Dementia, senility, or simply the effects of normal aging, Trumpty-Dumpty is not capable of leading this country and should never again be anywhere near the Oval Office, unless he's in shackles while the jury is visiting the scene of the crimes he committed.

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Yes we all saw that at the debate in June and still no 25th amendment talk?

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Okay. You dump Trump and we'll dump Biden. Obviously neither is as sharp as they once were. That would leave us with Vance vs. Harris. Both relatively young and intelligent. Deal?

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The Dems already dumped JB, don’t you remember when they booted the most powerful man on the planet off the ticket?

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Yes, the Dems collectively realized that Biden was no longer up for four more years and asked him to step aside. Eventually he agreed and, as a party, now we are in a far better place going into November. But isn't this thread about Trump?

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Yes, “the Dems” did make that decision, never mind the 14 million US citizens that voted for JB to be on the ticket. Something just doesn’t smell right about that.

You can agree?

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I understand what you’re saying. If Harris gets less than 14 million votes in the general election, I will come back here and say Dutch was right about this.

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No, I don't agree. If Biden didn't choose to step down, he would have been the nominee. The delegates were his, fair and square. Once he decided not to run, the Democratic delegates had to replace him. There was no time to hold another nationwide primary. If something unexpected had happened to Trump after the primaries but before the convention, the GOP would have been in the same boat. The Republican delegates would have chosen a different nominee. What else could be done?

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End of the day - you’re not addressing the key issue NOW - the Republican running for president is showing major signs of cognitive decline and it ain’t gonna get better with time. He needs to retire to an over 55 golf community and focus his time on his myriad of legal problems and how to stay out of an orange jumpsuit.

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Biden slowed and aged significantly in the four years since his election a president. In 2020 he still appeared energetic, spoke in a clear and fairly strong voice. He has been a terrific president. In 2024 Biden’s step is halting, his voice is unsteady, and while his mental faculties appear intact, his presentation is weak. Donald J Trump is a few years younger, began his quest for presidential power in 2016, and now at 78 years old shows the decline that we’d expect over 8 years in a person of that age…as well as a significant drop in whatever mental acuity he began with, and a worsening of his personality disorder. His father suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, it is entirely possible that the precipitous decline that we’ve seen in Donald means that he has inherited that tendency. Both Parties should have thought long and hard before running an elderly candidate in 2024. The Democrats fixed their problem by encouraging Biden to step aside in favor of the excellent Kamala D Harris. Sadly for Republicans, whose Party has devolved into a personality cult based on Trump…they literally cannot have him step aside or their entire structure falls down. They can’t have Trumpism without Donald J Trump.

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A very fair analysis, but I love how you just slide “terrific” and “excellent” in there. Those two sentences are entirely different debates than Trump’s and Biden’s age and cognition.

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My comment, my biases!

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Okay, fair enough!

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Chris - I think the big question is why it took the NYT so long to point this out. 4 weeks before the election? These signs have been evident for months. Don’t think it makes a difference either way but they’re a little late to the party with this article coming out now

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The same Chris is the one who writes incessantly about Biden's age ad also parroting MAGA's talkif points about Biden's age and his supposedly cognitive decline. Now he's trying to minimize Trump's agaging and cognitive blunting that's obvious for all to see.

You can fool some people some of the time but not all the people all of the time. Trump is old and mentally and morally unfit to be the President.

That's why he is avoiding the Press , refused to sit down for an interview with CBS, and refusing to debate Harris. If it was Biden or Harris that refused to do any of these, Chris and the MAGA crowd screaming that they afraid to interview with the Press or to debate. Double standards

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I don’t know. Trump avoiding the press? He avoids taking questions, but I wouldn’t say he avoids the press. He can’t seem to live without press. I don’t think mental decline explains any of those. Biden did avoid the press and the public. We know why. I don’t see a double standard on this. Chris’ coverage of this has been fair.

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Exactly! I don’t believe a word he said, he’s simply a Trump supporter who would willingly foist a demented man on the American public without a single thought of the consequences!

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Mentally AND morally unfit is spot on, Doc.

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Chris, the thing that both you and the NYT piece didn’t address, is the multitude of evidence that Trump has been, and currently is, cognitively deficient.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster reportedly dismissed Trump as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner”. Defense Secretary James Mattis told aides that Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader.” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly called Trump a “moron” for his bungling and incompetence. Erick Erickson: “The president exudes incompetence and instability.”

