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Sep 4Edited

Excellent analysis by Chris.

Trump has not had an original idea in his life. He has always been a follower and never a leader.

The MAGA rhetoric, mindset, meanness, racism, misogyny and over the top demagoguery has been around for 25+ years before Trump slithered on the scene as birthed by Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh.

The anti-immigration and white supremacy “culture war” was instigated and ignited by Pat Buchanan who used the actual words “cultural war” in his divisive 1992 RNC speech after his failed campaign that doomed the incumbent (serious challenges to an incumbent always ends badly for the incumbent) G.H.W Bush reelection with these words….

“My friends, this election is about more than who gets what. It is about who we are. It is about what we believe, and what we stand for as Americans. There is a religious war going on in this country. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we shall be as was the Cold War itself, for this war is for the soul of America. And in that struggle for the soul of America, Clinton & Clinton are on the other side, and George Bush is on our side. And so, to the Buchanan Brigades out there, we have to come home and stand beside George Bush.”

In the late 90’s I stared posting on my first online forum. I stumbled upon it going down one of those rabbit holes that happen online.

It was far-FAR right wing. A short time after Bill Clinton’s re-election (and failed impeachment) it was fun to troll these lunatics as I took the name of their favorite insult to anyone they deemed not not sufficiently in their fox hole…Clintonista.

It drove them mad with rage.

Almost exactly the same vitriol coming from Trump was written by these people. Their disgust with the Republican party and their perceived weakness, was almost as strong as their hatred for Democrats and “libruls”.

They were all disciples of Rush Limbaugh and reveled in their devotion to his every utterance, calling themselves “Dittoheads” to signal their devotion and agreement with every racist, sexist, demagogic shrillness of Rush, as they (unaware of the hypocrisy) derided anyone outside their clique “sheeple”.

After Clinton won the 1992 election, Rush started each and every 5 day-a-week hate fest broadcast with this…..”Day (fill in the number of days since Clinton’s inauguration) of America held hostage”

Rush blamed “liberals” and Democrats for every ill everywhere. Calling them “evil” and likening liberalism to having a disease.

NOTHING that comes out of Trump’s mouth is anything new. His MAGA Cult was weaned on this stuff. All Trump did was make it his own, and say it out loud….just like the Dittoheads and the wing nuts I interacted with In that forum were BEGGING the Republican Party to embrace, while they preyed for the old GOP’s demise.

They finally got their wish and savior in Donald Trump.

So, yeah…Chris is spot on when he says that “There is zero interest among the party base to abandon the national populism of Trump.”

Although it may be more accurate to opine that “There is zero interest among the party base to abandon the national populism of Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan” Rush the father of MAGA, Buchanan the midwife.

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