On the theory you have to hit rock bottom before you begin resurrecting yourself, I’d say Jordan is about as close as you can get. They still have Hannity and Trump to go, tho.

I’d like to be a “moderate” Republican in a Biden district next year explaining that I thought it was all good to give a rodeo clown my blessing for speaker. 😉

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“Sure I voted for someone John Boehner said was a legislative terrorist, but what’d want me to do, work with Democrats?”

To be fair, Jordan was also likely involved in coup attempt, so his anti-democratic résumé is broad.

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Rodeo clowns are responsible self-less people and take their jobs seriously when another’s life is at stake; JJ may look like a clown crawling into a dumpster fire, but his behind is onanistic and self serving.

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I never thought about how unfair the comparison to rodeo clowns was. Thank you. 😊

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The House "moderates' are the modern day equivalent of the "good Germans" who stood silent and watched as Storm Troopers in Berlin kicked people into the gutter.

But congratulations to Jungle Gym "what sexual abuse?" Jordan, the man who will assure a strong Democratic majority next year - assuming the republic can survive these Confederate traitors that long.

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I'm really worried about that survival thing. These mobsters respect no rules, no laws.

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This is one that I wish I didn’t agree with you on, Chris. However, looking at the tea leaves, it appears Jordan is pressuring hard and winning over the holdouts. It may be due to the whole chaos and standstill, just let’s get moving here. Yet, it is an utter disgrace. Jordan as speaker? Oh good lord, this is just so bad and wrong. The GOP has lost its way and the country is paying for it. We are going further down that cliff.

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There has never been a single column you’ve written where I hoped against hope that you were wrong as much as this one!

On the subject of “strategical” vs “tactical” thinking, there IS something to be said for what Jordan’s Speakership could do (maybe even WILL do) to the re-election prospects of those 18 some odd Republican congresspeople in “swing” districts in 2024, ie districts that voted overwhelmingly for Biden in 2020. In the “big picture”, it would likely guarantee Democrats retake the House by a significant margin, given the dysfunction of the Chaos Caucus will become even clearer over the coming year, as they pass nothing of consequence that will get through the Senate or White House.

However, can our somewhat tenuous grasp on “big D” Democracy withstand a year plus of what will likely be the House’s attempts to destroy it, with (pardon the pun) trumped up charges for Biden’s impeachment with absolutely NO evidence and more?

I just don’t know. Good god, Chris, please be wrong on this one!

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“Radical liberal Democrats!” What a joke! This is what our “leaders” say? The Republicans keep pushing their opposition as somehow inhuman, and unworthy of working with, a danger to everyone. So long as that is their message, we are in for a rough ride.

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The GOP in the House don't want a bipartisan speaker because they are not interested in serving the People. They want to push their agenda of striping entitlements from the seniors and poor. They want to push draconian rules on women and reproductive rights. They want to pull in the Christian right into government as a partner. We are in a world of hurt here for those of us who do not fit into their scheme of things.

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I just hope that, if Jordan wins, his career path takes the same direction as did that of the last 3 Republican speakers ...

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First, everyone should pause and take a beat. We should keep in mind the old adage, "Those who know, don't say. Those who say, don't know." This isn't about momentum. It's not a football game. There are real bitter divisions and palpable anger among Republicans. And the numbers are unforgiving. Anything short of 217 is a loss.

Last week, the highly respected and influential "moderate" Don Bacon (R-NE) publicly called on Republicans to work with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker. He's been floating that idea for a long time, and it's nearly inconceivable that he'd make such a public declaration if there weren't already negotiations underway. If he goes all in on that, a substantial number will go with him. The much maligned "moderates" and swing district R's are furious at the dysfunction and betrayals that have characterized McCarthy's MAGA-controlled tenure.

That Jim Jordan can bully a dozen or so McCarthy allies into backing his bid doesn't get him to 217.


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Let's all take a deep breath and remember that Jordan can only afford to lose four votes. That's it. Four votes. I'm not losing any sleep over Jordan becoming Speaker.

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Good point. The margin is narrow for sure. And I DO NOT think it is a done deal just yet.

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I read this to avoid reading more about the tragedies in Israel and Gaza—too depressing. It didn’t work; I’m just as depressed.

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They threatened people with violence. Our country is being destroyed by the MAGA loons. This is getting pretty dark, people.

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I laughed when McCarthy was ousted, because I thought he deserved it. But Jordan would be so much worse. Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

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Jim Jordan as speaker would be an absolute disaster for the country as a whole. A BEST CASE scenario would be a government shutdown until the next election, and I can't even contemplate what the worst case scenario would be (and Ukraine better realize that we are about to abandon it).

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To alter the apt Mencken quotation, "No one in this world, so far as I know ...has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the [Republicans] . Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.” The notion of the abject fool, enabler of sexual abuse, and insurrectionist -- Jim Jordan-- as Speaker and second in line of succession is a new low for a party that seems to keep searching in vain for the bottom.

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Are you certain that Scalise didn’t fold because the “hardball “ threats were directed at him and he didn’t have the courage for them? To me that seems more like a reason for an abrupt withdrawal than not immediately having the votes.

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Definitely a possibility. I think Scalise just didn't have the stomach for the fight, honestly.

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They movie, Idiocracy, didnt come close to depicting how bad its getting.

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