I Disagree with you sating that Biden may not be the best person to beat Trump and therefore he should step down. Biden has done a lot for the country in his first term and he is going to do even better in his second term, regardless of what the nay sayers and talking heads are saying.You mentioned his handling of the Economy. Well, the economy by all measures is doing very well; inflation is rapidly cooling off, now at 3.1%, gas prices are down, Unemployment is historically low, GDP is up, Stock Markets at record high, Consumer confidence is rising, wages rise is outpacing inflation. And Interest rate is going to be heading south from next year. That is that. You also mentioned the foreign wars that are raging now. Biden has done exceptionally well there too. Trump's beloved Dictator, Putin would have taken over Ukraine by now if not for the able and competent efforts of Joe Biden. Biden did not start the war. Also, in the Middle east, Biden did not start the war there, but he has also handled it very well. Now, you mention his age as usual but forgot to mention that Trump is also just as old. The press and the poll stars can continue to sing the doom and gloom song for Joe Biden trying to create this false aura of inevitability that Biden is going to lose.

When rubber hits the road [When real people go to vote], Biden is going to WIN

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Thank you Doctor. Trump’s age needs to be in the spotlight as well. Along with his overall health, both physical and mental. Why does Trump getting a pass on his age?

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Good read Chris. I am not convinced. Both candidates have flaws, they are both old. One works behind the scenes, one is the scene.

I think that at the end of the day all dems will support Biden and non mouth breather independents will also vote for Biden.

The crazy train might have been a good song but a good candidate it does not make.

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And the crazy train is getting crazier by the day.... every time he opens his mouth... he really is going full on dictator

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Your points are convincing. BUT it’s too late to change horses. The democrats are literally betting the country that they can beat Trump. I’ve said before the messaging has to illustrate the facts of a Trump presidency. As was stated before and bears repeating: TRUMP IS RUNNING TO STAY OUT OF JAIL and extract vengeance.

ONE MAN is trying to destroy America.

Why can’t they turn up the volume where they need swing voters and independents?

Act like the Lincoln Project! Be aggressive and direct. Show pictures of Jack smith being arrested by a Trump sycophant. Show pictures of the Statue of Liberty crumbling. And yes, the stock market crashing owing to domestic and international disdain for his policies. Finally, Putin jumping for joy while he annexes Ukraine. These are not hyperbole. These could and might happen. It’s time to go to 4 alarms about Trump.

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I don't pay much attention to the polls in an uncontested race 11 months out. I think the problem isn't Joe, its Kamala, she doenst make voters comfortable. So when voters look at Joe and his age, they see Kamala. Joe should dump her for Whitmer, Buttigieg or some other pol under 60 years.

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Kamala may be a problem , but Joe is one too. And it’s pretty tough to dump the first POC VP when she has done nothing wrong. Joe should step aside. LBJ did just that after the New Hampshire primary under somewhat similar facts

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Totally agree. The fact that an orange buffoon facing 91 indictments leads Biden in virtually every poll has convinced me that Joe needs to step aside. Put Whitmer, Newsom or Buttigieg up against Trump and then make the election about the old guy who isn't fit to serve anymore.....or ever.

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This is a chicken and egg story in my opinion. What came first, the polls and the media and the more they talked about it, the more people think and believe it. If we could get two or so months without everyone doing polls and then commenting on their own created news, and the media just spoke about all that Biden has accomplished and all that Trump did when he was President and says what he wants to do next, I bet the polls would, at that point, improve. I'm really tired of hearing about polls since before a year til the election. Stop the polls and let Biden go run his game.

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Can we ditch Clarence Thomas first?

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Oh! And also DITCH MITCH.

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The hand-wringing from Democrats fearful of their own shadow is so tiresome.

Joe Biden can and probably will win in 2024. Every election is an "either-or" choice. Trump is objectively the wrong choice.

The polling is irreverent since almost all of them have huge undecided. Most almost or more than 10%.

The economy has all the signs of not only avoiding recession but further strengthening (it's better than at any time during the last guy's reign of terror).

This continual inane "should Biden drop out" musings are more harmful than insightful. JUST STOP IT. It is NOT an option. PERIOD!!!!

There SHOULD be very serious talk if TRUMP is the one who should drop out, but Republicans are not hand-wringing chicken shits.

His baggage is like an two-ton anchor on a raft made of tied together reams of paper.

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Reading this article made a scene from a movie pop right in my head:

Lewis: People want leadership, Mr. President. And in the absence of genuine leadership, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want leadership. They're so thirsty for it, they'll crawl through the desert to a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand.

Shepherd: Lewis, we've had presidents who were beloved, who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand... because they don't know the difference.

The American President, 1995

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Oh and by the way, Chris, there was also another poll yesterday that showed Biden's approval at 43%. This is by Rasmussen. Your Readers might also want to know that and not just the so called bad ones

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I'm comfortable admitting that I'm very likely also subject to my gut overriding the facts I'm presented with (but I trust my gut more than other people's guts, so I'm allowed...lol...). But, still, more than any time in my lifetime it seems as though actual, real facts just don't matter. That amazes me. Not so much that facts are taken with some skepticism, but that they are tossed out as meaningless completely. I'm sure some psychologists or anthropologists have an explanation for that phenomenon, but I just don't get the complete dismissal of facts. Now, I think I'll take my fifth of healthy bourbon and sit out under the plaid sky, thank you very much.

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I have one comment: WHO ELSE? Dean Phillips?? Who else could fill Biden’s shoes and have accomplishments to run on? Who could take over and win?

