Your opinion unless you can confirm through medical chart. Many disagree with you. That is our opinion. Biden has provided statements from doctors. You could say that doctors are lying. Your opinion. You think Trump is super human. That is my opinion of how you tout his presidency if elected in your comments. Many here disagree. That is …
Your opinion unless you can confirm through medical chart. Many disagree with you. That is our opinion. Biden has provided statements from doctors. You could say that doctors are lying. Your opinion. You think Trump is super human. That is my opinion of how you tout his presidency if elected in your comments. Many here disagree. That is our opinion. This Trump presidency that you say is coming better be really excellent and all fixed following the 24 hours after inauguration and should be all rainbows and sunshine for four years.
Like good old Rush Limbaugh used to say, I live it realville. He stepped down due to immense pressure from the party bc he was losing and losing very badly. The debate cemented this decision. The American people saw through the lie that was being told, he’s so much better behind closed doors, liberal SNL even mocked that idea! He was forced out! Dems glad he’s gone! They were looking at a Reagan landslide all over again if he stayed.
We've moved on stating as one of the 14 million. Time for you to catch up with the other 13,999,999 people and let go of the Dem and Independent past. November 5 is the only true day that counts. You hold such promise and said so much on your candidate. Great! Looking forward to seeing your candidate delivering all the goods 24 days after inauguration if elected and that the new world order of sunshine and lollipops happens each and every day as you said. It is your word through context and intent. I'm still skeptical but you have all the confidence. It's terrible exciting to know that all 300+ million people in USA are going to rich beyond our dreams and we finally have peace on earth through Trump on day after he does his' I'm a dictator' thingy. You said and it will be so.
Your opinion unless you can confirm through medical chart. Many disagree with you. That is our opinion. Biden has provided statements from doctors. You could say that doctors are lying. Your opinion. You think Trump is super human. That is my opinion of how you tout his presidency if elected in your comments. Many here disagree. That is our opinion. This Trump presidency that you say is coming better be really excellent and all fixed following the 24 hours after inauguration and should be all rainbows and sunshine for four years.
Like good old Rush Limbaugh used to say, I live it realville. He stepped down due to immense pressure from the party bc he was losing and losing very badly. The debate cemented this decision. The American people saw through the lie that was being told, he’s so much better behind closed doors, liberal SNL even mocked that idea! He was forced out! Dems glad he’s gone! They were looking at a Reagan landslide all over again if he stayed.
We've moved on stating as one of the 14 million. Time for you to catch up with the other 13,999,999 people and let go of the Dem and Independent past. November 5 is the only true day that counts. You hold such promise and said so much on your candidate. Great! Looking forward to seeing your candidate delivering all the goods 24 days after inauguration if elected and that the new world order of sunshine and lollipops happens each and every day as you said. It is your word through context and intent. I'm still skeptical but you have all the confidence. It's terrible exciting to know that all 300+ million people in USA are going to rich beyond our dreams and we finally have peace on earth through Trump on day after he does his' I'm a dictator' thingy. You said and it will be so.