the great work.

La Cheeserie!

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Chris, since you’re a fan of O’Brian’s books you must, if you haven’t already, grab a copy of David Grann’s “The Wager.”

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Here are a few questions I'd like to see Republican leaders have the strength and character to answer honestly: Does it matter to you what Trump did? In other words, if you were given definitive, incontrovertible evidence that he really did do the things he's been accused of, would that change your view of his indictments? And should the act of running for president really prevent someone from being indicted. "Well, he did these bad things, but he's announced his candidacy for president, so now we can't do anything about it," said the prosecutor.

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Follow up question about Biden's age/polling: You've written a few pieces on Sen. Feinstein recently...Do you think her situation is impacting the perception of how Biden's age/functionality is viewed now and projecting into the near future? Are people making a correlation between the two? It seems like a real-time cautionary tale for Biden with no good options...retire because you can no-longer do the job or hold on as long as possible and do the job poorly (or not up to standard) which for POTUS has a pretty high standard (with certain exclusions...)

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But Biden has been doing his job and has been doing it well. Feinstein on the other hand shows every sign of old age and has been absent from the job until recently. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden thought privately, it’s time for Dianne to go!

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