I’m having a hard time accepting reality. How can the most misogynistic, hateful ticket ever continue to attract female voters?

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Great question - also how do they attract minority voters with all the DEI candidate attacks?

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What, in your opinion can the Harris campaign learn from the Clinton campaign from 2016? What can Kamala do to avoid certain mistakes that perhaps Hillary made?

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Really interested in the answer to this question. TY for submitting it.

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I’ve seen alot of Pete Buttigieg on TV lately and every time he has been pitch perfect. You called him, “the single most naturally talented politician in the Democratic party right now.” Who else, if anyone, do you consider to be in the same tier as Pete (or close) as far as talented politicians?

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I believe it was actually Damon Linker that said that quote and it was about Gretchen Whitmer. Of Buttigieg, Linker said: "a guy whose smooth, hyper-articulate way of speaking marks him as a smarty pants who’s also a little bit too polished. The guy comes off like he thinks he’s the smartest person in the room and wants to demonstrate it to you." 😬

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Oh, I was going off what Chris wrote under #7 here:


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You're right, my bad! That quote is just eerily similar to what Linker said in Chris' post today here:


Linker and Cillizza, agree to disagree on Buttigieg I guess.

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I keep seeing more and more “focus groups” of DJT supporters (the latest in Wisconsin via MSNBC earlier this week, albeit a small group of 5 women) who flat out say that the election will be stolen if he does not win. Is there nothing at this point that can be done to change this alarming narrative?

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If you were Kamala Harris, how would you address immigration?

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A two-part question:

If Harris wins, what will be the biggest political fight next year? If Trump wins, what will be the biggest political fight next year?

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Does Kelly being a veteran enhance his VP creds, especially since Vance is touting his?

Can’t you hear the debate line already!:

“ I flew combat missions in the Gulf War, while your service consisted of picture taking and writing fluff pieces for Stars n Stripes! Oh yeah, did I mention I flew into outer space ?!

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You have Josh Shapiro leading your Harris VP power rankings. Wouldn't his being Jewish work against him, both because of the potential to exacerbate the burgeoning Democratic fault line over Israel and the war in Gaza, and because of the perceived need to have as "normal" (straight, white, Christian, male) a running mate as possible for Harris?

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Hey Chris! I’d love to see an analysis of Biden’s “farewell” speech from you. There were some in the So What Chat last night that I strongly feel were totally offbase and insulting, and I’d like to see a calmer more objective viewpoint.

Sure, Biden stumbled a bit, but we know that he’s slower now AND has COVID, and I think the lack of compassion and graciousness for the man choosing of his own accord to stand down and hand the reins of power to “younger voices” is uncalled for. He deserves some respect. Yes, I understand that it took him (maybe?) too long to agree with the voices he trusts, but I believe that if he’d done this at any other time, we Democrats would have become the hair-on-fire group we have the tendency in being. Instead? An almost miraculous handoff to Kamala and a HUGE sense of unity and purpose in the Party going forward.

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After the debate, I kept hearing, "we'll have to wait to see how this affects polling over the next few weeks." I feel like we got new polling within days of Biden announcing his withdrawal. What's the difference?

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How different would/will a Harris-Trump debate be from a Biden-Trump debate? Would Trump act any differently?

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Or should Harris even debate Trump? It seems that doing so legitimizes the candidacy of an insurrectionist, and someone convicted of multiple felonies and sexual assault. Doesn’t allowing him on the debate stage reward his behavior? We’re not going to learn anything new about the guy, as he will just regurgitate the usual grievances and lies.

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Biden already debated him, so that ship has sailed. The only way for her to have a hope of reaching anyone who isn’t already going to vote for her is to share debate stage with him.

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If president trump knew president biden was going to resign, do you think he would’ve picked a different vp?

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Harris’ numbers have definitely improved over Biden’s nationally and in swing states. The real question is whether there is staying power in those numbers given the so-called honeymoon phase. It’s hard to tell at this point and I suspect, like it not, that we’ll slowly see more of a reversion to the pre-debate norms for the same polls. The converse is this is an abnormal election for so many reasons that maybe they don’t change and it stays a nail-biter.

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Part of Trump's attraction to his supporters is apparently with white voters, who feel the system has left them behind. The Democratic Party considers itself a big tent party and was traditionally the party of labor. With this background, is there anything Harris can do to appeal to some of the white voters who may be attracted to Trump?

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Do you think trump pushing this idea that Biden dropping out from the campaign being unfair hurts his persona of someone who never backs down? Does it make Trump sound whiny?

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Do you notice in Kamala Harris speeches, the tendency to talk about policy and then immediately follow up with a buzzword? It’s very different from usually boring democrat speeches.

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