Trump demonstrated his literal ignorance prior to becoming president, demonstrated it throughout his presidency, and continues to exhibit it whenever he speaks. He simply is ignorant of just everyday, run of the mill stuff. He doesn’t know policy, and he hasn’t an idea of how government works.

So to question whether or not he may be in cognitive decline, rather misses the big picture.

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A rose by any other name…. Away with the technical analysis. Listen to what he is saying! There are two main categories. One is the completely incoherent stream of conscious - meandering thoughts that range from child care costs to tariffs, for instance. And speaking of tariffs, just how completely ignorant he is of any policy. Tariffs will help Americans? Windmills cause cancer? Bleach will fix COVID?

But also the other category of speech, which is completely coherent. He will jail his opponents. he will limit what the press can do. He will throw away the Constitution. The constant stream of lies.


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There is "something dreadfully wrong" with Trump, but 'aging' is just a minor player....

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When Chris writes...

"He’s clearly more limited verbally. He’s less able to call up words he wants to use. He is slower.

All of these things are true.

And, based on what I have read, all of these things are consistent with the effects of age. They are not evidence, as some on the left like to suggest, that Trump has dementia or some other major cognitive ailment."

If you replace the name "Trump" with "Biden" and "left" with "right" it SCREAMS double standard.

Chris HOUNDED Joe Biden to leave the race, and actually wrote a piece about "Trumpian Democrats" https://chriscillizza.substack.com/p/chris-crucial-how-democrats-became

My post in response to that column is even more salient in light of Chris's's DEFENSE of Trump's obvious mental illness.


President Biden was not only vilified from the "right"....the "media" which has been cockholded by the right repeated their over-the-top accusations ad nauseam.

Yet, the reality is that Trump for years has shown he is DEEPLY mentally and emotionally disturbed. Generally swept aside (more and more today) as "Trump being Trump".

There is no doubt whatsoever that Trump has an extreme case of narcissist personality disorder. Take a look at the symptoms of NPD and try and deny that Trump has every single one.


The "media" is complicit in brushing aside Trump's obvious mental illness, while elevating (and parroting the MAGA Trump Cult) Joe Biden's normal aging as if it was disqualifying.

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I beg everyone to view his rally last week from Waunakee Wisconsin. The part where he veers wildly off course and starts to talk about a lemonade stand he ran as a kid in Brooklyn is amazing. He struggles for words and looks confused.

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Comment section never misses. The same group that would chastise Chris for saying anything negative about Biden’s age is now criticizing him because he didn’t go far enough to attack former Pres. Trump for the exact same issue.

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So I did a bit of research online to get a handle on what cognitive decline actually IS...here are some of the symptoms listed, which you alluded to, Chris, this morning in your "So What" video:

• Forgetting names or details of conversations

• Difficulty finding the right words

• Personality or behavior changes

Another observation which you did not mention, but which I believe applies to DonOLD:

• Difficulty focusing on a task (such as, reading ONLY what's on the prompter)

Some lifestyle factors that are linked to cognitive decline, which apply to DonOLD:


--Lack of physical exercise

--Problems with memory, language, or judgment

These symptoms were gleaned from the Mayo Clinic and Alzheimers.gov, and I believe they are evident. You are one gracious guy, Chris, to cut DonOLD so much slack, but my assessment is he is in cognitive decline...among other things.


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Chris, I have been an admirer of you and your work for quite some time. I am growing increasingly concerned that your writing and analysis are becoming more shallow than you want and we supporters deserve. Do you just have so many good things going for you right now that you are simply unable to take the time necessary to do the critical thinking which has produced so many terrific pieces in the past?

Now, on to the topic at hand.

Aren’t the demonstrated results, whether caused by aging or cognitive decline (or a combo) enough? In other words, what difference does the cause make?

You seem to significantly downplay the potential dangers of Trump’s cognitive decline by framing substantial and troubling behavioral changes as merely expected signs of aging, rather than examining their potential impact on his ability to lead and make rational decisions for the good of the country. By portraying his increasingly “darker, harsher, longer, angrier, less focused, more profane” speeches as typical of someone in their late seventies, you gloss over the implications these changes may have for his fitness to serve as president or just as a human being.

