Biden slowed and aged significantly in the four years since his election a president. In 2020 he still appeared energetic, spoke in a clear and fairly strong voice. He has been a terrific president. In 2024 Biden’s step is halting, his voice is unsteady, and while his mental faculties appear intact, his presentation is weak. Donald J Tru…
Biden slowed and aged significantly in the four years since his election a president. In 2020 he still appeared energetic, spoke in a clear and fairly strong voice. He has been a terrific president. In 2024 Biden’s step is halting, his voice is unsteady, and while his mental faculties appear intact, his presentation is weak. Donald J Trump is a few years younger, began his quest for presidential power in 2016, and now at 78 years old shows the decline that we’d expect over 8 years in a person of that age…as well as a significant drop in whatever mental acuity he began with, and a worsening of his personality disorder. His father suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, it is entirely possible that the precipitous decline that we’ve seen in Donald means that he has inherited that tendency. Both Parties should have thought long and hard before running an elderly candidate in 2024. The Democrats fixed their problem by encouraging Biden to step aside in favor of the excellent Kamala D Harris. Sadly for Republicans, whose Party has devolved into a personality cult based on Trump…they literally cannot have him step aside or their entire structure falls down. They can’t have Trumpism without Donald J Trump.
A very fair analysis, but I love how you just slide “terrific” and “excellent” in there. Those two sentences are entirely different debates than Trump’s and Biden’s age and cognition.
Biden slowed and aged significantly in the four years since his election a president. In 2020 he still appeared energetic, spoke in a clear and fairly strong voice. He has been a terrific president. In 2024 Biden’s step is halting, his voice is unsteady, and while his mental faculties appear intact, his presentation is weak. Donald J Trump is a few years younger, began his quest for presidential power in 2016, and now at 78 years old shows the decline that we’d expect over 8 years in a person of that age…as well as a significant drop in whatever mental acuity he began with, and a worsening of his personality disorder. His father suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, it is entirely possible that the precipitous decline that we’ve seen in Donald means that he has inherited that tendency. Both Parties should have thought long and hard before running an elderly candidate in 2024. The Democrats fixed their problem by encouraging Biden to step aside in favor of the excellent Kamala D Harris. Sadly for Republicans, whose Party has devolved into a personality cult based on Trump…they literally cannot have him step aside or their entire structure falls down. They can’t have Trumpism without Donald J Trump.
A very fair analysis, but I love how you just slide “terrific” and “excellent” in there. Those two sentences are entirely different debates than Trump’s and Biden’s age and cognition.
My comment, my biases!
Okay, fair enough!