Good grief, he just went to the same place THIS WEEKEND he was nearly killed at 3 months ago! Would you go back? Seriously? And you question his strength? I don’t know, sounds like some liberal looney talking point……
Good grief, he just went to the same place THIS WEEKEND he was nearly killed at 3 months ago! Would you go back? Seriously? And you question his strength? I don’t know, sounds like some liberal looney talking point……
As if it was the location that made him sound like an incoherent lunatic. What strength does it take to pump your fist and yell "fight, fight, fight" while surrounded by Secret Service? As I recall that's the same word he used on January 6 to incite the mob he had recruited. Here's one of his latest lines: These murderous illegals are grabbing girls from their parents and slicing them up before their very eyes. Do you believe that? Does he? What's the objective of that rhetoric? To use one of his go-to phrases, this is behavior in a presidential contender the likes of which we've never seen. He is driven not by strength, principle or truth, but by a pathologically thin-skinned ego, fueled by hate, meanness, and a divisiveness designed to tear the country down if he doesn't get what he wants, which is money, absolute fealty from others, and impunity from accountability. Do you have children or grandchildren? If this is what you admire and think is best for America, we have irreconcilably different values, but don't insult us with ridiculous justifications for the indefensible.
I read today where Trump's transition team is telling potential Cabinet appointees that they must demonstrate "loyalty" to Trump. I'm sure that means "complete loyalty", where they won't be allowed to disagree with him. Trump clearly wants to be a king. Having a president in mental decline with nobody around him to set him straight......what could go wrong? If you vote for that, you must want to burn the house down.
Good grief, he just went to the same place THIS WEEKEND he was nearly killed at 3 months ago! Would you go back? Seriously? And you question his strength? I don’t know, sounds like some liberal looney talking point……
As if it was the location that made him sound like an incoherent lunatic. What strength does it take to pump your fist and yell "fight, fight, fight" while surrounded by Secret Service? As I recall that's the same word he used on January 6 to incite the mob he had recruited. Here's one of his latest lines: These murderous illegals are grabbing girls from their parents and slicing them up before their very eyes. Do you believe that? Does he? What's the objective of that rhetoric? To use one of his go-to phrases, this is behavior in a presidential contender the likes of which we've never seen. He is driven not by strength, principle or truth, but by a pathologically thin-skinned ego, fueled by hate, meanness, and a divisiveness designed to tear the country down if he doesn't get what he wants, which is money, absolute fealty from others, and impunity from accountability. Do you have children or grandchildren? If this is what you admire and think is best for America, we have irreconcilably different values, but don't insult us with ridiculous justifications for the indefensible.
I read today where Trump's transition team is telling potential Cabinet appointees that they must demonstrate "loyalty" to Trump. I'm sure that means "complete loyalty", where they won't be allowed to disagree with him. Trump clearly wants to be a king. Having a president in mental decline with nobody around him to set him straight......what could go wrong? If you vote for that, you must want to burn the house down.
Big flipping deal!