Rather than exploring the serious questions these changes raise about Trump’s judgment, decision-making abilities, or impulse control, you seem to excuse them as natural results of aging. This framing effectively minimizes the risks by treating them as a mere side effect of growing older, rather than potential symptoms of significant cognitive impairment.

By downplaying these shifts, you neglect to address how these behaviors could impact his ability to handle the immense pressures and responsibilities of the presidency. You acknowledge Trump’s slower speech and reduced verbal agility, yet dismiss these as irrelevant to concerns about dementia or other cognitive issues. This dismissal fails to engage with the reality that such cognitive changes could compromise Trump’s capacity to make quick, well-reasoned decisions, particularly in high-stakes situations.

Ultimately, by framing these alarming changes as a mere byproduct of aging rather than potential evidence of cognitive decline, you provide a reassuring narrative that seems to obscure the severity of the situation. This minimization could mislead readers into underestimating the potential dangers associated with Trump’s cognitive changes and, in turn, diminish the urgency with which voters might otherwise evaluate his capacity to serve as president.

All that said, now add in his well-known NPD.

When cognitive decline or the effects of aging are compounded by narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), the potential risks and challenges become even more pronounced, particularly for someone in a position of power. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by traits such as an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, a lack of empathy, and a tendency to exploit others for personal gain. These characteristics can interact with cognitive decline or age-related changes in ways that may exacerbate problematic behaviors and decision-making.

If someone with NPD is experiencing cognitive decline, the effects can be particularly alarming because:

1. Impaired Decision-Making and Judgment: NPD already predisposes individuals to make decisions based on self-interest rather than objective analysis or the needs of others. Cognitive decline can further erode their judgment, making them less capable of weighing options or considering consequences rationally. This could lead to impulsive or reckless decisions, especially in situations where empathy and foresight are critical.

2. Increased Paranoia and Aggression: Narcissistic individuals often react defensively to perceived threats to their self-esteem or authority. Cognitive decline can amplify feelings of insecurity, potentially resulting in heightened paranoia, anger, or even aggression. This can lead to more volatile interactions with others and undermine stable leadership.

3. Inability to Accept Criticism or Assistance: People with NPD typically struggle to accept criticism or acknowledge their limitations. If cognitive decline is present, they might become even more resistant to acknowledging it or accepting help, potentially refusing necessary support or evaluations. This can exacerbate the decline and prevent appropriate interventions.

4. Difficulty Adapting to New Information: NPD often comes with rigid thinking and a preference for self-serving narratives. Cognitive decline can further impair flexibility in thinking, reducing the person’s ability to adjust their views or learn from new information. This can lead to a dangerous level of inflexibility, where they double down on harmful or misguided decisions.

5. Disinhibition and Lack of Empathy: Cognitive decline can cause disinhibition, leading to impulsive, unfiltered actions and speech. In someone with NPD, who already lacks empathy, this can result in a heightened disregard for others’ feelings and needs, potentially harming relationships and eroding public trust.

In short, when cognitive decline or age-related changes intersect with narcissistic personality disorder, the result can be a magnified risk to effective leadership, especially in roles that require complex decision-making and an ability to put others’ needs first. For individuals in positions of authority, these compounded factors can lead to instability, unpredictability, and potentially harmful outcomes for those they lead. Therefore, understanding the interplay between these conditions is crucial for evaluating the risks and implementing safeguards when necessary.

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my father is 81 - has a touch of dementia. Drops f bombs all of the time now, especially when watching Fox News. He never used to be this way. Disclaimer: not a scientific study

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Chris, please check out the podcast Shrinking Trump. Two Psychiatrists go through his weekly speeches and provide insight into his mental state. He is a lot like a third grader. Someone says something about him, and he says “I know you are but what am I?” I believe his darker speech is because he is paranoid, and worried about facing jail time for all of his criminality!

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

These are not good signs. Deniers will think its fake. If a person has not ever watched someone they love age and die....they can't comprehend what it's about. Having done this to end of life with 3 people that were my life....this is truth. I can't imagine those folks bother about age.

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Why do you refer to people as “the liberal left” and then “the left?” As a political writer, you surely know that some scholars make those two separate groups, and that at least since John Birch days, Republicans have sought to link “left” with communism.

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