Welcome to the most important week in American politics this year!
On Thursday, President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump will debate in Atlanta. It’s the rare event that could actually change the trajectory of a race that, well, hasn’t changed much so far this year.
Why? Because there are going to be A LOT of eyeballs on the debate. By way of comparison, 84 million(!) people watched the first debate in 2016 between Trump and Hillary Clinton. And 73 million tuned in to the first Biden-Trump debate in 2020. I would expect this debate to get somewhere between 73 and 84 million viewers.
That same day we could — emphasis on could — get a ruling from the Supreme Court on Trump’s claims of total presidential immunity. That ruling — whatever it is — will determine the course of the expected trial into the former president’s actions around the 2020 election.
ONE of those events would make this week momentous. The possibility of both makes its historic.
As for me: I am headed to the West Coast this afternoon. San Diego, in particular. Which means a few things:
“The Morning” might be “The Mid-day” for this week since I am on Pacific time 😉
Posting may be slightly lighter as I am shepherding my son to and from soccer games
I need your recommendations of where to eat, where to drink (coffee!) and what to do in San Diego. Throw them in the comments section!
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