Trump's assertion that he could shoot somebody without losing any vote was true and still true among the Republicans and not the whole American. Exhibi no. One, he lost the 2020 general election and also the Republicans lost the 2018 and 2022 midterms. As far as I know ,he has not even shot anybody and yet he lost.

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I'm getting tired of Tim Scott portrayed as Mr. Nice Guy. When he attacks Democrats as the "radical left" he's not someone who will bring us together. He's a soft-spoken reactionary who nonetheless demonizes half the country.

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He's playing the Trumpist card, just doing it with a positive demeanor and a warming smile. Well, as they say, you can put lipstick on a pig... Nonetheless, I think we can all agree that a Tim Scott presidency is not the existential threat that a 2nd Trump presidency would be.

I try to look at the Republican nominee as who would pose the least threat to the nation and I would be happy to have lose to Joe Biden in 2024.

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As a South Carolinian, I agree!

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My guess is that if anyone ends up a serious threat to Trump, it’s likely a scenario where a person with high favorables benefits from Christie “loosening the lid” for them, and then they open the jar. I’m not convinced a candidate can maintain high favorables while seriously trying to wound Trump.

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Chris, I agree with you. If not DeSantis, then who. For me, Christie has it in him to derail Trump to a point. Christie may be able to bring Trump down a peg or two but don’t see him toppling Trump for the nomination as too many don’t like him. Christie has nothing really to lose at this point, so go on the attack. Christie, like Trump, is loud and in your face and could garner some votes but not enough. I’d love to see Asa Hutchinson move forward and topple Trump, he at least is critical of Trump. However, he’s not loud and in your face and won’t get very far, although, he seems to be a sane person but not where the country is right now. Not sure about Tim Scott, just don’t seem him toppling Trump, but could he get into 2nd place? Possibly. However, what then? He still won’t dismantle Trump and Trump is still the nominee. Don’t see how Trump can beat Trump unless quite a few of the major donors are like the Koch brothers and put money elsewhere. Although, Trump has a sizable war chest already. At this point, we need to think that Trump is the nominee and hope and pray Biden can pull it off a 2nd time. IMO, 2nd means nothing, at the end of the day the nominee will be Trump. It’s very discouraging that we, as a country, are going through this a 3rd time. Our democracy is at stake.

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The people Christy needs to convince to veer away from trump are the exact demographic that will not listen to him, and are not receptive to his arguments.

Just not seeing it.

Nobody can take out trump without completely damaging their primary prospects, yet to win the primary pretty much makes them toxic to the general electorate.

Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

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Chris - I think your listing is accurate at this point in time.

1. DeSantis - is not an attractive candidate outside of Florida - he might be done without some sort of extraordinary event to shake things up.

2. Christie - In 2015, Republican Voters did not like Trump, maybe even more than they supposedly do not like Christie today. And look what happened to Trump. Remember, the Trump bandwagon was initially attracted by his willingness to attack anyone - voters were attracted because they felt Trump would "...fight for them..." against anyone, the deep state, the globalists, the media, etc., whoever they wanted trump to fight. They liked he would troll anyone. Christie is tapping into some of this desire of the MAGA crowd to "...stick it to the man...", whoever the 'man' is. I sense he may catch fire and start reversing his dislikability polling...

3. Trump - you and Damon Linker are on to something here - it makes sense if anyone can derail Trump, it would be Trump himself - he is clearly working hard to accomplish this feat - keeping my fingers crossed.

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I think one key difference between Trump in 2015 versus Christie in 2024 is that in 2015, voters attached to Trump because he would attack the establishment on behalf of those voters that felt ignored. Since 2015, they have bonded with him; it's a full-on personality cult. So now, when Christie is going on the attack, for the cultists, when Christie attacks Trump, he attacks the cult. I think that's why Christie was booed at the recent Faith and Freedom conference when he criticized Trump as a poor leader that has let down the country.

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From your lips to Gods eat. Hoping and hoping for Christie to catch fire and Trump to derail himself. Not a huge Christie fan but he does have it in him. I was born and raised in NJ, lived there until2 years ago, Christie wasn’t the best governor but certainly not the worst. I won’t vote republican but would love the race to be between Christie & Trump for the nomination. I’d truly like Hutchinson & Trump but think Christie has a far better shot at it.

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I don't agree that Trump has survived the January 6 and the two criminal indictments. May be among the Republicans but certainly not among all Americans. We will know in 2024.

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It's more true today and it'll be even more true in a year. If Isaac Newton were alive today , he'd have to come up with a 4th law that refutes his first 3 laws because in the bizarro political environment we now find ourselves in balls roll uphill, balls that are at rest tend not to remain at rest, and balls in motion tend to stop.

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Jun 30, 2023
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One hope I have with Chris Christie is that, as he continues to grow support with his relentless attacks on Trump, even if he can't get the nomination, anyone that jumps on the Christie bandwagon has probably embraced the idea that Trump should never be president again. Christie has so far said that he will not vote for him if Trump is the nominee. While he didn't say he'd support Biden and rise above partisanship to put the country first (I don't think any candidate can say that and maintain credibility with this GOP), he did say he will just not cast a vote then. If Christie supporters follow his lead, especially in key swing states, it could give Biden the edge he needs. Combine that with any Asa and Will Hurd supporters, few in number though they be, and it further chips away at Trump's general election support.

I'm not sure how realistic that outcome is, but without hope, many of us would've crumbled under the weight of this BS insanity metastasizing throughout the Republican party. So, I continue to hope.

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