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Gretchen Whitmer; Jared Polis; Amy Klobuchar; Andy Beshear. These are all successful Ds ib purple states. And don't you think it's way past time for a women POTUS. Think also about how well a women nominee would play in a year where abortion is such a big issue

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When I think about a candidate other than Biden, I think about how well the candidate could stand up to the onslaught of obscene vitriol that will be spewed forth by Donald Trump and his ghastly minions on Fox, Newsmax, OAN, and countless podcasts and winger media. Biden has been trashed and smeared by all of the above for three and a half years. There is almost nothing left to say. A new candidate would inspire a whole new panoply of grotesquerie. Plus the daily death threats. Whitmer doesn’t want it. Neither does Beshear. It’s a true conundrum. Biden needs to step into the fray and start hitting Trump back 24/7/365. And forget about this go high thing. He needs to fight the fight he’s in. Which is a no holds barred brawl on the daily. It’s the only way. I DO think it’s time for a woman POTUS. But does the country? In this era of toxic masculinity and thinly veiled misogyny.

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Consider three things: 1) the attacks on Joe ( age and Hunter) have basis in fact, although Rs distort both ;2) Joe was never a gifted speaker, and his abilities are diminished. Whitmer and the others have all been through campaigns. Most of their negatives should be known. It’s , of course, possible something else would come up , but they all are better able to deal with it than Joe; 3) middle of the road, suburban women are a key voting block. Whitmer can get them. And I guess the final point is , while the others’ potential is uncertain, Joe’s issues and bad numbers are manifest. I’m afraid it’s wishful thinking to believe he can right the ship.

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Don’t you think these factors will change for the better when he and The Ghoul are out there campaigning and The Ghoul has been declared the nominee and people who haven’t seen The Ghoul on the regular are now listening to his threats and his hate and his dangerous division? And as far as being a gifted speaker, I don’t really think The Ghoul is particularly gifted. He just screams and shouts and grabs attention with his hate and his threats. The Ghoul is going to drag ANY candidate down in the sewer with him if he can. I think what we all have to agree upon if we end up with Joe and The Ghoul in a rematch is to be ten toes down for Joe Biden 100%. If not, we will have The Ghoul for life. We have to make Biden’s success more than wishful thinking if it comes down to the rematch.

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I sample social media. There are too many memes of Joe looking bad or stuff re Hunter out there for it to get much better. I know it’s tough for the logical well-informed people on Chris’s feed to understand, but low info voters have largely come to the view that “ Trump may be a bad guy but things were better under him.” These people blame Biden for inflation and , given the Hunter mess, they say “ well, all these guys are bad.” Check out Tim Miller’s recent “Not My Party” video post on the Bulwark re recent polling of young people. Biden risks losing some of them b/c of the Middle East and/or 3rd party candidates. I will vote for Joe if he doesn’t pull out,but as you can tell, I’m very worried

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Self fulfilling prophecy due to polls.

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there's a severe asymmetry between Biden and Trump, Trump knows how to read the mood of voters and speak to their fears and dissatisfactions, Biden is an expert administrator who knows and trusts our institutions, Trump, the opposite ... is there any question that Biden has 'lost a step' in terms shaping and sharing his administration's objectives and accomplishments before the media and the American voter ... for better or worse age has been a factor here for Biden ...

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It’s definitely food for thought, Chris. I am conflicted on this and pray that polls turnaround after the first of the year. If Biden can get out and tout his accomplishments, campaign messaging needs to get out strong and make the name of the game accomplishments. I have heard some say that the people see the goodness of the economy after the numbers come out, it lags behind. So, consumers should be seeing an uptick in how the economy is, as opposed to right now. I would have liked to have seen not only Biden not run, but Trump not run also. At this point, it seems to be what it is. Not sure what the answer is.

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Smart points, but Joe doesn't have the capacity to carry the message, and the Hunter story, and similar influence peddling by James Biden, are going to continue to be in the news

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Good points. Those issues can bring Biden down, no doubt. Didn’t enter my mind as they ate non issues for me. No proof anything nefarious was going on involving Joe Biden, but neglected to think about the electorate

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I sample social media, and there are so many memes of Joe's physical and verbal stumbles and Hunter stuff that it has a cumulative effect. It's tough for well-informed, logical people like you and others on Chris's feed to understand how this plays with low info voters. And it's not as if the Hunter allegations are utterly devoid of merit. It was inappropriate for him to serve on the Burisma board w/o legit credentials while Joe had policy responsibility for the Ukraine. It wasn't illegal, but you have to be really informed to parse through the issues, especially since the Right just lies about it. Even without the lies, it's shady enough for some to say "all these pols are crooks but at least Trump...( fill in the blank)." The big thing these folks blame Biden for is inflation, even though his team has done better than most countries in fighting it. Bottom line: I'm very worried and would prefer to see Biden step aside

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Although I agree with some of your observations, I must admit I am getting pretty tired of the political pundits speaking of polls as if they are gospel. Regarding your comment: "And in politics, like in sports, you are what your numbers say you are." That is a mindless statement. In politics, it depends on the voter voting. Remember it is "we the people" who ultimately determine whether we are going to keep this Democracy or turn it over to a Party that now believes in Autocracy. More importantly, Biden doesn't run and the Republicans win! Unfortunately, the Democrats have no bench. So maybe it is time to communicate why my generation (78), Gen X; Millennials; and Gen Z should get out and vote.. And if they vote for Trump or maybe Nikki Haley who supports Trump's policies, I am glad I am in my twilight years and will not have to witness the darkening of that city upon a hill.

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